- ksYOU V4SNA m'. VA i MW a iso. of 0 875-2255 OPEN 7 NIGHTS A WEEK 6:48 Pml - uni 7:1 S pori.- Rlaguie SMIDNIG HTMAUbNESS SUNDAY AFTERNOON -~SPEOIMI 8008 Thsur.Fni..B Sat.1 Opm Sun. AR. 1:Oprn 1ai à 2ad 080811. & .lACKPT bu a»l i Ui One of the liarlt Weight-Loss Protes in North America. Over 2,000 Centers CanMda and the U.S.A. MUftonsl Own K~ree Hant bat 22 pounda. lom la parys. Dosi -IW nqy hm a 09 1h cooaush. N iCoi, %UsasuMonucw IUOI ns hait easy lau ho I bas las. 17-15 u.oun~ h4 - s~ ~ ai - ..--s B5it~g mie ~l ~aai __# 1 1. 47S4à11 1 Suspect stolen tractor used , in tlieft of trailer and cargo. Atmo& wu O= ,==Owuho ~Idi7hIUO1i Police Mlotter Umb b Ion a Otidaf D"*lva 09 boiraib 14 an h - 'wa bgthkic .ai Abooatl3 Novwb 15 , damap = =a c t~oh die cl ad Thoýà*qatootwhlwtmibar htht wmidow. hUmbe ib CIS 413. AW f = A H favm man Fm bud IMs in the bweident. lPai" gaa Lmvoe Mtus- AUSw tfl wSk wm a ÊwlM truck bacw A car mienm fr0., &Ywww ae thlm, pollo4ay. drîwa LMow-bw 14 .wua (ooasd SWOPM IS thet ldy ab.adoned la ditchôrt Aboui M oh iio quipu-it No. 25 Sidood. wu w-oise hum k oa t thc o= T lm ps 91 og. hc tt chie Drive Novmb. = =twu ator .4*rwalg ln die drtlwway 4 to9pm 11M door ias leit uutfock- alt ha.nurber oi tis, police say ed. pin .y- Inte invvoutimo la contlawang. MaiOphon. Bremo ndtrllr , Thictres smaahed the w(tdow ofla A chalet ai qal Conservation Ans. car parked oa. Maia Strte Fam and wu' brukiaX onto alter moidntight stle acelula pone and lis aeula Novumber i 4.4,t nuthng was take. won:h about WX) Poice say the y. p h sis w lthmu Ïus base uaie te c:L.ulprits veto, uasuccess- = was loked la the tnak of the fui at ente1nng through the door they car. Total damag wat $1000. Artists at Moùh1tsbe1'g capture wildlife in.work àaorse 'a wldlife am? Hiiag troublies fiaidi e t t ~t' - P Thoth MountsbcrgVAlifr Centre is the place tu viait on frda. o nt hmon 10Clrnems Wddife AitShow andSale wllIbe hld. Th ll-loewp ôtidoor educatiooi centre will b. tiensWoniuti Into a wlldlife art salmw featurir~wrac local arilt, inclrdiaa Rck Manners. Marc Kasiban Denolis Kil=uk.ot Nichiolas. Naacy bt wve Mauree Shelleau amd LAdy Nicholas. Booli lamus aad local, Robrt aètemnan. a lainierMutait Aiearsdeat. illoase bt reprme.ted. as weU as Ro., Parkoe. lirstt Towaaend. Normia Kactt. BDoitotil and )Man o.ain Kevln Callan and Ram Kandt itill be displayiag ther wrikIlifé photography akmgi with a show mid deronostratloa by tht award.wlnning wood carter, lira Jack The Val fSt ofiS a car ipeitdea Irue drait for seycral ildife prints. and bomae du=oaom =octry apple ckiar. There iili aiso b ho ion drawa wann (i0ao~th IdU Walkway, a one km ature trail with captv bords grd py, amand béton. To top it ail oit, fis. wlbe à photo ssinwt liteb bord prê4m odon't ,nt o brn&v caaut. Moubugs l ocatsti on iiboruuglàe 5 km ws oiCambelilmti souili QI Hwy 401. For informaici% contact the Hlaltoa RMion Cunacivaison Au art (416) 33&.1158 dourig the wee. or tde Mouotsbeg WlidIle Ctet(416) OSe226 on w-ittads. Police ,aeed light shed on daylight con venieisce store robberies The Hial Ragons!é polK romel in kvJ e e s the publies aIlaa wlatt at- BaPth thila have ocrnad at tut 7-Éie Short. 570 Kmi St^a~og *viIIt dusing busi- T.'ef book 0.ac jtly il, 19M9 ulnebetween 130 :aid 3 pa., Wrwa tht loti clerk Zerne busy wrth custonieri. tie rampgr lmf the office to a> sise. kSilg kittoy tickets on the desk. Whem he ffurpe to hi- office. h.e discovrai tt an un- km" = uîcc hmd btool a vantyo ey tickets, valued et mior n $1 A1fl *Tht iecond thtft -iurrrai Or- tuber 23, 1919 sornctlme be- tween 11aàm.and 2j p m. Tht suspect etiittid the mt ruoro ai the.rear of the ilote .hok the crk wus occup.ed wutl cus- tomera Tht s-uspect pried openi a racl cabint and rmoved S1 cartons of vartous brandis of cXgaettes, placiag therd 'la a plaM. garbage bog and luI tie mtor via the aiies. The total value was more thia i ,10»0. Invut~tf suspect th, -mne ladvlua i responsable for bath thts. Crure -S*qrpps Viti py Mis go sIi**Is i*frwmm *0 bai$ l0, a u cmm erfaa or Moy eédr. Cal 1e m Moa *"qMWe te itto. twra iàmodmor go Weii m ouort. lit Croit %etp"t bdt fnc unrsos Iw 146-5151 GOI NG_ RATE, O1Y NISSAN 'S, MUCRAS, TRUCK'S s $177*pe iot or $7990.* Cash Prico * Paicki bau ou @0 orail o>, pus m, h. à mO ftalax, k_. à mO *1 SIMARTIN 11 8ffll37 à 111Q