'Theatre- of the absurd - I Living ti Miton ight now a toxpayer coùld be Luagie Ssensing il la the wams of tintes on morne frontit The town ts abrioti undoubtedly aaddled wlth Haltons aiw 20 veut landAull To the west on the majestic Niagara Escup- trpli mînéng consortiunu blegit abouât the need ta ex- Pad roperations, anMlctiztg à visual and environmental Naight lapon southern Ontario's maoii admired naturai at- tributir Communî:y residentsal givwih as non -cxItent, rentai accont- modiation as elipeluive when it is avatiable (rarely) and land ,peciaLators continue to bid up the price of raral turf so that Il can alint be pria« by the pound. And now. we lace the prospect of playîng houi to a new clas ,11 crininal ai the local pnason. Mlondav the Minister of Correctional Services, Richard Pat- te, announced that Mapiehurst Corrctional Centre twill be iese honte lor 272 prisoners corne 1992. offenders of a %omeqaanai differentt tipe Immn the current population. They wiIl ticlude rapLais. muaderrers and deeply trotabled wual oftenders. But theèy w-aLso be from Hialton and Peel regions and Du.ffeetn County. Wr will flot be importtng the prpblems faced by major centres such asToronto, accoadang to Mr. Paiten. lnsead wue wili be talding back the problein people we have foisted upon others >boking back our poiticians mxtging ho.. their reaction Moriday'night at 11111e municipal council. could be accuaed of anrily practicing the Inolh My Dack Nod- <NNMY syndrome._____________ Thés à@ Coinonly played oui on ,ast about any topic. I Hai- tont il sent on for 14 yemoncerning the regional landAUl site -OkLie obnu aih e Ol wlikli now appears desied for Milton. But in ___s cse I èmehuei- ubmaatiia.b. polatacans are uaing '.o in my back yard even if at ta my own - While fit would flot put it exacly Ohut w-ay., HalIton NorthPa e oft e as MI'? Walî Elliot made a asimlar case Tuesday mornang by, stressig that e - wn up ta thetlact we produce aur proporionat shae of dampeus t providlng Onie Vear Ago pisons for them. buteid ' th commnodity ai ques @%. Un. D b 'I'. banaNe value ta, pizScai , mac et4O Toronto Weit Deten- j A eus tt m 5%."ial Aisamu bioff note wt si ta ie se 1mmle taklng aumponsibili y for Our awn. Mr. El- gât corer of Mimm Siamal aid S@" =veu sf liei aged, and heu rlght.ioeg ic tuta hmu tenai bauette ujieu ami Mx Me.ro N Efliot iae polifical animal andht lt putting the 'La The w~g a wu Dmmdo UI . 1 _do ave %ment bSe on an "dd t. lare ta lie unpopular lith &Md totac»1 oeil,. igrag and lobery tichai sa auhàiM m.y "oe pollikianil, but ptiie where prat.e t. due . he 1B ~ SflO Ondayma4Wà"p 'R&wg ma. aila rtght thhamid the politically eqpadt.nt thlnç dovetit tintt baia s OU iatncmm Tase t. Mile arguent ta the fuil thit dthm pe ul ab%~t w.u teaý mm 1ivau sam 4 are a kcalsburden. opte a m wl Ucaea tgp NosL li..mm li ulghi mnsait the gaoemmenit launched th. bndt a 6 a&m. tieesi-t~e grve and cuaueng ai dmunen mulotaon dock- H2A-.w a lCDpt~do side llbecty. lly failei Io tifotat local politicinu andi dtn't ahi.e itn li u ap bue a Dam t.ib~ Tyh. aiaaîioa ~.d~buum da u5i tren allas tht e MPPm the olpoetnity to a the an- ocd... social ai m a Bn nouncremet themagrietn id ai lemi prtty lu soonuhas iSuc Facz à poapet uhO nuy upirt of the buittd& the govrnment leit Mr. Elliot çdcolligue Bar- couge au.ia. ThMW a m mm *a u Nya lItra SudWm aiuprid *Mi off bakince wit tht pres reh ' is lir tbag cb.~uawc aua ta weN"h d"t sue no mtore pulvy dhan tet nwitplnkVddi iea poltictom Anid tht dempli thet act bath aie me" ai the çà~i uotèe làh" Dm" pOUF* o aefrà te%" laubml poney. lI the toutre af politics. il swas thweabe - t. cuawa 401 of. the umwaguri. mmn i I»C.. Pud siete) w» b"t la mu~ g ail h99Ie bmonW- hiAg lmS. oandt wu able ta positin his cru.. in front ai the nioli ca mua Hlgway d t ëla lsipmai. Howeet, ahe drris aidtula alia attempt to tâkiai atoun dhe cruser, udnuiped de, cnalar &Md mouid tle n c mie medat birtit ona an ang1r. bflf the car'* negt front tie adi ontinuait un Ct isait purtued the car an idaud the left nid, forcng x oeii the ,uuth shou«ý Fmewmthe supars vahidae unack Cet Bmmdt' car tii Omtuag i to a wop. Fartueidy -or m- qr&f 20 Vears Ago Paon lieu D..ier 10. lm of Ni kk-a niMcam Mmn Wilim Kou a ..Wia go &Wa the i victina of kmt uwee Ame utach aageâuu theiu Me -» comm.i. A oeon hi, bombna ruurniri up bai. clithang aadfuai- mum ta hép du couesa bo ilWr lret Tht morbey all b.pili.gu ad ta baiy vummitfs and ptetape hlp lt thatuamil tWy~ coni ftid à permauun< pince K, Hab= »V" a a pS t v laely ei .olvim sa Carada's reppr wdiqalia stm But dibeff 'wea t. ài bot Ltan tfo 100 bu of cappu wt Ut dtw *Iheu *met.u of Gorda. King e (hhvtfl b aIbd1.WtIU.. ton i.g Uwctarl l w!i a aUgw Buudi 'aài i 5.0c apon q itt gJLm 50 Vears Ago Çà Sbuil. busm a.aien*i a a. b tagnati m e Y dummm Dmhi M.i pos M& «L a" ataitM S umm a ace la iw. dwT-M us 10 mm eu cr D I- mbluvdmla T Chmotm Umm ai or The Cm àLdian Champion . IMOM -0~ ammdu, MMU i: N*a. KUmn 110111. mm Nèm. M'ob 0991 a-e::M M WoM * o MM M11=131 ý,ai. .N %mg-a m a ROS~ S7-3341 OOmUbm6Nia5UCmwu 0m Mileu a= aiM meubo -*« am ii* emv 5 ~ e tant M. No. eag. au aumm et avimi.vi am~Nl.~ i by Steve Nemas