study needs inpdtfro .mfirst-tim moers - I* dmn Cboab 4111o - pý a wme a iltmo dPae m wo? Cohe ?iuomwkauýa~ ieu. appoaemn aml. wu. Thei auoe 97is« MWw~m u~ad~ NisP~~Ao ie-umoa . am a Pri'hoiow . 4IcbÀm du U Mdun pwd flit oe Md la ibmib oei à liair -Aly WmiI.Ie n d hophmil i n Ili a .. %0 thew u ob tille asahail> inuc en 1wh Wubpu uiap =9 ~ ~ t dun 9=0 = h e lai het b.II*I U = pnW asiaimiu~l o. lo oueAm .pM" in Nob..Pyw Psy, mlaaidb. id' uU b.,de bnemU Pl-,ca Chmp mo mab. hndo'tbu andp OduI the ib w du rf lina .du i dldm 1 Y« la - .dp conuo wlim 12 teon -i - - = tha ckvle. Milton aM .mu 8 hat wm~!otb. andpfailmdt b .d -ta litti sonn cdb-PW M'aa Tchu Zd __W" b.s h a n-duituor à du prDuhagyc ati ansbb Halton's garbage export needs may require environmental hearing, @y NOON NUZMo &Rwmiwt bpmwlb>'U£~dbm bh flitiIg ma -i Hioc gn"'s le Nifapn Wnm Sa on du cdu bIs, bu à 1bt àa dioip of us oua. due pqi.. sipy of ai m due aummw cd H aines a " - 230MX ~mwwostu - u Nagra au Synnst.tint total. utith a mxum85ff00 éplus. .r yuir. due ~dNI"- PUumeu - And due wo umne. fctiotam es the chou,,. of a frou watt. plarit in Nugar Falls. New >'ri 1,LandOU near Duana tha Héabs vas, usaamth uotiaa la Hal='%shqm« a, ccientl pkedai1l052M baoe dlser b thoan entipamd. Butonss:~atu~~:,~ ctdoeal p~* ai ~ A epti tl b pteatetu b>' planning and ulm ok delvealthsyerSdpw lmhoeef r t coainoer Bob Mca,. ta council tode>' ladicates thoat debwwl ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ li tMiW't iiiatsdoa tonnae tu Niagara Wollt, S>stes uîli " liea>'L lîméid, due se operational puNints and increaad pocted "by due end oi lune,. 1990 Road block resstnce ... WieteM.nistry of appnvdanr heom RESDMe <Nille 358 ge n quaai watNiagara I-Zlaiton tit ymr hi "bmd -th assons givet (for closote wrexse med not op"n, an>' increase in due total 2»0o0 tonne &obEdnmdponamistara tu managr of the Hiel- quta". ton Repta Couseritm Autit. pusited ote , In a"ltet ta Niagara Wane Systetu the envircrmeat cloSuta T'he authoriuy ownt propuai>' nurby and tl wor- mrunity sutil duat, 'btming fot Halton's net. sitt nal abli pomani liabtI miould an mpjuty ooetn. lie openational (et a proposeil stte ta Milton) tl a in t..t- Johr Van Eden. who sani lie has littil in the arv it o muni of 18 months. depending on factpors tuct as the 25 yeoir. wanted i W oper qun I-e alli tht eoat outcottuaof eOMchalituge. ripoline totall u aoe gabe vathd e t 1w ,o Il adviai the cotpaty to foepro an Enwuunmen- na ~ ~ ~~I taita in a ciessi. 1we wouhd toi Atemment Act htaîing l ilot= iecniuids want the 20-lact sen1pb.ditahmm sa moa- posalai wastt Imf (I-aitlon) b,>'ond AMuI. 19M." u. owalioe dlunlg tLeî7lMm supi touaf Millin. a cituans gxoup op hed Mai- Coun4iffW Bt.,. Aminbotouh. who mprements due wtt larlU chitote ani MbAWsuugabse National ores andi li inittal>' wvaate the cliofew wttidvaw Statut Pipe have launcitti court appeals apiaut the fluer support 1 don't ses an>' advantage. Whee air pn>ptued loadil tle. The appeals arm expociei to le the peutple that zned tdu pniabon' Tht>' don't tuin - uinJanuary. intecuatti ta neatgtmtet. Mr. Moore. ta ia ot, tInta titat FHbu Rep.o ha, Towa dm-rk 111 Rooea,mi aIl those who sugnei the requesti Niagar att = Syteos prepare for an En- partfon wete notifiait of duthe o Non. ai Outa-vunnuintal Asmsannnt lwpng but adiet. -we vil -mmdMona--The $WHi ptpulde hen ki Aiten- allo ie comtnuiag dicu»ste wtith minîty staff wtti ,gitwnitdw ha pnau itdunution bacillse not regard Io due recoutiatîaç of thft postion regard tng omonuci onmi a Thspoeudr bau. iutta applaug. d" ud f or ati a hmrtng~ RVMR( S~ubsn .~ b~ kiWi - - -~ - Wm~ vuim ,.873-4041 Tw .487-1752 qmm83.3-7117 flwl. -u SUPE LOCATIO ÇMULLOW AVE MILTON) GMU nl y hom WM main ft« fwWy mm vu. ae *g m4 . Wpe wth sobarale dirmnlng arooa. This hom s truly.a famIly &*Wi. Thme large be'KOome. uuai Ibonss* is llmaoe.m cen. air. lwp la«. Corn Iaok et -~ ~ à@..a u ab"ud On w.t. da à. omuilah bu ulie @k upii li id -" il 1bov -as- amy h tu,.- nuea, -uo o N du Opui thti ^ un tidon au E mi nalos b ." = ONFO OD o-m IciO pbmw hmai du n Mqb Utm U,.M. T~Wyeda. A-. ocEmp mub. b. dut but> - hulli ni d-W r n meu ttodi àbw duebela a reor la dui s btê. ,.a ormmu @in &hW dm*, duwt a omy an t.oe. aer of~ lisse chnw a t.âes bu « tatu diiiar b i.. llAp du mediar, xpeien a me oi>' n vl.a W d the rght.a, li bdond &bu h w didmkatt ti mpotntn dmnt oasa -ouc aie du Il'u Wfrre tothous apieto anm - aio nti u .Ma obe duuila bIiotuaiatt h Th loyllwtatg ehliathe tus run maktitta mtaatip tsi workesu ani empdu. due lililioo deA-elopafing otéete z ny on r esaluw hpa tevfu nuorn .wtatt dcar arangeueats lon be u b due aqm " bai lm>Md bmwb d. cmu l ad Tt.ibme âma lai dohe min - Wm OW NobflMy bonst tad comAmm to km eso *mmt ar M bc o ut t hm dano "oyhast mcMasu. plsbtaHaiton a bu ta ent blâme adth Pr't La.,- donsir ati el A c att d ît-a thei pot~~~i on tDetan the hoagcru neea :fiw-ta mimfeelinga tci tns. ptt ocoalta-t l»otf u Uatrmtty ai aC, notuta MSMséz tan éal b, nt Hut 549-4an is ing buv m te ra wt ro i, -~ p..- keach 10,000 Busnesses This December in THE HALTON BUSINESS REPORT a- TURING Industrial/Commercdal Development and GC-etngs Moon, Monday, Deembr il th Por advortmuig raies &W alore uàfomation SHl Joy GlIb.t (416) 878-2341