There are m ,y detaiIs Notasoha- amdhngu as Selng docunmtill be sgneand ar- n and have si=ne ain unenmana oi.1rangemns wtil be made Wo fundmng ta the Smilieut of purce &M maie, theie wa iawyer'$ trust aceoun huom the mortgage deuils vorur lawver will lo afte to e prtSuds un filues. vou have dear itik ï) the p ofwdbeorcoml yau laye w thtdoing day. bwyC W*an lum<aduno e.i&tehwdc A kew utalu be(loge cimg. your lawyer gmrs~ tht balance outéindig that you have Il bîiaye ta seard the titie. This invoire t0comeup wth todoaethethsactm. Ngr. mk IVgsr tht.r are no dlaims or filings maii >rau wiithave ta pritedeh idi tic =îmîthue property which cauld impair th your tawyr two days belloe cuang. titk, thai yau anre = sng. In addition, the, In addition. your Idsv' . at prpa1 Il lawyrvrillfindauthnanweor the "%-t documnts orfli rYt~In e liyo Stered ownei'. the ladescription of the pro- fice on the ctamig Jae i f a dîff=et iawy r prv. , t lit of ciiirges mgisetr asainti involtird in prepaning the mortgage. tut îhc metv such a*esemetv. bwlder's ha% tri be co-tirdinated for concrret liens, nght.of-wav d bindoem.nium bylew% remt". ,f applicable). Me* Onaprrhave, your tawyer illt adviwt * Tht grils of the searches are euamnn'd yoy lah and tranqfer tant to bt paid and bs' thebuver:s fawyer and ans, concers are viril wepare the &"idvit which is attach.d ffle outitrn a requisition ltter te the seller', torasi r wttlng oul the value of the lawver togethcr wih à ltnt of reuirements propertv purchascd Yorawyer, if acting ansine tWm the agreanientimn law. Tht, on bthalf of the lendet will recetre mort- 5lcr a tawvtr espnds tu this lctter prier gagge vtrauoniirs f rom the tender and pr- tri alo n mraz »an further investiga-- eparej Xe necesiar> pufchase and nrortgagv lion% or preparges anv necessar>' documenits doculgrientatoi* to satisfyithebuyer's as reqwrd. 1 Oý,uteactuàrdatet o 10ng. your lawyez, just pnogr toi doeung. the lasever wmil' will jsr vi*u services sucit as updaî- prepase documents relating tu an>' sales tas itgtt seàrctt of titte ta enstire there am ta fat chatis yout mav be purchas'ng, An' last- minute daims or charges against thei Sales of new homes jiumf78% in Newe htonte tota'I 927 in September, up 7 per cent from the 520 sales recordet iîn ÊA msu, ai oZ' haone pro"ct opened in September so the increase in sales figures reaiiy dotan't surprse us," said Frank Can'- nont., piesideni aio the Toronto Home UBwtdoes' Association, in higg manth>' repart an salesactvvy in tht Torantomrgmon. 'Mis Itm vanety of ntw haones - singlesg, townhoaes. hihrise cmos - pro- vided consumen r l choies that irat unt avaitable duulitg the "noit or sum- ,h1" sid Mr. Giantiorgt, Add the 334 htm\obl byTorntobulldtrs, mn anma ouit- ridet %TItA' tkiugtiaeak, And the total tuips 1,261. "Attugit i arn dalighted wlittitis sales restlrese, I amn worried tht psupaoa faderai ods and services tas (GST) Winl havetàdestablmzlng efact on the Metracara hausing market. 