IWhite chocolate Jis iIr season C>S w tdcoiabmdy tht V»C*Mf Mma- Sl9and mis un. -in ./2 o» (125 mi) mtai bianched e tmughtout te car km and V.i* -Yras. t tias pfcmanly en- DmduaPrtaal catcao C w omappcered le- verts s-tativ utttidwo<a ta pcplrilk-tn Sçcan tcday Iat acrniew seng tit le wasntt uti the I Qeh cersuny Cen rtd liath Se. e!ç, a mthod X;;v "àia moedîSprmd otn waxed cfalam aa msagcaoa pF-ad bakeng shfait Chl untes] Ai tatlt. u tti=bi env Bjc m àk into piaret tore in tng kw chooelat. inn the r=nator Miakme abfut 8 oz (250 dItiq-" daadtenctae aco Or C» e gu aaeh.sm e nt a( c lmt titon the 6estive seaie;n t ut h hostd -mct. hoMmlurs. cuxd Citmra. votai-n c-mutre speic- t7 ct re dfrs. tlu chocoalat, tensatons wtt a wsa hcvand net look tth Bakat's new flg hnM eSjuhtte ch --lier' ovcthe cocos butte *14S outS> 9)wwfflac cenm ex itrc ga th e c an. and *6 aquami "ora i wNti à;=". gtai the cocos "od% portiores ocf the end @*t*eavec t 4 pecome; bin, white chocolat, . ts swe * 1 iap <15 cati) soA builai. cteamy caneexot b.kei, and 1 O buig (15 mt) cemago bquatg op CcCo lakve, -111 ttn limge 1«14111 aetd n-ed ttc 6 siquares Who@&uga dcosU WTtU.e ehao@W aboi bhh aMW aom ebm~b f a en yoiw CIhai.gs Ut Dkaetlam Illeriroe ý laà bail h osai mtediumt hw etes sodium an10s loti hm. Add tuait chooestai bus- ter sied liqeat g ir uneil medai. * 6 aquara whf. Feze mLca<e atil Ameu aoug ta sem CqWi aV e 4 itatdle, &bout 3-4 lung Wltjv a DIattlm Part cespaot~ form mentin irasa tnai lmt ove, hot NM haut, mmt- ý2l atùma. Paatalty ionie h e hu R"ai t,tLattat undit dacua, ata ad y meh oves HOau boum wagit Tm@a of a ttnain spix-at. mcit bil it belt charolaie. Place saduof 6.4 larpe un a waied -Unaesd cmkhe fint csj tIo abot 18 bctffine. cosceaut Fnas.i 10 tchoowo 6a& lay moi cktoco rr badinsg twr and sûr rapbdly mi Sith the bock ghtly co.u the en- taper ori foti mul- oiuat, nsa4ung Ctcup is.tcni muimse RZ:, 1 ". -- sera Muai" hi ha.h. maith a socmd t"i lacw. FeM ai toast 1 hou. PbLq off pàpwý Ott i à urne, and otae an fao 11@ r RýFIt wtth ire ciset %or- bet moussa or wiapçed cacccer antd flpo Place cups in tme kW 15 menule" bhCastc,~ ing th Cha> lie Place c<icuar ui n muffin tins ta <cfp kaeP thtir thape Seore en air tht ainier in baser, Ca be iae n miniacture c-tap and fallei tilt bquer toa wve with coi- Palme.,Cholce Lk.~7d Ahyd Eu"me caoans wala lai uwn Wm nami-a I,.I. M $* 1 %4Lowage 41 12296 0~ ~4M loOfff 13 Même WaUo13a. -1 t. A 1numjoi lu mq «Cet ýrn4USP £oarwa* M"Oe'rc. a~IMIk 5a NV S l AUMN., mmSIh mm.te ri a .M.§09 PM.;Sa«"Y9 att.Io4 .. -0 at pssi dm .*A mmmoue11110l - MaUmIMUI -I Dit C.iite Cal for a free consuttbon 876-2221 DEt CG~e 1&AMMf Sum n~ nu