-Limited . parking laundromnat- A cmn~eml larcdbed h w hilneIm Na ss bul totpafilgdherta Ebb laid- aim>i dispuia@stos'1ly. ln duem ndn azioli b ig binéopark fume et anundl=qos. m bn tut on mie %fr Aano ovnsthe potier yon IMý Fmddy.. à ,M~ 1qI.Lu tourait and ane c6du ungt a. :=an Otu i vacan.mi Aazumob a Ci.- aimer kga th ean wc wt ls kio ccqea 15-wa*oer laundroniat. Mr. Afons prin mt ada- quate =nd Has yas e bas 27 spc whit cumere proviuions CaAB o60M <49 Wo Fat 5dyaý 19 for Essenally, Mr AWrnino wau tii,. m befoitebylaw wapassed,uwh meure a restaurant such as Fat Fmldy's à what is knout as i'egal - rwnonfrmng use Tht andoner alio illowed tci have à wtailýsut of any description - rà persnnil setvicc %hop, suri, as aà Mr Agaziinu reasoned that ance j thre héd boit a 15-chair barber .lmop un rit compkmi. la why oui a- 15-.n*chirw laundramat' Mr. Zaidanvi didn't sS it thai wav. Mr Agw.umno -cannot provide fo uci, a venture. M. sipointinlg oct that couiciloes ère -more than wel eue." ai parkingi proNoms s;,- vociaicd w.th Fat Fred y's. -Council should act relax his pusi- taon -Mr Zdi3lanewud. Miý Agumnos»id h%27prking spac ère %~inting not too inany ç peuple hâve in the ontuwn arcs. ard added tmet he lait singigd oi. e m peciatlng mny btildingL This i. imot mngling out Mr. Al- lini," Mr Zàadanyi ieplmed f he 00t, thât wav, ut'.e ltonry. i -nat the case ai &Hl' 1What uhould 1 do?" the la*r ase Im what Io do ulfmt buldng Swm koc i d" oMarch of remembi Mr =admmy said the. mail Sr A second ReMeanbaos ay MavlcO an bMW In UMMs Satarda et classificaton à Mulot'. wldeu as Mar M the VActogl pak eou~ _. Setiwdye »Mvcet placiet dlm F n appn.d ua. andlt if Mr. vadNAo ,u ilor a loew tulol ~911 Ial-, ày a mc on No Agoezrw ogt e t ai stre Isl gAo btand 4or Ne amu dinner et the laglo 'mu. 4-H'ers are crearn of Royal crop ffltan 4-H Club mutation bave ,nr,. tâtai wtt- &0"ia wu RfhId ola hwin hip ivion. muw tar t our in mue et due Preier Club in the The effrt put mu the dub's dl.play in the colA bain SohabkHays ai n du h Royal Wim.e Fait. -ai off utti a tird anefth. rantribting ta the total 'The Wlin wu muly aidhnt fMi tas. Caw min, cbgmlu club paints Wh"d = bot d Ntn. ta Phîsiet, Club il a Win the pomue Chub auard.« oqem pla hyllje statua. Halton boid pmeio*l teao that award hoino Meààoowr, Hultana Agicuhura Repm.uaadw for due 19%, 196. 19M8. WbW te Hays Garnr bau biain Mà=t iArkukuteand Fond. -rataund ame 1979, due Premie Club award waus't intta- Cumeda Iarténi dairy show concluded Mionday duoed tuttI 1964. ulmh Heam pfiscpants. hmrudhg Mia CNE ofea Tilhe frii lays CL as a hold et due OkVliDe fari cf du b éivaist dn tailions. Thama, Edwin Nea lns 1915, Scoetabeek bacre a Miné Sse t wu top' miralMiiuin a a jo suuponsor amd kt tués dut mms yr dâtt duw ent ,lmaued dwChoamplan stannso >wtlç HlWem, Lnw mo theu Royal Açrlrubursl Wbu Fairt Itutead uam An#wb u umey oeMdam& MavmW la' a flâ wenua twndmtanmtrimmwethi uih Ca suv c 5epa - llienest u- 2p penuiciput .lfed. repruseulm 4-H mt ~ln du ueraudut. aha m dand