'ioulsg txperts agra the rit tex titll CmI a surgir it sales thraugh 1990, fioi- lawad ýy daciio sales when lit i impie. menvtal in 1991. % pillea steady hnarket tothàt scenaro"htsa" 'Wé hve uge1 Finnc Mîisttichael Wak ta thé drawing baudrl Il cuts f FLars IlboV;1oom Ibankl barn. i bot 2 siati. noai IMo#sah9l Itcaeay. àýiifl Io ktY 1401 Alng 114 1,0 Cali Nonoa MORTOAUWS 1 lsi, 2ndý 3rd à grafinance *upto 90% ieriacng *qumdt smrvice aigr approats *comptitivai ras FOR AU., YOIJR MORTGAGE NEEDS CALL SANDY 140W WE0uE- wem IAT Septem ber fanm, the CST is ambuguous. discniminatary and, coupled wtith malter inventories due ta a shotage gi iesvîcad land, will signihicantiy Incitasse Plt cot of homne awnership," he 1%. -11 Dtà Report~ pnreasuby BrethoUr learich Assrciatles for the fl-IA, stater! titat Stptenvbtr sales conisted of 557 firohotd homes and 370 onidomiuniun homes. The month-ovr-most increie waa 89 per cent fer froehold anid 64 per ceLu for contdominium. The west reio lord it freehold usaes iti 227, faf tW.drytt miet wlth 176, the nh ssith 1X4 and tht central wlth 20. "..... Jois n lt &g- haw duiai lit iý UA mades 12a .. lkW Jua S u mi la FY 1401 Anio *320 000 Cas lilon& -FuU-tino caro.r.minded Real Esilai People - wfth à WINNING ATTITUDE and à dersina Io leun arf r*oad a 1 O11EILFE REALT< ,CENTRE LTD., Fcin AN AppoINmINTr CALL: *1-. IIIIIIIAILITAK 1 w -IUD F111III *rswwEWU0SILOO"UN P60, béfereyou can move mn tît*..Funde "el in trutaanvol"t0 the mopeprocreds frtm tht eer lwltbe mieum. &Mt awyer "I tsensd the amaurrt a outiuned lit tbe buyer's statem.sît of adjuamigets tai the seutoeitawytz. T% lawéym s ita air the approptrie*t regaWhr office for the exdiange of dacurnmest, antd lundis. Nefthel ktys nier funds c2te reeed unti t tht, transfr and muiar am regiterad in "ar af thtbiyer-he uhae entait ewal'hour. Aiter calsng youplàwayer wuît alio senui yau a reprtinfi letter wjtit aIl the flled docu- ments ana ail the athtr retateddouet attachoji fè y ta sture the ctosîng da y runs mmoothiy," nay be takmg cas of l"i minute mavmg details. ARTISTIC FL.lR[ uefined fate. art istic air. in Ibis elongated rancih in Burlingtons cote, I)estgned forentertaimng &recratsan in- daces li out' tLegnt living room. mon. strai. famîty room à-games room. in- eouiad pool. 2fireplacea & o mudi more, Au quliy home in à desired ores ai *37,500. Cali JiM SOUTIER, Sales Rap, Wts.n the tidle is traitafur and threte III -éi ta the itller, the*tcthbos Matie In à chair am enga, yaur nsha. Yau can reli knowing you'vt dont ,mur, homewoek and have urchaped the 111a1 Rosai £ates Aa*cie (ORJ.A for Me 4 .J<J .eT tlt oittJ SRlC Iy( *1 S11 REA ai IN *w4 homear Recnm witr»k nm& * entale rWn vrl ilOUufL " lorirLou Sur oU(S1 m P," cL&In O*r'.î.,on , vite t Cet r Wrdscrc, by noe JIOYCEUsCOTT.. FmU OIT 878-1526,. »- r AI _____ w -5NUWDUEN 878-2365 878-31 5 0 , 1 NEED USINGS In a .van.t ci Rilce Ranges for m Clents. if yo".ruflwNking of shlhing 0r BlET1py wond.ning what your homte le Worth, please.caît me for a pAbssure-Iree respor a , - o ITS PIIPLCE TW& AGAI... You'i enqoy es t confWins of tr, eteiMgMy cargo for hom.e offarg esii n vcrie". famoy roorn. rocý foomn privéis bwivywo. a",d mrt~ ... N $2M,$00. Cid jean foril STARI THE1 NEW VEAR fhQ<T.. T ore*y Irvng in tisa rasie.d b.mWtglo ina dàOnM atsa i. Egti éghgin Ne uraitout Io Oumn dadeand good sind ywÇ1. fer- MOit 2 batlvoeu à 41h UD&ff. or rase W* suittu oWfmg fin*. $199,5S0. Canlada Trust Realor The Canada Trust Compagy lit .~ GEORGES A. JANSEN 401,11 Tour, 6-4 Com'i Sems P»p5aatA NOMU Mion. Gwo. Rod AdOW Ille40 MN) u uiiOokÀb. Toeeo i42 DISTINTW sffl.800 .- YW ,J4,0 sq~t 5 bdis,4 bathrwo, trpe cr grawe. tgh ceaiw dedit' roof, large Eurogean kit0ie' wrtt', »*tgmls anid 5 wooffd acres. A labtAo*u ltttr and velue Cal Gurges A N ALTOWIL£ 73 AOUs ....10AUYOU...... Il w« t - È a ier e. , -a W. -5ia nw. Co tif'mn Ne0 «nla gasni kW mu. luge béim. laiod and on 75 scias: