Different rules apply for prepaying ier ww_ éep 1 .a ~ b ebp rh irWF el kl em*WWf ~à lie rlgta posdb v. if»W hm b z .il dà "Wkw Y"a un your hoe dul due abuta wbm so rteu DWt amot. I n m r or uuuwaial the .ouem cm MWia~ b dimu dops of Ludqs hepl bojm.i 111 cm muttuty. pipsymfi pPm@"q of.hb ix tsm m aussin Ovir the >uars, MW leedlaghlil hmv Trisse ae I re lq wlscliWh permit Ume i " =1m:111 pulvdme Sdeta.TI. 5 npldm retpe iepayaefl clatse. a&B the prinicipal to be prepasld kbu dalr. - m. dl. «ude hou ---y tise puu in ,tlueluoefle ms a mieu raclm ofge =ua :caai Wriniq u ii aid dmw ane MWe aguaidas ran mhànew Wlam laoldus Wo a ~ mi aurs a a inim pOmm b- irunaaut elau u W3situ preprymotre prilages, ya Iléti aia pat age anaulay or smi-anuaUy etc, I amalider Iuow uci mauiey yasa oen uav. t0 nwmgulae whichdo nS permit ais, auto- * Ceraally. th ae> sn,"pen« rep a natiai prepaymaeat 1~~ Car'i ment à noitage ut. tiie h4ier the n Th apnrty z= w1CMi rat. Whafr parpymait plil'ilqeoo & angage con"Ptein pn prupyme $11iff S' uoe m.. v i * !baowen ta rai payments, du-lng du prv.. I O*nesg4 beo o b wuia aonli 7x18 ternioft ie cotstract arulodu ouitaan- The btggemprobe. lmw >tang apartia lot Seaaaulrtulny cloae riang room alltm lflCIHRSI & e : : Sf PEAFECT FML MMCh -2 Stoney brick elgaalir 3 riace snd bsca0orru %n~stu Mc rocaril Waith taile & FP MAaKO a Ier OP$" ta Vute tt Car Gaoe78 2095or876-2856 MACULATE coueamofl The 3 becfroorn homne as caniçief e wth?2 "~Il 44fi enrlB.contrat vac, famnly mrI. e'bsrl~t f roc roomr w*h net bar Paadr lor rnrne"ae poseseson Col Tai, Ne".' 876-t126 or 878-2095 Tm0 avO COU offlw M SUNAY NOVU 19 2- 430 Pmu Wray buy just a home? When this 3 bedrOi hofmel cornu wth frOI, ICiA". uhv «a.ree, r boom d. pocé. puib lt*flttufe. pa MO0. lawsmowur. lurn~asl gSfla room. gerbmftor. ruu ltriec, cenitral air. eleti n Wttchers and mcm Cao Tin Newiru 875-1263 or 87&- 2M0 RcW ruu HiAPU 1ir P.M uI lm TOMN Qiitgy wukmwdsp 43 the. keyword oni thu beauf 2500 scquanre foot momne situatod or, a li2 acre loi overlookng the Oscarpriiet Tais morne MUa cgerrc. Oak trmrr nd o.k baseboardis, fireple in familla room and much mnore Call Margarel Cfr ste f or an appotntrnent to se. haw much more thrist really is 878-2095 or 875-2443 LOC e4 in the H ou a o i M lon on a rute tred t TNe me ove 3 b droom a. wwg -i.n tactw col~iê ki-b aLit wali a *wre uo. aONÀQDIWts 875-1=6 78-200 Ci Mm__wb goçd mm balu Ref. amar w=M»ai. lot ae M ." auase. N Yod and Mictail front prcl. «Mmm aiftacfd galop ind dmaW Ofhay. LOCid Il W E a Slo. W'.e or SafiYr Eaâry 418=4-0 or 519- Pictuqus nid Pus-Over 300 sq. IL of «icn o= tad in mcii ai 11=w f 1l rOo.i. Lamacla pwis. 5 b.G'oau. 2.5 baine Smen i 43 -isd wtg p pod ».m.. ordui. nd wan fous. ka 5 lwima sorii H-wy 6 mosth. snd 401 .'utug Wiée or Salcrae Eusay 416-854-906 oar 5194124-M150 hoM Ofy Riey LM. mortages abe niaini - b b~ lb peperwi SI?'," SUI -wm . SosPih af Eden ffle. Mb 2.5 @au pwy hms a naelr telsping. bof ablt endte frangea di lbl uts N» AI~ avalale. Bat of iait. uth aizue d.rçrpvmfiet illet C tu mSxme uts or SaimMv EMy 416-&54-9@or 519-824-9060 nomi cwy ty Ltd *Muon Dmo 18111NI F&WOuu atone cotagell ina higli profile a homne tao thriving.tearoam and arftsloçoe Iiia kwrig a. . fatudes beh' nd bedetwlg acu u"i W/o !0 balcoN Set on viearly 2 acres of beaý! fui'y Landocped osd Wtli nrpe paring Exteniivula ai0 chattOia, 110CK et cost Maise or Sutino Esny 416-854-9963l or 519-824-905 Royi CdVRMnty Ltd 854-9963 or 824-905 25 WATERLOO AVE.. GUELPH Since 1946 you can depend on Quality,.* Pri'ce and Location -from -aII ---- BuIId r NOW SEE MILL RUN PHASE Il* in Rockwood. si 9-3/4%0 first mootgagu avadlbi a Binau lots fmms 67 x 13T to T widths 0 15 minutes ID 401 - 38 minutes ID Drampta . OppSetuity prlcd fias' 1232,95O0 w n B i, a m m om u- b i m