Minor hockey is losing its popuiaty amng yoýungt Mdy héu.l smyu1 ~ehu a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ b auoiartoyffllai Ilt lQdi quchy fort al19 eF N a a ep taatus o a. le Shots sedag ae b. ey ilawooady autoe hmlon ~e u or tituis ilis a but gram then bt à= ethp W~~t devas my timat te aaoahr larp jumpa&fi-r eaedget age. ea. aid da..p epvollvsd le. but we 1usd to c.mu a tjheoe ar y emaioas Wothe darteu anmag thon. demuie (at te garn la the yatampetrm atday. y&l ttgaaui: ette>rugIe and posçatî dont wuee ther silae holp thim got iemeWd in the game et an cadj> kadi tu gos huit; tht e l e a~o there ni e agand m'sy titll Il hit.tm rarndertag away Imm a coniimteat placoe ta w4y-; = Paifha (a ocm a chi Id gaad oduouo. AM l'en enlia ab»th e odubsion. 0ot = ai hkthe on, lllaWwehp, theaatouplay the joy ai wumnAetfaild TIeatee h ogotag p lbles. of pstn len hoan to.dw. writh lesta ail hvlP douA9 chajaww *qualy cmhes end relerm a 'becorne "Mnvow. Wfrith te varWty ai challsenfg pureme à thea day aie we kiddtrngJt &Mame macs is ta do the and mria' à muet thaât kide don't maqi ou tmLsiil; ub a aU i a aLk In,=im a n ue matnd thier from t expfhrnoes ta leaky "heu6 le a crucial part You can't blarne pmoka9 cor e mainvli, o- I With maaay peetioan& If lit stane pa ruent causita - without hm. thalle nuld b. te viier hockey a scène, thtrn Wt' a playo ct ab up becaut. h. Wei% h. Lte& boi the Sied ePOOýho aie willinsa te ta- isa'e gotting caugi ce timne. Occasboaalb*.tts an or' volveil &Wm assu wall cmtiaue ta b. wetcwsd weth posing coach who Whn hi awn mdcis influieace the opea analt. whie. those who an there Ioab OUR atelrt gane uufl ltthé worw. - peemcit s.IbiOeOID MU5 li by thu wayside &Z.,nrm - ii' tIc w n probiemî., one ci whiclt me I ain sont thés wilI o a W4e way towardt emukng deslengweth ebc oreng mule changes. The deares thge gammr hma and aîtractiy ta te. y-lmi peuple am in e. ot eeotZ h garnie anmd dul wmth tht of "dy. Aiter ait, that'. whatlackt W suapeoma tu evoiing 4Sofi te sport, but thaev aid ta arn alrmdy b. et &H lavais. compete ammd Iteuct'silbt Ims eght çomephKauf text aon hae te garnm s ta b. played. ,alihis ATTHS "WL WRYB Nswys. c msoewshrflM pff ~ru. uki aiS p~oe bmkt d Imtudiy htei Cbkk..UiI N~L A~ IIM~ .ihI~. b.d abmt ER. 276 Man Stieet East MflOn 87&4171 - Gndug ourards I grwillailt tht e *p ha b »04 pbyoNf ut altiers Nligfln sentral .Wadimsidy. %M eWpisye omgoon in "e suml-thale Senior Mustangs win, Scarb Orough tourney. ACter à dliappaf a caçgr, with 14 rofts te Miltoa Dcý_ Hegh+ýhPeoI. Mton;ýe ieadIén. Ber M& à uir ait b.mtl s=ae eded amne titter. MVý At ahI~ aoeast~ey ee& titai CamcJI Ouillt Bauete es uPlInee1u.ý Ite h ieak Ia Stdary abalIlthequakdCh" . t ItLai MIl'a opoesi tpley =et tour 0 'aid. pu U"h àok 62-3 ehtUileo Teows Natwhà %ozJ sbet . h.îi& Derumwe.a y7e wés. du Ngo dieu bes7 liyimct -Wi i -Pâe, ehick gaveah jete oei *0 Ille n..99~ - t o w8lleàka4sus Mas, bid NWh Ma MWu y *mmsg> Viil 1111 la tp tw ehm nteW 0a la s _-ý o the ~e Calilgal* mmsme W*s.e *a tht - lb. l w. a~ Hwu ~ey et OWM* ush I~l f IlW~ h u pied.à wu* a aSiIl U. a Juvenije reps.,.. stay at :.500 ne 12eag "Inne aMilt h mini t la lise 3-1 11hais11p' baill a ai;thm.d t n IA g t hneImm e uuesyea t aada.Whn Ados, ë=g ael lasrtt TruifflwMý estdc~~hbnt.UIIaaUS %W"mdli l, tausupt azr bsesr f py h WILiMt AMRd rqu.Eelaiîvda lama Psne Elloliteed th ~e Pala. sh fomti Irrv - majker dmr Melion fini Murra W"a li beteen tW pips- . 'lui 0ig ta Grargan C1kw. ia te wea çw«, Actait. Ppasoea. -fmw teed will gave us tain. mal Rob Miheai. Colin Gnviemati Kyl. to(iteui un dcfenee Dug car PU& Haeetlhd didth0* damnap but once tht PUCL in thc nut H a goai agaia * Lle te amm dédret erome thfane. play Egim wilum fiai hméetS short tg te ,We goan meusoy '3- laid -but full' compl-mie ai PLaYul for ai Actai gai u" qucllas pitae td "0nea ithoea garnies as Néul Alia pseio4 belonte it te lesaurani tillI hms 0 MW the- the final gfal"h eau.d "W. utea -u 0 anasAesgam suspicneon lu lSW ui ncId' pe1 h piedt enm m h lc naek pullletg the nt.' Maltaot lies Aaa Saturda . ktai. tlra!ha t Hsmpttt 1 jn fnui wele goeag etu b. One. atm Elbmou#w tireu s hnk di:ded tolody inmg iata *t Unmm ieaî thé .~gn 't ait if~ Tmch. ;. Woatadrn MuN lise. ead liagt amaiaflcalw" aimd h'et bel.am the t.WEl