Merchants skidover, after 8-3 drubhmg ofj -patsy G'town Fridiy pWkiafdut .' Th ,'m 1; a z;p Mb u bave amI sae, tus alu eamcldu' Waêsai -~loTt hoduad Ùmi>n mach la a ps usmamb tue-a-ofa aMi haswafliyaiW aePL=aeabu% uMdia bwada du bapea aiens AuMhaot-' »You ua.ule mi a happule Mid Dine rdurlsu Ioe bmo i lalgi- 11.. atua ni om eg t i t a.utsid Pauhs bcu u Mt set Y "uyiih sinalSt svl Omu a k~ rDetll. B e nid. ie uma«htw S.a HuP i.. Mtudiy WaNnHue Mi Crulpsgeàw s hàvkq*boo pe- canne ftoa bebad Preparing for victory aaêgymbi lueta 0W, UM» 0 ilhM l USkw àW *fui" Um48 Vut 1 au d WbUI Uas 1110 mia. CU . mm deim Oms uh bmi wlM is m is le go i Ttmrmday @ama& lley en p 4 Carefree fin(dzly .on -win sie -after d6wninge Sport Kings 5-2 ln *Smday Nlght Fachy Liagu aCtion. Ca eS anv mob white Mng up uM. DMvla dalteSu 1f FÎ>ws uaklad titi la wirai ofu sema wh a 5-2 tri- mb talli twa UUaMW» Mutawue wltil bis p*tnoe uuforltbefi su ataiof due gance t> give WU wretDu m m vsonpat SN&WVi careta mtch-e"a Watt V" ed COue Turner. Sandwicha bisumn Pluimil effiai uee oëls. by 1W tu nute for *0 wubauwks wee lB* Lmudsy. ~Nasau4 aay uuta aud slir Philipa. Mil. Trey Raebot Conà Ahientsa&d PesA MCsuuSuloa lad sa eiss wbile lim Simnms 5W tb watt o Cy= tus= Audy Bradbm ts P goou ra adaMsi. Kevi n Howden end Camma tartan. Save M4Cinsd R' mbot OR& Wa ans fordth Ryeis. The thud gamne b.d SMC Mmas atdsad up agIMnIR Fat Laplltu<or u Kngi ae a sdffhuuvel and Fuddyst a msil iu whlch the Mam kPt tbek un- Gs aim etits hel=Kp ar ain g api Seraflul. Dmy duhad maosi intact. Dee Miria. sOera ulti 34 Md"u aMd Me ls el.Te toian wu a tam affale econds lait iu due sasad ,d to jgive SI a cone- ulil anytlue mrpulsmoed. bath teCaufrs. - front- bed W4-vltor lbW sauM un b. MWd ai du evuiiss san gant -n mit lu due Runal ie' 0am e du e à"ia Ileawud sivue uparae fighm tan athei -ua- ctelu m e. SM$' otite @ cerne faut Ceeg cleaud. Apple Am im laeïduils dkasm off due k. wtth aterw an asd ji.le Tadd Lam sd on amCwn tu the Mihu VAWebwhs. lyrudall @acht had tua 4usI wblieeTUsabad aon. Devlboeosiw ofa tâii Voais ant due pouer Fat Fiaidys mitedva gommu Johnt Haiat. 11101- phyi d uth cité afaihr Leding h duusopd H p Kev117HUg bap hm Ken Fn aue aId. leifwbc mmsDock gatcitai uyeunai notte10-oli pue.Only SKD sud Apple Am Clie ham umcords ab-v Dulackhmda galsudsite aelssClmcbmcb500wls Fa Fdy% Miban Seart and MUit Wis.- ,oeoi sue tiis hdp sudMautidthuuddu at 2-3. Casefru le et 1-3 wtà pute in bond. ANNUAL MEETING NOTICE P«" l here Cion, dut lios 32nd Annueleingo Kalon onnuntyCrs« Union LinOmqd rib heldutf ,Muddy> Duc Banquel HM 300 Sh1ls Ave. ~ia, on the 291h day ai Nov~nOe 1909. ai 7:30 p.m.. for' ldu pispose of receiving Reports and Fmanoa Slaleountsl for lte ye ar Alto on lte agenda, wni be lte Ei.