Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 6 Dec 1989, p. 12

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e 35 CRAWFORD) CRES. CALBELLVILLE. ONT. LOP 190 (410) 854-988t' THE NO-FEE NASLE FREÈ UJ 8. 4&7147 iSockets 1'an winning gold in Buffalo tourney A nd hand ra utt>gga ni b. fi" bptana o i ar oUI, - %M t la.> ~~~~~sc oai at ia>. ouiaiti tins Utan, dwuMia. kqmudh a Mfluhtan ga= was a hmu AS;t MorneCee I e tg Inter Hn»ats put r Rep~ ~ ~ ~~~CP~tthelu Hb> tek a irotl n-hme E.lt its ossMacDonalds pair. Noil cranbed lai a da tu Ste i gla. w-ho psadde show in> gaLEtpe nad the it is o s goal alte nc acttng four usis in> ttMUta.> lud wlth a.ly31 senisi A2 to ng ut 3.36. duth fiait pert-bd. th- fini Nit Miltanisé» h. bat uian en puta Milta 6W tht gaine t6M of Matmns PL, Robetton. nfair AA th e un as. Stone.y Crut-k carne buock wt tua M<tk 111111cred se-n siie Det-tli Van Lam anat-k l'a tht-% dhad ü= 1th r ad euta p ai e alatn the thard su force a t-e Thte àM Fo Ed. to&M look a pauIs m fr a Rok Wrrksulr u ýra ugainu thtat & = Waruin W> aided 4- 11CIm on> a dboo-i> siste Cah jCtuek 2-1 handing tiea Craet sr fi.i W'A-MloMnt___e nvc alng&oasmd M'la. "m o. ttt > th eu toipang tu a 3-3 draw tuk éte inn tyd h-egis ta~ Tht secont> of the pair of put Mau l eesoe yKsup the chanipionshap finale. Logh Eri-ltokumaane -s the Woek*ent> aia i.> a >2 éMie. an w»e Mcoadm tbchç pair l ami Malton wt a plairt> n lcon- Malta.> Honda mvinour AA p ea n dii uamktng03w pt«tua d lt Th Md. »in.ata>t>raloete t- aitit ai> tibsa tt tardstarteail lait woerk>n wt a 5- wt- MthS t aok the aoe a&apinot Dpaaa angh oanl lz23 b>i du hepait.T jr«-f Chaa'auon anid hmato Gka>aa atka lougu Play- Maltai agumnst Strertaille but enddith» Na-a York k> open> the >a>mitaii.ansu 4 asssr>, anca awardect ni>.- t-attnt>Ckvllc6-I gcuang acouple toIttwht.> thtye k>. mi ulaiga 3- ubi .nf~fg ekt ns raet ut O.> Nov, 23, Malton. trawlrlai k>, ai goals liai.> bath Mat-Doialda i& al tmht,, thtt-d lm> of the ma Mla>iasatonr. utw. n tta-utgî,ad-aadE Buffalo lot- the Buffalo IgasM1i-Lt-agh Tht first g,.raad agaivis St'emtvtIle ito a ted m bnu t aiwna> te un- ateAiton thtoifnsv dld2- Novice AA Tharkaav1ng Tourn- Ms o.>t elya. wall in the >.a, stat-tlest. Milto.> teock the lemiud et raegmy wnrffwr . heofnread a - met hih hy wmwhnthy ilo tact~. Q the Malta. tsi, aNrl bu Taughplayrn tinota, the en rit>fheperod the chaaiptoahip pne. Dmà^. cutnaaplif& Malta.> brwMitpi>a h u it-t à 1oa uin the fi-m pet-ad. wt shois b> Masai, buti MacOad. Cary Lalgb ari &a tht a hia>t .tk >nith t»,., e uased ,s ay = k. liti pthe pluy i.