Penman. fears town 's eggs wiIl be crushed in Halton's basket fly ioS KE2 Fmî itia ficr S2M Main argtw i ter a stungih te finance m wajo p in. a k- numbers Mossday aigu. counrlllar Vintiw as i such npronls Brln Peguan cowu disi " It duth Lak>Ontirlabl plpuvC- as likaly Muta. teiliset lest inaà ing scdume I paiim wato J " cwd. anu ai. idmý%gmt Cma cm vds eo fra am politiciansanmd mmihime Mtl ema ouite ia up wi thdu 1 banlns foiuthes, tuaily oa utdu 1dmwai. ai tô mat enly -b the p.*inlal leait, a=ty stop-. by oentibutS- Ivre ssent for assOn n but I ing dur 1900 Mhae êoward aumov dr ad ied plét on how thâ theror = ar- _ maguny Win lie und I luW whi is W. uml du Mdid IexpSted ai b.e dramati griuh in initiative, aig thpome Wst due region MW due tua 20 yers. ailhwmedw nn ln The. cauflmm ba obbe UP t ~miteglnlpw joint Prognam kW lmhaioume = M eamlhiR M u 1 4e u in keepng Up wlth Your service exp@ctalon, we <00 offer you à ride lo the G 41Station, home or work in. ~the Milton area trom 7 ar.. 'For affyour. Auto at4;S B3RIAN'S AUTO REPAIRS, 751512 Cie hind. grat progua l'ii. nee 1bi wO ma an lit- ured tai smak e plait and boium &M ceime oriSn ag about du ai.e lIm. thereby ka- l a h I.pralh% Mer. MaW said. pmyîaln grants. a Ow y argamt la dut Hailain --#. hed upor ntber W 'o ervckrig ,chMe arase Inglla d Ii lkwed mian developmmei lah sraelgions mi Dur- banad Ni. e n ual4. "oe k lle pa riua doae "we uuIo aie u tiliu the odura ii. dlag ta lge l§W un. puaI bW aisade mn nMWd ad la ie,"I=,= 7,0 0: r2âw on lts oue" cougédillor Penmm sid. -%. an"iy I have la dtw whan Y"n èo MWt a'oloeli legl aisit It the d Sam dé%g du provinot Mry I1ý 'uhat due ".muae plntul in t dufe. prdeîl esdld àdum .euas. 2li=l1 pu1oe b.d du ulh Ikt. Iuea MobWoa'a emrd Parie- Maun ù&e *es he tîmafra b as I ddianai ahîttohel oueîmwoalluuld l aid ai 'one-tier' local orxiusdt as olfactive comt o=ver a:ltaei M. Malis îéld lie hm ibealute ai- ourances fiait lonsa chie id- ministratie oficir Jon Flem,t.Ia due plan la niue a pt»h toward one- ieroemtmi. Thi. tôw taimnusatur said lue saisi due ctuiiinitiative ai "the onyoption'~ bryoed hodg-podr ofyngc indivIvul oinen minitute Wo moneyWhatue=ave niaI oPaanltc, radsni tt the~ *i itiative' 1 1h.iniutvesamîl bigger dma you %d ltain you'ne out" onterai Mr. iennian. Seniors' views on Manor plans sought Local senbor Who wanl so lau" a »Y ni du redevelap- Thie local forù session se an opportunity for union tu meni fHalin Cantenil Manor will have dii chanee have a say in what prograrnn and servicesam renade on Thuesday Nov. 30 botweea 2-4 p.m. a thnh Foim ava"lbie it Uu. An invitation îsbomn extendel to ail HaIl jni ue seniors in the Regio i atn of dhe focua The. regionally operataid borni. forth duahd t te bu "np seouions beng field ilnecffllion municipality lu upgraded and sîmpSvel Io accommodaiethdu gronelng disca.m . en t m mie~ r on o f, wiuat nunber of seniors ia Hdlton dine have changed ao progranis and uraoireIe tc Ica bou how an*iýhere seniOr tuant in lîve and whaWigmap~hnnr plans for rttdevelopme and m%««s th"y iud foW support amd enchi of lnt= senicws who would lîke to attend 0lould cal] the, liemyle. As à rnstit, a nuraber of isseamil toi be the. Social Services Diepurtmet of Hiton ai 1127-2151. resoivedi with respect ic the redeveloprnent of the Mauor. ext. 305 to reserve a plae and for miore information FRPublic Open House #2 #Ns$me, FRTHE PROPOSED RECO1ISTRUCYION 0F UPPER MiDLE ROAD EAST FROM GOLDEN BRIAR TRAIL . TO THE NORTH SERVICE ROAD EAST, OAKVILLE Roomn -B', SRiver 0mbs Recreation Centre ÏG 2400 Sixth Line KUON OakvlIe, Ontario Tuesday, Nov. 28, 1989 AIyd[mml6:30 p.m. ta 9:Oo P. M. ~IL illell 4'it0Le t David J. VarIeyt Rgioral Ciru i- i ?HSAVINOCA BAB3Y I? ,JOIN US! M'YEI.V PUGA CL ~AMS Given by Public Health Nurses WtW: Halton Regional Health Department NW: 2 classes ore off ered early in your pragnancy, i.e. belote the end of your third month. 4 classes aile offered for liter in your pregnancy. M0: Coli 8 M11 HAVE A HEALTHY PAEGNANCY - Ir Lk--