Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 15 Nov 1989, p. 7

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Our Readers Write___ Th",#' à lot Mm fto inor hmoly coompion'i continuait priroin af Pu paemws qiamuid ani Om- zemçe7iai oem ahP d I colleti »R teISh agab e@0 a Frlday Mailng; as MacM os 1 #"Èi dut highuly CWRhcI rry.lrrd/Mâllob Hockey" article (Cins y' , (d. »0) This article wu as ofi aumptioii$ enrraa nd oueIdaIvWpaifftIand teas very daMgl to a large giouP ai valucilee we ceriîly deueive briter Iceatieit du% dhi. jehf admiti bwag mlanWorma and intlame Cas~ eli ani p- medl ta loak it l iteli furtiter At titis point 1 fsperted tw me a retractiofio et ast frin mae CoD~c version of "'si initia atte ia rting ttis matiai You tell ferat the fisi article wen, os fli 1. Titi Champmo àppaecily hmu lutie or noa =po avaimable bWri .baut MMHA teis or reluits. liate mur yau can luslîfy aImant biait à page dedicad to your pive!ptO of lte pobtical wrongs af aur aasOcia liai ad hi valuntrer memcber 2. Ian ElI,. ,itould b.e pLaylrcg bock ey and ct is ciot Our inctenltion t prevent tii Iren happening. Wedî fiat volunhltm aur tmc wccli tite îi tentlant of dscouragtng boys 1-s V..Taylort, thte mach ci thte major mugI AA tmait (Peter McDuffeJ and 1 %Por teveçl haut waring out a fair agi reauiable compromcise lai lai Elli situation. W. haped ibis seould beus fit evervone mnvalid and gel la aMd to, date liew's bout nu ,espons- 4. ltiter 16-ySrcdd-mii6e pl y, e m rienî lte saine posiin llisirepMding becng forced wo sp miutai caid aid play lor lte Mmii AA teofli. ee il theY wtt gai eciaug tela moie lte mapr AA Icai Wit is god for onie la gaad furaa endis 1,tash't golîg tu gel SPo consideratin Ii a i it teaiticipacul cractia ai a nm at auailly corral.veçila, rond y«e &ciotita siantd versi titis imalter on Fréday Nov 3 - »là Elli case 15 trlgic.- 1gJ<a ai ltei fot 1 spen tecpting ta expLaîin th matterhas bn W ting. Onhe ri Out of cailexI lu itm aidmlsiilo -erll lacis do iat te iteadînes You aie î1it one aathe lactaàwey capabl 1 MerOiorka7rJ! layte rretagtrHo l ia hall agl do midi Ml-Y maukS fernl iodat i ge< ai mac . arce Wn uthe i* ofu eute aicu taue du lset 11 bave baa lnvaw mi hi e ictg et g U £la returinai phytsmiluqihy paosl aiier conions ccerttug l minci * S AA em s.uppiciai ruglits wu lai, »à encensaf reaalvmng titis pObet 3. I are wY mudi abo" siuatins hfra titis aidere ,iated ltait 1 didît coair eee Lmn p1ayed The. bad 1 was prpafetlio cicipittiti duemct coin- 4 lew 1 lid todraw epace- ments liant flaume iea5ue. Alliotigi 1 ai t inIc favaur 09 titis açctwst.I ttn "ai Our t ta taI diaw tiaizoi- caily - end o aihcuus.Lai 5. 1 dat belmeve lai Ells hail aî gisaralu of signiîg a mapefo cari NMMI tpak a stand ai midgu *hockey belare titis sesioai su.dte imailing il imponib liaii1yl- olad wfita didn't play majori bailam -A> i Miltai tati yoer wo sign wti the maap? migel tram titis yeaî -6. lai Ettis; is suspeidei fur slgttng "a maint card wbei titis optian teu icio amiîable la, im - tii is correct. *7. My son ws it te ly playte caughit hlii position ai paitably besng capable ettotagl ta itale the Ilmajor mcdgel A>. team but pot beictg tallate icli do soa Yow comenat on Stii mallt appelait to inanuate "it 1 would bave pussaital natn te, m s' taI toi Eltîs gels noa hel frlititum tecith hs "peobteii" Ian Lits i fiai i teonly one witaiad tc, ace tis OD situatioli rittei or otiterwmie. p 8. Mibai Mina oce sal have a hâard lame cmtlig Ipeciat con- t-sideratiacu for aie player whist t- aser uwitaihave plyedim onail of a te lugne are hautig tat dlllfemculy 1 am S a las. to uiderslast lie Ch Ciamiaifactlug alitilauto ot n only negalîve oaittais and the IL wes of aie player. Mai goai aI iuip itappen In aur = ocra. gauaila witich deserve your alien. it liai a. Wel Do you realize ltaâ in I the finit lime ici twa Yomi tee iara of have boys playig htockey again ai nc the luvecile, majoi and mince midglt et- cep leves? Ils Thtis repitilents