. N Resldeola à Investlifent Propw'tI. 878-2365 PAPJLPAGE Asdbelate Broker Tlop bomo n O£ lard FisçwId0Ugl9 mail Smernte. ceal a. Mwlapi sm PP~ Io amgo g.o. cal PouPm81i RIMA MILTOWNEW t-M7., 22 CS4TAAO 171111 =«UKI 80-2M0 AUDREY NEWELL AS.OCIATE BROKCER at 878-339 or 878-2365 UàiItwne Realty- Qorp. 22 Ontarlo St. South 878-2305 MAI ULTON niu - 0m PfMI u ca a* Cf>ntîallf localed, tecetahrol fait groun'da & cboa. to achoola $aparafte OM, beckoff nnmWbt ont en tf level For hajitu wiloetuU0icdQGV caLUNT PLEASAJAI 1soumed ordy s riis tom i on a wU= 5e 98 acmu. lu a besj lIeul fawnoae. toiW mdy, ramv e popety nu -U fl.i opematOfiel ChCkm berna, a atremmi and sonne good lwduood bue' Of Cou you nado lt imo tai C40 Gmy f-, oras 878-2365 Tor.; 826-1030 r:Garye TOWN COMMENE wrrmai cwlaig uplm tor 501 Un WOu W eU un f beautifui fmche ~Ni thi.WuiMd bIQue CM. Located close Io Trafalgar Foad and 401. it oflers accesîbiîty plu$. The large. COUntry kuldwe hma c.4o moe - te. 3 badr*=r anal nuc. much rmm C0 Gwy for ua»Ma. LINS Je McLAREN [ d(floe: 878-2365 R:854-2451 @Tenu2 .826-1030 LAND FOR SLE 1 ý4 acre asiate lot in Motin Asking onty si 59.9m0 Cail AUDREY al 878-5339 or .878-2365 sie bral em. 0 n Bronla Wd» e hi. only $1e,.9oo l<îfchoii aith dînette. afipate dining mrt. family room o uth fireplace. livig rom, 3 bedroos and en u*whed bmanuig. Cal miay Cd *IJX aIe7a-35a3a53 rhIm 4 ul 011 labeautfuty flnished Ithroughout with an in-law suite, 3 bdrfna. and a den, neutral tornile. inground pool ready for next surnmer. Listed all S244.900. oi ALJPBEY ai 878-5339 or 878-2M65 5Ean trel R.esidencelCommercîial, 3ýod location near p mfsortel "afcq end médical buildings. 10 rocmo, includes efpilanae. Lst.dC al 13599w. Cea oe~ et a 878-533 or 878-2365 UuIQflH.£ Bin 1864 wê*i a laee ofddiin thie hietoric Aagncy home has 3 bodroom. lIvigN mcmm quith Adem filfJiee. latr kîtchefi, 1/2 oo b0eWmI Foacia mm is 1- ffl AX et 878-53a0or07-2M unique doorsael stml t-t Il 5laM ism on a va> quoai pmnas 2 aue l 2 coter front br loym en la sunkan .0.0e 1000. Sncf'.', liat 5.anpDU mît agalai m u tr e Mia WaR* Out tln 0anq IDon la 00 Laundy mm a.1, uMate aeita'- la. 1 fin4<ad ami. osa gwop Wmal so, ..i-i soda EmOIQI> Bosils t Eata" Pis,.C@l UNB JMBA Jim, a]"ess. Pmtma'ud 1 3,4 Wqid 1h.- .4 4 b@&ýn, 2 bat enda 3 f.raplaceq 0. ofldo eAtn- as Oo. 0f9h f,.lo.mi home., F..tmg 3.000 aq fi pbf.m W. mmi.' mai bm.. -n moi. ub ed oerll la 19- 1 > bal a wà 10 duei luche, hm b. c.pboods «I. bu* el Run'y arm %ffl «eh Vo 3 a' Cleulea Mo .acisrl horn. loi bff* o, a'iMw corrpla *adh NMAtOW chai.' For moi. m Muonio u.eo e. UW&M. mm $430.0 I i a *ORcICvIE DTAES G&OegOUS. QuSÀtY bai @mons 33M &Q il h on a ry pirata lai ." a isi.go.s sum.bdo 5 O.suM fln Uiore, Centre . fflew Os 2. ea59»4o e'a nWaDCe "g &nOs Toq nway q9.Ihty feauffl lo mel. to G0Co o. non"i*t LIUAS J. WIadANEN ARme !e7e.eoe CAUPELL AVOJE' Ggeat 4 Raiuoffl 1 112 stole" tO.. wdi, l00,', .no.gl fW te ah"alri .~ lecat@d o r4 f ma of CanbsOW hbs norma ~lst Cowt" Ws Close Io fta w'eas or laen the. Imonc a. was Op,.Jt e domm Ofluiod.i le amo, 01.o' POO, P..' CupboadsiM o hh. "il' tor460 à gumOff ahi.,. aid "r ilit ww as.> a.. u ..t bat':; man hmu l.ii*fl omî pmtaici.ac anapým moite ell à aml oae' tormon rata g aaieu amiitaapaay hum an eees lsai iamef mi a*U . Oum4 Ib".. 2-111! boat& rama. *m.. Im Insmi fayet ..lii maie. do". a beu i..nti &- - ls -i - auvr WMi k la. m is Wn bn ai e d M m *n " O u m Ml e TwI eia u là lemealaotit ansa Fer y-i RbA j.» u sM*». E 'AUDREY.. .878-5339