çllon af Oflicers, Appolslmm.U of Audkom i anylie bushis of an Aninuai Meetig Talc ltOr notic liaby4las la anent ltsgsnwu y4 of i-faNon Cormmunity Credil Union Litmsled will ais. U SlUmsd i aon. 9M 24t dey of Ouioher 190. P.J. BUwada, Sticrolary l'il TO CREDIT UNION = wa~>u opeuad tedu crngany 40 seconds lu th du tie wtetirent Pra oadonveried a oas puik w»t à lau domt (ram poiu-bluik range. Chute Lam anud Marty S.vay uee batht ausdçd aulats Thft minse lau MIltmas Warrn Hat with a h bd ai mma col- bâl i à a= aff due buarsie tppudi paou a Wt> flat-lot . popa bohane an due bmaway Crutpnpg The mmin smpS balae due -« aid. Compoawn' Marty Savy aieduud ner u iajt oaoff didcblaie csapubtn. MdlIc re=il de a ad b1adfi b= pas. to Mii. D phy wtebed Daw won a uane ta due ptak ai caiidut thdu dur break Sa whib dhe loue Caargetow defudoe faugit wit hlm ronssai Dat =lty droppel due puck badi* is -nul. uit. M&e t uuutolusted. Milic carriai due play, lu du second pwp th Radr - and Mis a 3-3 majgn aver due vielliéa iteo book theMilloin dupe farWulirMm tint uue :aoan Camcut tipped a perfet paitek>d ga atb pai:aZotitned Cuwtis Crue Dow &Wd Grant Thomo wmi giva #ests n dplay. Mitaun teillai àpate ey5a at 120f5 ofd theracod penod, bve minuta aller taklgthe3.2 led weteiti eubioui off for dwckini; hao betiud. Tam cptal Sai Heafy plsad p a uwd aller shahs by Jolt Kayacs Millan watt Up 5-2 atly elgt secmils ltuer wStaý Hart couul.d hie ucoud pal ftecnt ih a iit a PM (Y and C Tlh e tri - suù.q fatýodwas arrid ùMRaidr b=t ud Ha.,s stick pin priar s tW du hsl 1182. qulek goea Goargeban menaged its WSat oala te contais et du 16;50 mark af the saenjero then tbry exuu.d a perfect pesa aud tip an Mélan "olie Chdulon. As die perla tiae clawn. Mikon wu stynied by Crait mut du Raides n on twa breskawày o@àetmltlea lu du oui fruw., Milton salted dmayd tan wtl goals hao fteulry nt 101& Date at 13:16 sud Hant who ioaElut htrmick 13 'Seod laser. )larts gl s parictalaly mias b.Rsé1.i pauck. osu-lmane int the top e ."h caues h wu bulug SteId and tied up hydth Gairgiaun de6en- Duriitg mais acd ital fi a due mmsch td abats lait MU cotad bu toad in du-= t o isa given due lilaio ami the penaili.s of àhauta bof bwddeud taruaàe Yo asapy aur due. ovmmr'body paye bis dtase nid Ince. EUis mmt playodisk3O indutheaarom And laploysed ei b e wtas on de u Millon pla>ud lai negt lu <3al.ille apluis due lad. to beol a boa.- sud-junt smies. They hbt netwi Frlday Io Miban i due second a"i at MnnorlaArmta t 8P. TI i¶ rt of ft CAMe Qssgh me kld Au. NSa 18 ssc A Gdnavuy for Two* eois'tAy or flnicc Ilood TrsvcL. Mma 4. Pfre of Poit âtanley Crlb Qj. Donna 4'cMulkcn of Kilbndc Cuidec Tic [Dn Mer or Miltonl Ilupprt Christmas Seals... For destner air ani Iwnilt lierixeople. lt'n getting hetter all the time. 1