Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 15 Nov 1989, p. 39

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Living. npxt to a renovation -you could be next tis aun- fe p.youAadl ndo h amqboaw dalaW ninovationa Md I tituuh U show (asée iin fo r newgl- W"anlti orcnfatrla checkad t Soeukdy lias a dianpat'on the lei td d&ttm>lngnlua.Ili uta - boma. Aakms al ta oma tisaipr - location ai7 a = adrous Ia .au.stl butin5 al due insides oi eie pr-. zn ay-wstll o dahusa - =iia cables. Titace le noôii 0d i.wal NsLuse. 1 saw ona of duom drive acta.. m'y Iawn 2ta ni sMu - ta picbad u if i lson eigihbosr deprivad Jeacrt StaPI Thit It m. a_ 151e daose. The. gu gai out. your nalihour's lot tita strwm on hidry day. 'scias due Mmr wanw ta pst an addition an ln due long nais. of nains. ,enoatns aie Qa aintd. Thse Tont Haone iluil- 0 la patiet. The. ndoigtr wito la b the. back of liii jeu,.. Vou goi a norieot godfr a n.igbourhaod. As thry did ini dais Asociation Renovatlon and Redev- ln apaà fias noie MAY bai YMaa dma w if fkmn yeur local Consitt. 0fe A .at Toroento'sabgtws iyci us uaoo oni his a brochure âvaulable ashsp r.-gris on Idm face two ymni lui ma is aaf you obllct. whole characta of an &a. Il cmn ms. it n du hast wy, 0Eoryngo nové- whanhedacid têti soin. uenovating. Objaci?C owu Mt. Everybodly knows miluvenation of à neighbounisaad and duat'. tis. Ut alta offers a bichiie a AlU day- And raittehr, lgtving a houa. naew hmi duet hcau la ieay iwna it. .ssciting for everyww. Econoniciilly, t seil clopinent. You catn obtau titem hy calling a bong procas but is "s eatclting. Ut can But ibo'a you fiel thai yaur. ne*-dar impmvem =ct alues andi halp moa. du h.lSsHuigIfrato n iehrigwt the THBA'st ofin Unaiato Linitàto n e utà nebtm bWdM 9 OE - aii hempen wi th altla tie cha i MHa wa t wa-htauy addition, a pool and lTbers an wapy Io aslnliiz dus pain and Q Makesuie that yaia have suppae your ratsouatîon aui. rakue4anieni omue s eta ii oivli lasi fai manths. Sa seill mm.saU due pain, contractai wlts electrlcity and water sa duèt tAe Ilasunto Hoe SildmAaacaùa Ô=e diJ dunBe utiema rrprg Ql as lriendily andi accommodating as in andout. To top t 411 off, he wants you to posaaabl. Afr&Il youknow quit someday Tsl kt tdh békhScrossyour yard -doen the youmiùght ha askin yoa neighbour tallq TM' built-il -furniture micdla of your priza pwony lied - ta djg the prove tenovatians0 ýyaur owns. Marvyn Morgan entisaeh 853-2074 or -1 MI eOMM-LAW- dIe ~Wttr ca' a cbo5yni -i ret dliai, 1~ 5 li2 botirmeSt. aalarsls ortrancei ta bah' tveli ga'ap we * datas *er Cd n'a. bWnn Uma.~ Sm lite (416, 450f3U 0, 5tSt531274 TM STOWNHOUUES A'1 W.I-man d 3 bedroofi lownhiausé privais mar yard. 90% finsh.d base- ment. Nawly dsoed ichon. inaple Ilooring through hall à dinîng roam. ilds cm garage. a"s 4 Pc. & 2 Pc. bath. AsknAS4,900. A pleasure Io vie. " 19offr.Cali Doug Meal S NRS9169 ha.you apaiwsty tu ic off a plumber ai, eletrlia ta taka cae f ae Jobs around the. house wile theyre in thse ne0bowisaoid. D Make a pon f findin ut exactly wiiat work is beng 4one anewhai, if any, impact it may have on yoslr propoery. Con- traebt are usually ager tai have on itafïr %ide. U KCe, an eye on te cnractor. If he dom a Dod job nui door. you may tuant hans ta U Rsslethti yur being disripted by tise ~ ~ ~ ~ x casyflni da. ur nigihaour la saffasrg ave mom. Invite hAns aver Wa dinner. You utay be abelearnmmfront his ex- J Expressyoursaif. Yosq netçhbour may flot malize how bsdly your lie ta being dis- turbed by lias consitruction. H. may ha able ta fid ways ta help. D Keep your windows closed during con- struaction. [fymi'te titemowa omewneçfmO tin t à0 smluiniu. J Let tIsais know eicactly what you're BeMor yue send It4 seal il... with a Chrisbm Seal! BACKING ONTO PARKLAND 2,6W8 ft. Large main 10C Lamly y ruahn wîth fioort O-- celling brick fixe- I~ place and walk- OUI. Eat-in kit- J.. chen wîth walk-cut to deck. _bd rommi. 2. bwaM pêarty-sized rec. room phis examcine mma. Cm"ra air, air dume, ou. Phos for Vlewing today *m'm00. Ge". ma4 "Wla «mumav e-a4d i ureating more space in yourlhome isn't difficuit Many, hanowis. laék sdaquat. sioralme Tisere are many typas of stock cabinets% af Pave in titer homnes. Hmvava thedrs ame woad ai mwaa, preflnlshod ai unaMialW, sany wsayî lis aihance. modify, aid "-r- whlcli can'ha bought and ionstlit by due ange space witii the existhng framwrk hÔmniieam Di a haine seititout resaiirlg ta xpousAe T aie duS'no m a pntries. irsac-r-'l enifaions.rcdu. ?.mi a i:«a The. àrags s = o furtiture lni a nont, ai offices. Cabines are uprlght *dotae si hie. ceas aops '0 o ciuiegraly ham Dy usi»g sumante int.rio.dallgn principles. doofiat tacn 1s thar intuair uc seminatung unnaary piacea ai Witatsu mrtageqlisi% ae aslag f urnlissie whose scale lits due ie of aires ht ofoptions aralaraon u ar lhe ront. you cmii reiaw your livigmae tg hontaawners. VAitl a Utiii. cul plan- tayI arranse due furnllwe iu n=ioa nlng ya cati make a tD om oamiliaa- poup nge std on due nature of due a.