Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 6 Dec 1989, p. 35

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You can often find some extra room in the attie AStic = =nvaaona fn provie medded If "Mq are oeer platitt klnd cilmwr aiikhh or window an erid vrmflit or unis mmd yw entraittic w*ul dure Wh=c seiui ales esàimg strunasi sietou'tnt a atis at bW Ilng ad dort. If fOlif haule Ion't aietd-cim pnt. Wheio >îea gol s tu conswit y'otr enf ocle buld" rode. elcwcl e olgeupu eitt attoc- or rmouasaled flille. Ifdylou ar uelo te enouga to passais n aibr pee or to caese esti hvang andl Osy acides. zite aitî any b. too hat and stuiiy linthe abwadan oe ttlc space. ya nmy b. à~ = Mnr "ur ayuretir tà swuible foe Many astrc do flot have flruc¶ursUy acuana suamoue fur cocifori. Add I Zwkhougsel zanlng peenuiting to tuck à coamplule a&Fm finaaing. If the renavatlion ae dame im' Aor. Depending on the space betweer the nsulation alng; ah.aea d«< .1 eu ta ment unde. y.sur Oi. leu'y ecan mut yau mure than it taworth. pmuhi you may have ta add morepjitis belote kaepalrWlosnwg ausd the tempet re doen. Whether-you creete an incomne'mdtaru On <the n.. commua. problemsian an yulava plyweood subiloortng. You ary aloo Once yam aie sure you have loa4tmd sifer the unit or a coinforiabie, living quitm for at. nerxvaiton lis tnadaus Muee. hae ta, move relient and if hSdrfLom ni a renoawtlan pnmes yvu cent Weut thanking laaly inoaniber, you'll find lit U" ies: Mat atacs ,s.quire adlto at nulmo peloblein. the roai may requare rmoviitions te *bout how yas. are going tu usei the space. planning to subdtvlde spuce fui maximu ssich takes up spece. If yc'ur exiifing atc nl providae enougit vertical spom Odd shapes. sharp angles, andl limitt eft'actescy. You cani ovemcome attic hmntatto flot easy tu gel ta, yot. wall neta to metait losuicient tagting as another commun hoedrorn ntay nuer out Muishing an attcc for by arranging fu'niîtr for sesting, %luta suai to fimp"v acces, Atties muet have a problein an attacs. prime Irvng space. but theme %arme arcbiatec' and storage in iow-hdaom zone% alo staitecasU and sataisi mal local zonîng byu.laws. Thts can fe avencame by in.staiting à sen' toraI Mastures cani tend theniselves tu a sema- the watts E SO MUCH CLASS Au thai you wotÀd oxpoct in a homte cf lOis ýal-bre iS here. Large kif chen wtth [1aczotti Oaks curtoardsý. iead ýcOu tri 1e cecl uthich invites yc-U to vies, thet beaCiff i crYs'tr,'ssde mntl mri'e rOes neslied un one acre lot For >cour person-ai în-~cîncail Marg a! 875 WANTED! WANTED! WANTED! Fatrly nv. biungafowt apot'ox 2500 sq fi *ý South 01 401 pleterred, Campbellfvilie area Wli1nl to pay $600.000 Cali Marg if yofj can Melp 8752-123 ASKING S189,OOO. Thts 3 tueroom homne ic warfing tor you to r#3iec thie e carpet. nev. furfl8e arnd centrai air, the pool and six apÊ'ianes. and mo)re Cal Tin Nevmr NEW flOUS11E UN 112 ACRE LOT IN TOWN oejakty workmanoip is the keywd on thn; beauiftU 2500 square foot home Gituated on a 1,2 acre loi overiooking the escarpment Thîs. home has coraflc, oa< trin and oak baetioe(l feplace in tamily room arid much more Cali Margaret Christie for an appointment Io sce li0w much more there realfv us 878 2095 or 875-24-3 tees Ave Vie3f Io First i ne. forth tc PxeÇieety SOLD Si' r t-c,04,tOc '- ' f- rt" r.wi 'eOi. C'5 al i al 8 7 !2f-; SOLD Cail 1cm Neyes', tocMy for an Lc Io date evaluaton o1 Your Propert' af 87t, 126L3 tHiNçifN of sellingl ffl the bpring7 NQYLwoutd be a good tiffe to check on markiet conartons SO il you fleed any reafiy awiformation gifle Cam Gag a cati for an Up Io date marktet evfaluation or any Real Estate questions you neeci ANSWERÈD. 