Dao.6 a5 te" ui av M-fl - -mi* vem -M -e lof .« equuu » Occam 2ND) TIRE 1/2 PRlICE Att SEASON RIADIAL PAL MIJM ALtL SEASOfi 014.0 PERFORMANCE RADIAL -$119"5 SACS« BauATt LTTa. des Ow dons ai givv% L Un. a sal hi t 3«Um The M*ae Dyehuio W*dh Club for boys qged 11 -là wtUe nfIeui h p a. Iai~sa om LetGoodyea tak you home. Sale phces on a geat selection of ai season and snow tires extendéd until Dec. 23. TAKE ME HOME, COME ON IN AND MEET TOM POLLARD & LARRY HUTCHISON OUR OWNERS Good Year Certifled Auto Centre 875-1502 45 Ontario St N. Milton Hours: Mon. - Fr1. 7:.30 a.m.-6:00 p.m. Saturday 7:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m. I1.Mrot Do. 7 hUlhe Diabe h Wi boi0 a Cbbe id on *doo a7MSp. Ikhmou 8foW adut d 82 Mrladff a ued u its vi*u. 09 Miai. Actba Mmoet (WMAM) wl usa ai e SaI Houce. M80 Lakohomar SU. W <Fisem ofa *wheak Dw. ai 7.30 p.im Anryot bueInwd ln weous OUR NEiWESt PREMRJM ALI StASON RADIAL 111VOI[71A C&. "flan i CK , VAS . -ULU wol -inn AI 8ANTE RADiAL LC3H$5tcî4na R a I t) I to misai. Fm e - hh.a1h ad i Làecia ai Ç253M9. FC Ds y alchSea audi from 10 arn. the Sp, nii d p - 0,.9 wa The Courai 181 Ma.n Si. E, (entrance h.hlnd Wakw.n's Baorn) twill houm la anm" Chbhtuas bam foui 9&a..Ip r' Attradionqwll includ. balSi gold.. ,-ran.. rafee table,. bok, c%,UAph gamm SSundirm Dei. 10 A étsh.7 chuos uili bc helu ai thé, Guelph Rod and Cun Club in Eden Mil. Th&. highm sceler -III win a traphy Megà"trauwill ta ke place Ai 12M pmEvn la wekoïnce à Faaeîly dswim camet Ai St Paul'% Unitoi Churrh fld.n et <te 3pn bÉISt ou$ ChidrSnae I and '01e bel adersînd ie T hais are aa.Iabie At Prggv' or T'he annuai Canaduar ( gis ln Training Vos" ai Candlilsht- M Sevioeswil bc held at Si Noul' unîted Chu'ch et 7 pi lice Ex.- ploiers wdi parcp>m in the pimwn- EtieM.eue Unied Chari sdl fut- tut" An EvfflîIof Chg<imna, Mub.. ami cautlat j, p Th.nerte wiI inciti. rfrmrîu bv 14 Goigv Anglican Chuntl Ch-,r f Cuti p h Everyne imk-ornc Ickti ame $3 The,. church on Gueliph Ln". e lzloin.ere rnof Fi w.' 41 Tueda111111111y DUC, 12 A Hlion itegilonai H.ulth Lepoan ment inetiuaitaion citait win b. held ai the Mihcn office., 251 Ma&in Si., Inter 130) tu 7 p m For an ap- poitnwniý. cal] 879-'i M,,tort Wo.en in Netwerkeng su)l ..c ai te B,., ruhtT lo liti. tauranii ai 6.101 pim Dinner wili b. cetwed 'ci 7 p iii anti thet eittn- mieni taili b. The Suer, Ajetre, q..e Sen"o Citum's Remmaut.e Centile will hold à Christmias form.at daacgp Ai due Royal CanaJean Lc'.cîn. 21 Chiaur" St., from 4to 7 p m The event w,11 includu, dbncîn.irtl-r tainmreni. ren'hn'cnts a i ni - change. Cali 875-1681 A meeval Chrismas play wiltib. =rnnr by Malon Waldorf '.-eoo) leceAnd friends o f tiena murnty Ai Se aeIr.yra hun nGuelph LuceA 7 X)pm Wednumfty Dac. 13 Moehers intertd in iPfàureato about freaeife"d<g ame tntited tut attend a înomîns of the Mionî La. L =h -gu The moetie uiC b. heud on <h Line. out t lit.ennea Ro 1 iilp.or mor 9 hn6tW n A .tigibouit».. ceftte« hour illd b. held ai Hailon Canenîl Mâr. 183 ,tart Si. frv,9 1-l à tr in the u.ar auditoritun Szeci1 g'-ts jas Mde siIl spasI Thtisnt il baqhs1dbt Milic Chnsî,ai. Uab1r.tting Andi admisalin si b. frec ThureUoy DOC. 14 Caner Croup willae'?h.kcaCanaJean 9 in- car Society cl.751 main se E. front 7.30 h 9 p.m Croup tincus- siom provide enciional suppurt ind Icme1an1' Fut ratf- Frlday OIC. 18 Theta l'au', sectivd anna"lO wea.~~~iuI si-iee àu b.aaj onZ.1 -lu "sertof vt&DaY Ir g u oal chantbes mae Thli Celui elatrance bt11kane Sain. sel b. held (mma 9 a-m. to 12 nm. Wigai i pre-Ochool, urbooW-ae chlgu-nd &icaubs ame biei of- od. For f urtise r ueatlOB.ri kmnfy Der- 17 LC Dnwy Scho for te Maeri% bien. su. a h1W chiidrma h du Illia audioruni at 2.30 pie Admhshi la frec A n dmig wu bu avui Ib 4 Iso e omiasuw by