Tyler ben fions t loi. Gardhouse named té Ag. Hall ofFame A M»la .adu uirs idurtd hmatdu Canadien For any ,vers, h. awoUrculy atAbWa Aberfeldy oflulia H all re Pense y SudgcSo.mon an du eoan ad muai show ciruats. en- Noaamdy du Royal skra aie Fakt dIng emd year hm due Chicaga lntalaelanal amd du Uélrd Gudhom use m f heositabiaq Royal Aplciulural mier Feit viS t1,1aiàb e àoaEO York Ntail dînur. Arowv i nmet, oraetau i adoie lb alc b»oomsold àli. Cwuvé -sai*'e mwn. ns procédaut i du Canadie ShoihinAaaa i--nasaiiheW àw. bonn h,. Ottal io Club, CWaie National UN*u- W Cmhos la d huth .s.alia cf my ta stock Recolird . ad Rayal Agi.*"lura Whis Fait 0h~~Locu.hn aide Aba- asagodm la tlN fdoutstandi mserim.ta okUbUM lb umu e luaif j.sp une uAi imau ai Mircbm u stde anu hcturfy No mume fo.a ho jigu d' ~t ba mdFai I.Soelen tuc~ tuhd Onhtri hum fla AVpoÀbss ummer en OAC. Pal.. Sic le zgauna tbai.du Oiiu.rdn~ C«Antu"a Meai i a1974 ind. hi 1111110, u the.pi Usie hs du mm nycmi, ehusàugt eta du Chtrle hë", of Agiuliue ad ro.d Cit.m- bu' " m niai Aunai. -a il sm. Thse tit us est Ssesey veogren Cenmeer ciatpi N vet*eii Uawdoy evenlao di Spouses eut from "town's expense accoun ts "al id W efada Milot cousil's eud a tendrit municipAl cons- foua oonday nujmt csitng off a Pmevloly imil u.th cortudcrablics oentius at late. counrllhui, and staff atinbets coutl biug thir spoam along ta conférences ai Mil- tan taxaya' expense That unlà _Durn the m eri Waid 3 tu- ciliUnr Attebomogh baîkuel et soce coseiri expenses. "urh a tiavel daims for spauses Mi. Arie- bomt " WedfdkuWard 3 couicil- Ic jI oimat. votait against ratificaton of expnse subçnitted on it touchait off a public debate un foruamh hi; ulfe of approx- imaai 711 for the mmislte ie Federatimn ai Canadien Mwmct- peltlmconeno tVancouver. Mi Claiau n s dgomplstdy ulihn hi najas gami cricrs pDsuy fit the tire and uas cerwanly uam tht anly eloried officiaI toum Mita tu-ac!l- InLiti hu s u cunkwim. Ma orod Afianu. un whai appeared tai be a damage-con- troI meuvme defended the palmcv et the time, eytmg hui ie uas aiteu indispensable on municipal busaincu trips, allowlng him ici get more donc et surh confeiences Mi. Atàenborough u% undeterrud. houemr sayrng surh e policy icas rdit ramincoplâe. and would Wu latEheul off the agenda, in OckvdIh, wiame ho qerded as a coüncîlloi for Appiove in prindiplefan the new tiavel palcy came quirkly Monddy. uith fucoinsnwuts bave another defence af cDundîlat' fntegrtty under the Mi fuinula by Mu Afrantz. 1 doist i dink much ul change." Mr. lrantz Ii. "I don't thînk anyomu evui abused it. Mi. Kframaz appead ta take sanie exceptian ta one rule An the noe bIal e rsb,m lor Aown~~~~rsta rIi i yu. Thtc tndri a$5 ýdaay aI- jcun 'e rrai ime l e MiLTON CHAMBER 0F COMMERCE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Thursday, NOV. 23rd 6:30 pm flalton His Place - Steeles W. Reports & Elections Speaker - Hon. Otto'Jelinek "Goods & Services Taie' MEMBES- $15.00 NON-MEMBERS - *1&.0 * PUBLIC WELCOME *R.S.VP BYMON. NOV 20'" - 878-O5à