i on .~ the mm owwwVc Ovutmoe aPoet M eo. o1e 238-042 GcO..P 'ln KI -ée Squére One M0 Dixie Alond 2 bas S of401 CCLttC<CCC< <CC 1 -1 One of the laroa W.tght-Loe Proffos lni North America. Over ZOOO Contera Canada and 1h.i U.S.A. Mot off On Done Bro@wn km 138 pounda. "I Iost 38 7ounls and have kept it off wi the help of fDiet UCenter. 1 feel groeat about the new me!" cmn to» 17-25. pounds ln~ hm cha.o DWf Oen~ Cete- 72221 ANNUAL MEETING NOTICE NotJicg hereoy given, tha 9ic 32nd AMIOa Meeting of Iton ConMxwMy CM* Union 11 1s wIN b. hcd ai thie MudW Cm*~ ftW UH M 300Sns Ais.. &1111W on té MIU dgy et Novoro 1909 st 730 p.m.. for t papou. ol shvÉnu Re"%ut nd Financlal Statcfnot fSr the yeat oedd Sepio~t 30h. 190. Also on the agenda wlll be the Election et Otticefs, Apop*MMu cg AuMm dio M Swy cOr sieu c en Nnuul Tue ho mg tii- OMymlom unendI.gsnsrby-INs oféMn Commnn#y Ctcdii Union Limiitsd wiI asto t» S~udi Mni.INa24ti «ly oS OMVbe. 1US. PJ. Buwala, RJDA9«. 14~i7"'/89 g Tif C lrp- Corne te our GRN PNG EpAn oe wide erray t Ms. CurLwsJ!t, and Drled Fhwers iuW receve A YEGr CEC 01UT OUR SPDAL * CompetitivePrice - spzs rl'Do.snRosss QMBIÎy Buy l *ii àw Veimcety fi And Get B"1DzncraisAd coOmd Do..n #W y flos erni Andw And Oct I-M