-Shoplifter walks 'away with camçorder fr cU. o.i»" a m dsa aor- d,A *ia ase bock y a. i Liu »w AM m d mug u.. " e GTwW Saaene mm au w« home00 blac Th-p and im Kyatomerb Ua-i ti . dawt tic tlac " Placel Ai.m. bich hav 8.-6 Thse touea.f dimiuil trawak oerka n nla 94» a tak oa«M soe t&> ReplTi uace aiicgais ma ai 2.700. Atolad Ciscu o n at S T-e ,,aie iu ld à ioul ofs MM is biettlO theasp te,.d oirth ptpce Ttantiuitiplc ulw~~ Illeh bd"&m =Policc Mote A»a= - u tieIýt n 6, oet - A Fordt M= =. puc ou Mam Somt ha tbidedhw mur tt oumwW Nov 3 boumn 9.1i p m.Thirdow m valued a 00 onM Drive a 1l ,uUu c dieu lad osi c.kld dtwq 1 0N0il.Te ih $75 nt oeoi 12 bern 6 pmi aid mudiglw ai. E.C. Druy a I90 'Atlkawagn lad a&l ls tue siasha and mmnt pull dents tier motde li thetdrlv5e'iude daar Ommage ba ben Mt M Anpm ,asdiiti ae ommti an imd"cn expoeureian à Main Som- interait lmi w«endý Afin walking ia the rstaurant kewa& asked té lrave aid kw dad thaugli palace wcuabe1 id hbin «fier A 1902 ilver Oldi Cajiass tia% left Cigarettes are hot items for thieves Halait Rqiml Nlaoe nstsêan thw publ im un t a tht iss- btii6a numnbeoe: mii. vlngý chdttita cigeu. have podct el = pula, ta"gt for rimii thmugmd tés reg"apo as ilisa aihoe >ànsdaarn Varseay stons CflMR are prrrmi wat boeauw of the STOPPE - stc igaretekap on A typa 0"t taak Pièce in laie H L ci au»àud vetkn SSet ai tht cartons hWd a iwydl,$wma*ko anaste ted thr brrut m t4m amlin oro«wcm Wma ma requud . tA., éuub W«" a,s . oonari. c Cnra Seqpe, mal P. austi 1440.811 Chrigtrma Perfiire Pfroton &turday N+ember 18. 1989 N. -~ orne and ineet AenWewàln8 GIVENCHY k PerMAY a= im ïï î«ZL M mure Polic oim bhuc 1hwfy 4M for the o -1< mmof atm lati Mhia boe pSplc m drive sein upq âToo on adorbe chups. hm bé a tIc .IL4~~ Tbec tieo hmupaety liai Mid Mu aMd th He a butg laid Wi a Wot Ihg. "u ai oIndur io mua. M r 1 -oi- toamlW -1 osiéO0Ibs 1 mni from a stze22Io a perfect 10 1 could neve- Ams weghl in the pas: Then Nuj1$/ysfeml he0ped me discovet' wy 1was wtf t hey called an emlolional eaier 'om store duek Iouul A O na9= ldsru rur hm-& wr*h dutu i fia 111 10.11. T 5mi Kâib Dbu6r.mn m Mn Nov 56 Four akuuam u Ap hlaoTwrbma tui hMM Wjs vous- Art =ol Ctv van AM péck.upà. Md Mm. fWflr 1 q« Llpset.I wOuld eal Once I undersood th#t Iosing we. h1 was easy. I1'?en you *e a se 10. sh~ ng is easy and a loi more fun TheNutri/SylbeWB*~ Lm gramncus a varmoty of dehma e S vmck&nt*fnal mbd beharmi couns.hng, fiN mcUViy. Mid wsgN manlonanc * g;lbdoâ Q i -i cm mml! b" o *suimm r m flfMfýfLOBE AMY AMOUINT 0F WIH FOR fl22(>(>* i 878-4117 I 4UMMaIhîSt.E.Mon 1*LSp«W Oflbrdom osncddsthe CMs I of NutrISymI.m food.I VaIid orly for nsw nmn*os.________