> m tM Mat.aeowtakeep kt ai a n ai Ntul popped goal> t-f Mialto> wit Swrt-tnttdt contribuuni à pair and> Load«. r Kumt- F"b. P o jand asà mula a tt erd raisâ mo tadn Athedatand ur, dtai due pa B Muaaa. Kvin Miler, Lea1» andl I . s-u-agm n tht- con ait bat> ag a efor Mala.>c mat-ker tu tata c ridng «0 goali ut 133 Assuit on the pait Swýa-ata> The gnaltentitng tandemt. >vhac .h Malai stbcunsecuetve Jerk playal saIa tMla> -tnt ta Stuart Cal"n. aid Ryan Lm of Mata. jonana andl Wav>a Frein Merk a. kga-pLy n od Mailt. ain th ibte Malpla =i Kaegen Shemtff Thetemas foaaght st out for the ant Wsinn inlIuplyan!rdy ilo ebder hr Kit KovacsJo Mulligas, B-rt-at Van 13 minutes "htat >coung Mata.>aacra-> ht ~iment So g k .lofa the wssa.> 3-1 aîinst asprLoomm. aid Kylt Santh aIl b.d Van> Loowen. tSak the pu-t Immn b sait» a 14-4 asaaacra oft Etobstauir gUid. Leglon succese urln. ddtala. udd i t plaal; W4ý'tnMail tram Matlinata lWt thetota ee tukalnwy ntesd eý htd;st r -n e ithseraipontsontwo Thgýlýdngd LýJimeýurthard capttalazing thteti aair n the- defeaii- as kit sac-ro and faraiehla goals .andl fi. aaisis Brtssaad loi- tby ait> jef Langalle t-anme aIWt Burlingta, oit-t thet iri two hn.s minute ainst Mailta>'. top liai. ita the top ngh t, de taie the ca kaaa, aiaih four tallia'. andt an> assat. ett-ong ptrtot-i>iatit-ici le adt ilion C]ls but .yr. tai regpin the-at-Ca- Onîy .onc ean> ulatnsi.' play to-pt tmi. ana liama. Swa-attant> manage> axa Lt-ý&an maia-r aiîaaAA"rruto awa> aden-a ah..>aydt-popped>oi>- . tht- sore.> 7-0wih rna-tttt>- Startt Calvin lacrdl up ah. pu- tit-MI and> tou- aisiat* Tw-e ana a> t-t-t-acait Atioa. the- s-condt PM--st aurlingw<n Malta.> tht. mattant ,up a&arasa abattt à minai in the- Et-nna plat-r on ahe tai picked up Malta. ort>U Duvidas andt afini a siappe> tht-ar at-t> goal pai ahe ial the- bost aian> Fmr Er.ie gf a5 ai and stt tomvi fie ulutang an point slow saut-t gui on tracés Ieran thtfinit Sat.>a aitmîid-t ant>g tht-o t-ontabct -Satàdln o"tiswya Mailts.> tollone> wt» a 7-1 trottat- pt.atad Waith tantinuatJ prssr m attan tna ou' i athe Honda. 3,t-dy Ea'.> srog Mala.> Wh h losa of ttc haeng stoitat>ha a n ing oVait W>St-naca. Six a trittent Mal- the Diandas goal Jrvr Pt-tht-rit-k wbinniba gbwug - 25 seconads flrte an the st-cond> penad winiter, unaatswsd- ioati.s pappt> martrm lt-t by notch-a the Là;aoi>a tarst an> oaiv N 4 ilo.>'. JS Lake- lirat a har> %hot Peet-r Deannî playal a .tii>ng gain goal of. du the ttrt Laaanrhys 'u.Wm' mcOI> t 1-3 lion an front ofîh etb t-tu niat-b the an goal tor Maltai> strang goaltr.d.g carie> han> a Halfanay tbraugh tht- sauo, gaitl 1-1 Oua-ivle came- ta Meunianal Atm shuk>ua ustbç L-gin. wna en taa 1 - Brt.>. Car".i major AA pana.. A har> hoat tram> thetoap of the andt davppedt a 7-la rt k> ah. O O v>ataay ai n fii place wat> an 11-3 arcot> tar-lt bt-at Mai>m goait- B.f For.1» tamiats et was Mal ta.' hight-rata Maltoi> camne bat-k with thtt Tht t-arn as eu-t-anl> a.