îhe ewi teom! aid quahly calipetilli foi 40 toi Y te- Miltoi bots wita migt atiectese bi n- oui of hockey hy fia, "As I soe il,' in these am te klnd of iewswrtl 6- thbngs wicit uituld be wtefll ai- about we lcep minai hockey an i w- poitive ciate, and ta kt te votun mm bu u g UnIted Way-goal neada your hel lmi la an open lalr ta1 evewe Tis lettei le ci I tus ol b. a geide uemiutir. In ladi. h a i itiid il sa les a thi t l@ bUme~ MW à "Po» la th du w i au u .MWhnh g thoe7 a continual it 0 n a 'ui A i n thae aliait .. daei *ilci h JIU dgaa MW " e at The 1= g illeuUmm @- la eucai atinu Uham W&Y. the wio dWAM du Uuli NOV 24 WIla am Uior WsyCapalg. tccuydei h Uas J-laa ibet thed OptimisI =eimm lou.do w ith the Wm vent .lo wad ad a emméopo iwb as Wh". afinm euý lcue thaith la ail y>w dule.Hmv yl lma «P? dut cenvouesm tel di an enSuit Dma'l lait U Mp Ym h Ire. o'b i Mcduh umaida bu Mti .21 2. million, LI#Aor La & î f m =ou pbsat 752550 la d onnée. M I * h u iM ; Thi ieiua gcae ~aitf O la Émm t4~i fY Santa Claus parade doIspeotely needs imoney ter ldléa. arenit <amu i n ic.rein yucs Miue commaic beeulyttlter teilI demi Up oMie eomment ramitii li 100 l 9~ad ai t Titursday we e mii aetrie lat couple af weeilc regardlag lihe have mitly mat $5.50 Wo titis ym. nta Claus rad 1.beUievea larpai ilte prolo- Thie doaims mee have, receii ame gualy &p- i s tbat atip opie aîltlikle arade is put pr toid. but hi poai neauiy enougli. wtt aily tii hy lte Town of Mikai. asti il stui is lpot. W.&k are rmlly depenidcsg oi "a- minite Tie parade la organùmsctd run by ussnte ai doattis astie luids me gIM frant the maley trucki- o âte = Whosel blbvei Clails. eus aile parade mmta aid SIigit permunts and bal- i=acuse albsltey devole a la of lime aid effort Wons duncig due parade. W. ciecc ta, boum oui ac- this.commwshty-rwt aient. coufic, ta me can arft as we always do, ini lanutIy te fliey diu. up like darwnî aid oeil citocoLate. aidain prepece foi Our peuI Parade edayaofîte paradetey ameup ai 6a.i blawit; up Sa phlnoei fyou capciiate soeiliotheladftund llaiî tu aet] ai lte parade ta, toile lundi. 1'itey do do sa, by drappig maiey off aI Tawn Hall in lte i.bocause liiey teacu the parade ta b, a sucrai. lans.ur services dirpali . Il yu cai'i do taI <ct" ru Chuamins Laituc Laîl article oI Nov, 8, didilt tu the parade aid put srcuhig ia ci" of due ifea eciaughitn explanutg the lacli of fuidig ta maiey bucliets We. the. cammittai testeloi put ai a ite. Thé parad ftid accourir is ai the lowet ilt. parade in 1990, bocule tee do hetueve in Samu Cloue, rst siuce 1906. W. bave alremdy comîitei a large ok e onn . -...i -'s -i-.i. am-.-- - - ut âe m * Wc m ___________________ - I MAZDA 323 MADNES ACHILLES DOES UTAGN S10 BRAND NEW 1990 323 UN STOCK-AND COMING- THIS MAY BE YORLAST OPPORTUNITY TO PURCHASE ONE 0F THE FINEST ROAD MACHINES IN THE WORLD TODAY AT j THESE UNHEARD 0F PRICES.- FTRNG EXAMPL $9,40O. mT'Mo81N ONE AVAILABLE AT THIS PRICE ¶ 6 litre S O M C 5 Speed = MaMuai, Sida W îîdau Ooge.Fuit lald~ awriua aethl. imatgral issu seat ied'est. cntre cariai. aclefil packt acoust-c uisulalion. localeî glace campafimieft . au 5luel warrntg lighil. tri adanmte and mnany macsy mare FAT PDI $495.00 PL.US TAXES Uc. n*U AN MZA NO AN DON' £A A CE"TUTLKAR 90 fielV A-o natb io adSic ;00e57 QumI TITES,~o (519fSfl-200 (410)>463-Sw6 ', N rPUBLIC INFORMATION CEINTRE TREMAINE ROAD REcOsTRuCnO F TREMAIEROAD .FROM18MILECREEK TO 300 MSOUTOFDERY ROADO Thiqrsday, NovembOil '6,1989 6:30 P.m.*wO p.m. Italien Canadien Club of Milton 104 Town Lino MIlon, Ontario Thei Aagced Miawcpdly of l SÇe1 e cw'eTtly poiring ýxe*M*Ul'Y hi0ljflSUuen £awoeitliu Study Reparil for the RoebuFedfmome i mmiii b O.ery Ratid hucldig lte Sdignnmi of Tmiem l ad bot~ef the O.PA. #$aIoOM oUhoi0StflAueit~ Thtis lnoemstuae Cu*@b le, beig lid t0 provide If pL *0 wfi un ppcetaht 110 raia ad mOUO conrna on lIte aip hauo iewud ciifflicin onp'OIl C DAVDVAALEY clin y-

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