- lyi. j 8ean as wail as drn out e mpnorti ivlls idbp lrafflc petit clasr ahb iving spsce. Ruhit-tu~~~ I Q u. otii ài pravmda fteOnia, Buit-n umiB )a Bwaai Agiocmiaif = fo the Un tight or awkwsly shaped marns, coin- = oftt c naunme ini the rend comte siler using buli-mn furmiture. Whlle hwit-ins '* ak the. Aexibility andi robiity of freesiand- ng ieesthy hab iaikwM fit the di- l a o mesinso a Mm. a y u Bultinfuitreca m duth inoS of the a a htn r ai hdo elow windowsl, in-smail air condiuwuw. r nces or aicoses, in closais, or in betwffl watt studu. iluit-in seating can serve double purpose hy providing table tops &Jantiu t b d hoettý' g eonvmdaisathe : b e u o b d niorge sce. ngt nvoita atcon hieC Ae lov~s~ the land, st' important ici witis buiait- in storage, desk space. or a day pd ely beI clown yQur M tral ir conS- bei for iaunging. duitioner or window air co'nuisneri% Pmoperly deatgrsad storage can help or- Rose Titus, spdkeperson fot ICG. garnie yiaur halonginas. andi lasve more Canadi's arg-At basting andi conditioning main for activities and fuannlhings. manufacturer, tends the folloiawng informa-. To begin plannitrg the miocage for your taon and sugglston qwons, fors alaminate iterms you don't une. Firat Of -] IryZ Ms. Ttuss, uesthie Rsogrv aricié tisai aue usd anty once a spato ta n air conditiotiers in cool maiib for fillung hard-ta-mâch mirage =eshrt exhausi stale ai stnok.y air An apca ak of shelves ai awkward corners air conditianer shouldti ru n wheti lts =Ecbies Keep trequeitUy umet items close balaie 1 C (55F) outile. Tuis ean damnage ai hande-, within your teuhl. the inPICsia. Once you have an kdes of how mach Wath your central ssnlimpfntt storag you neati. and wheme yoia naad h, clean up due outaide untM. ts hn o canider due difauitas0 r s hnaing aseay grass cllpping and dasdlai Starage ca% ha das =le uatfwo mapi front tmos, anci wasing due unit wih your categaim; opes andi cloaadi. Zpen shelviiisg gardi Usas.. Titis laitter step la a.pscally in- sytnts and seatt units are ida fai displa- pantant paricsaariy if titei ame any seandew unatbaimessoablia. and calactuane mg doge in your neigbaiarhood. On tnne à Closdstrae.mah as closais. caushli"y corraslve. and dma.ar Isuaslftcoali ui ou cma cuver the. unit if you lik. k seilcli tend ta b. chatterati = ail ual ut- dloesn't raqae n protection front due tractive. Cloïed stoe.gaii als unfial wheuse estlto, it 111:2 s à poa.hkIy af icie- dots is a problens, and cleanng la ta ha bept cavered lie brasdn clusfing on i. is wia. tna miniumi. ta taka mlshuy .anme. 8.mg.k illtV IfSa do SM~ . mraie mme u nas dom net bang dogt ta, due pouid. k'. ex- Wlaita open ai ciasat, a siorag unit can trewnaiy important ht aMr ha ailowed ici tir- ha inimitable ai butit-In a mmni. Movashe culaste iander due cavi.r Cditir e ussldity unis cm ha !raeiaiiing plotes, Of lurntue. sul condense inside due unit and could dres- ai niodialar units whldt stick or Interlock ta tkanhy diorlien lis ble. latn auiusnafigurations. Modula. units wuwdow ils am wasiopuo.Tiae ai e alrbL- if you anticipate chtane in a no nad ta peflc tisas, tIlvmoar n s a ms use. * nad m pemc yowUas froas du dafis tary &.1la starga. on due ailier hUad, can con Watn whtick seiU icrasa. >eur lhW MUil min ie 0E a mman'# awkward speces, lies pidwabla, if passibts ta miove the, blid las ilti à roaai' walla, ai ha cummu- unit fins the Wtndw an i liail due stmio mti fS th du &M lid jration ofd thite whasdow. teohasmiuait Il duà oent li domte place a dé-of 0 Von a. qshncas pou cbrg spece cardtiad batwsu the tle av~ hed bya-= ,laityourdC 5i.bl or fins (ths cava. i asul@y*rmovSble fur tii sirge &Wai àaeai top mbs. If aid 1o'wnmnUuud dun bsolid. ai sh mis I m bo u sswat wbdew 1r.t ,aes. IM a stdy ai a - a lu i e 'Iis i am hple slips aid yeuer k m- dbi a. le - -- 'a Wu à bruy ditémint seil Me mady te serve pou wesi duklsmk am s, a i ettainsutq m auieww mnas agai. t UM Lao -

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