> a tou- an his glav- it>. end> a st-ton> goal ang paie of the am"». Oakvt strongest aimaieot ~ ao the yt-ut garie wnnang string braaaing Chin> wsaa tliappe mert bim as h.e tay opa-ual the sarng wth twopla anhe> thty fat-ad Stotey Ctnik Wit» guacousy, Georgeton, COavilla. and> .prank-t an tireK Atar a lt-w tht- fit-it btat Malton btetd infodmrn bath usais flhtlngdfo spci 4 In Avcasat-r, allowlng theat- oppoien.ts minutest MI tat> umcsng actiat ahe secand> sa» anly one answerir the pIr dAssatht of yasfu putai only two goals t>unng the seats. Maltai>', Mari Béots t-app-t t with goal Wu Okivlle and> the praiteio wsh lttya .idto.ndaction. Altit- 14 garais the ,qut> b.d cm- a goal tram a nîce pa.ulnigcLay by at 4-3. Sali> goaltetiting by Laill% pa piled a.> aa'arageof on- 4,5 goals m>Rya> mw.>andlChn Tichi-ri.ar A.>dtea Sant>ziuk bat-thaide t h ctally t.> the .at-ly gattsg. 94tMio. gain. on ofttnK And> aUbina un=a Down. anly by a sinige goal Milton ftant une b t he n>iu> i h in thetgaatr ao mat-t ac -a- pise a ahi- cap- cotaIt noS nIll. Fait Erie colterea a H. alt scr al éissa Maltai Staney C,.» wre finit ta talk. ponteaits goal an a twa-ain brvhaway. The goal ania> h.e Juk, i.> aimean. tt the lt-ad but due Leglio> bouncal Sauvera> Huntr wt a goals- boin>. sat>. pappat> aiather when monevtng a pet-du poua ai the Oak bat-k wbe> Doug Janawa-cb aippai an agalit-average uriaer one lmds a Mltai'. t>t-çnce anas caught oui of ville -bluellin. B1> RoMains scora-. a Cola.> Pace shat ici tan the n thatmt-man goalwmni suad. Ke.-. positioin aguata. Colin Carroall drali ran> t-la., an ona fs ain bhn ~~~Stan tyaea sconnt>a n e> Boyle gras higa mari n al.i.n>. a goal t owth an pt-lut- uissat bui ah. aiet anid JCZ ELhio ontet> a C c jtiv î< 2-iaatt.tn> Ittnt canutai d sa~cs. ahtb .. l ttu a. ai Jar Maltan, pu hran du lft skie enaite ures C O = R Y ~The Legcans olfot-ce iua>ptt> is cludt'. Kik Ken. y w santchai I hei- final pain of ahe taurna- Aut"> an due saïaoit> paéca Maltoi gea ina. ahe Accit>ordtrng tht-et un- bat-k ta dehmna traim torardt for the' nant a 4-0"s ta Saltflet- the gan>. gos scent ta Aairon Curtai, Ryon B O O TSi a.>sane-d goals ta uake the boud 4-2 goot>i of thtiam could bave gaint at-e aa Tht É:11 (2), Atidita Susarpe Eliuin Tht- consisstnt aggt-vs- pla u aias antre w.ll balaa-e> an> play Rotibans andl Jasa.> Maietati ~v v-i j. '~v.'e--Sbawn Hiolloway k teoge andt wa even'1ly dittribate> besan tted In due thiet> peait> the. ais & D UD SJI DaOm Murphy is alto a major sais' t-adai ah,..e goals ech, Calet> HALTOI SPOIUMBS rato> tofurù fine reorad the usai Soltllee st-ait on a ohmat fhum the wrtsmd oant- alng due kv fur due filai> g ng>,., ui t-ach prierai Hardy. point ian du fi-st and> Main's«sang Milta.> niet- EVERVT ING YO ASSOCAflONO>aly th. patwer play es a raviten det-nce kapa if a 1-O hockey gait. Sait>zuk lupsat>haabrd wtai EVE YTHNG OU 1ththetavaips n screi on 22 until Saltâta putii autather goa h. collett a pet-lui bouvier by the WANT FOR THE rf c~ et-t-t of "i ch.ances Itt» artotaonsd.siaa uve i u-I1to 540.1? k s langas - I as Detst.ine Tht final gae anas typ-aI for Mal- peu i.> u s" att> cnvertal tf ait "WESTERN LOOK» Stwa y sacs iull da off 96 pr et n ai toiv Tht alfenice ony manasedot tht pua. wmner. Assises ta Maltai in 1000rolay pa 9> thtir appçoi>at appoatunkits. shot on goal ta 19 shiais by thfl e t hd __ roi _ ttew ralwd by Th r n am ajorle a Frajoher Fonyt uls stiik. IR ma& possiinutte ra SAA.>9.>.?nage>. a iea"ana Freigltei bo -w tic ochodult conaygbusd tu thrir ou,"aga. rty tt wSk and hic Iudmg a h eoeboe- destin wmn Ancater biew th.m _nbarata à grullasg fia>. gaias The Malson Frethtfasse-s ata away 7-1 u> r - -1 &tovia »». km A teasm lot tw an. wee , 4.0 caisses nlouob the thid Tht wSr andt tou shosnrd wb. to Powe-1-tsl Aracaster and a 2-1 putad fu ncssn ba> ait-sdy the duit claîtet> Miltain ba> gida heunbgrltr tu OsngvlfII srriix. Ry>an Loal it-agvd the the swing wtt» a 1-4 rt-cnrt and> Thertre, wat-e bath m*a~ ._n fut- het li asches aing en 9urpe sas> heotbemàung lueur tests Mihon louea gaua whIcd> a ama San"auk. In the depetit, Diaon Comb, Dun a> t-lo nt tuatt final score ia AncAiuaw Aobkwgu~ cbod thtàr«é par byMîike Mr à e us nct afaii Phage camard thnebat» d -tait- DtNabu 4-2 Aiwrr à short nest the ea the -On> Stit>dd Milton> and> Onan- The Malta. Ataluris muai. A k>ught.t fort of th"ai mele is a> i gentI . ntau 1-1 a.15w tht fir. le peewSs tuaea Milton> Two &-i on lo05k Win. was nt untel latt, in thetbard paulocd Frt>ay .qld> t-i tha mÇaalarr f ut a ddhlltred sl>ot pue the score in> Scorte Guthrle lard the way wt à t. haotse OMM Caratvalfrles tusvur pai AMt Denak Hgntes Canty 1~I. Tht nen da tihtmam piaped up au CSauck Marshall puili hmKo Mille- i» Hta m Vines mms- ý0=p-Z . CI W" ix atia-ke agntr, am llair K»adueuýaf mf VA~Ç ba db d ai ta 1k>at Muse EI waàs., r al 1 Il Faisas *m tmwb sa >mlyu.a sieh d loCItc 11111 udu hbfr G7masa whce due, ku mas .>'bi OnC~ Sstuudày du MiSais A*hbalca - ple bea o'owSt.. âmM DWWMesaséal dasabltil ilataa 4.2 y idu aeaiteso p u Miltn- assisetam A Opuda a. Cist~u ow C" immnaM altdaieaii~ba 2--t = ~ u thao b u bdl lt94Mwi. bei du bot.i noms Mdl un ic N~v b basin uasdUu" WilstM the 'i le ian i 50 ias lit i le n àa

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