876-211564 fimsed wjtfosarespc ult t tuidr à slong roof, INuit' ame seswa1 open andl clo storage unirs Ihat fielp an at accomnandate a seide assori- mnent of artcles. Watn space alang ltse mofine and unuseal space at the top oi the stau', offer grent poasibilitaus foi' cabinets, sevigaa dirawe's OIhalie ideurs indlude steppa shcls'ing under eave%. shelves or cabinets around doors and windows, ansd overhemd platfrmis hit work MpC&auis sel for it teight. earsoinal ients such as blankets andiriulM e if 11 p c n e 1 ruof beoin d an exist- ing =neiwals dmeep and usable, consider trncorporatingi i ifr àb a te unit, as wel For a îîdy. finîshed took paint storage an i- Offtrt. an sus: icnds itself as a ferirai. for aduits, Ieage and chidrrn who wanî à sperial p lac ai hetr own A4n atitc can be refurbishe oa farndii om. chidren's pivmrm a tmnageri. beromr, evein a mnustc ruont If you are thinkîing about train- ing unused"spautnio armusac msand.,yu don't want ta raise thse noise IcVel ncd staundpmarofing in your plans If vou are unsure about haw to us r aIttc "pce and ssanf ta make sure, mu are lollowkng &Hi building codes,sconsuiî an ar- chitert or co)nîractor for advwce J 77111 trttcie ua pro'de b1y the Otar.io Ral Radai. A,.oedUo (OR"À fW th, bterreit 0(<cfso the.UeV rai '81.1teS tsor*et. MLS offers market exposure.. - front ILS oni page 2 Through MIS, thet'k'aîil tf the' prupery am made availala tu a .se1 nfuk' ntot local agents who wsch seek tu match the' prpmr wiih a potential bu ver Il you dcside to list vour promv on MS vou aire allowang vtiuri rraltor tu use the' éa. clititý and %cntc o<f fiher board memn- >i-q âs tub-agents Thtet %ub-agtiîs amt ap- p1iîntLd trough a co'ccpsrativt' liising eyv- tem ult'rated liv tour local n'a: elalt' LxLard Nîihc'sthe' liting agent '.our rili for -s% diroctiv rt'sponcic] fu vîu -the vendor -and vtiu ire' equaiiv' resptînil to lour realîiîr alune for Fasment utl the, tee icir 'sec NILS offmr markxl 'pouoe tui ail rujîttrs asuscatud ssîh trh' local reai i'sfatc' huard andi perinal smeri' triîm vriur owsn raitor The' sîgried MILS isting agraa'mcnt is a con- tract helwren viu and viur realtor a, suli, agerit of the' hukcrage compinv f ie ur %ht' rupresents, baeth partits irt' hscund lui follow lis terrnsand ctniditions ACT NOW BEFORE G.S.T.! $235,900. ......... ha F- . fg -so.iw s.- In Vu.t .. e"w = oseille,'i' '5 c..ss La Ji.aq »qelott. e ân. 't cmste >. îx",e fov a = " -5 Pmc "TA Illopi Pmutau fne rAse utowe i87 A-1526 cre w i. len sou dide to li stîtit 'air and martti your pnoperts thrnu$hf MILS. %,cu and the realîtr wsiil csir ic'gelhr t. iderlitt lthe detaîl' wc the' pmrijst' 'to inlude in the' listing agrement The' liting prnce and a pf'siial de-ri'ption tf the' prtiperty --lot si/t, flutldin? ý"eeanad matt'rals, fluor aieas. agt' heaî:-g/coiing svtem'. and nient -., amt ail in, udei In addition, cîu musi deccale ishai %-j art leaing in the' fous,' ard si f,î ,u arne laking stl tiiu If theire s anv dciubt a, 'c' ssher mer thîng j5 tu sIav'or g~o (ut:.,,' thew.,, items Lr the agmre.qnent li"td cnderiv riluccîtcs >r '0,0 musot UVN if ttiU ianlr tii rs'oue ans% nsicîrvs tir if you stant litî.o hlrs~~ a, thfe fi-d ge and stos s' 'lI-alilist 1h, finantîa, detàJs frnortgage balance, monîhîs pavmc'nt, due dite tor a&l mtîrtgagt, and annuai pttiperrt as Thîs infornmatîirnic s eni aiitg asitb' a photo tui vour lrcal real estat.' txard icl maKes it at-attable ici ai: board rneirber Umeeraill Ihis sý docitt using catalouva ici- shiiets tir a ciimpuier 16LIS it,,raticn it asaîalils' cilv tt'ý rwli lors wîthin the' un%.dictinai ts'urdarî,- ciwtrsd by vaur hcal n'il e%.tt botard Thert' is, hosv%..' an iniem'fioard listing svte'm whisf, .ll'ss- n'ait,l, tîpurhaie lîstc infcrtact troit oths'r srs 'surit zixxipit- prl't'r ici lisI t'stuciv' An t'1lu 1%' iitig ts %-u ciU toir viii au'horc4to c oute tu f'ropt'rts tut saIt sithin a spe.7iied perbic or finit, Ytic mac. prir thiýt :ii:cng %IL' il su arc' welng Ici a fxitalveds marke'.ti ot i.'%,vu don t ti..mf vu-d otmpen i.' aid i i"5c S'ur arts. %tcii ,tin'unt'rs -as' dtsJ ld' . lst ticcîr prîiperti's 'hrcîugh tht'Multîi Im' .'rscce, boaiu" i proides atte.. t', W u, 11Min Straet Suh, c"" W 1 17 FAAMILY APPROVED Larg fuidun w.U5 searrail bmekfat urs oflrokrn the brghi fam.fy 10otM *ufth a wo étswg tulaoe Plus Mo oa à 3 moffl bedroot,.a A» feohr at nm Bt of sa< or Md V" a: 314.WC Te and oui moret Illeneayr aflrisasb..f etUr.. Cài Nly 04 Dbwo M& he. 8 73- 'lUI rffoeihama7-0724 C21 -0-06 Yvnes ti- - r A . e r 87-29

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