Vaiencla Oranges 10/. 99 L" 4iSt onj -U A&P $ici@ Bacon f~ OMBLE STAfflI om ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~" sn.,n g -0 mu. 9 S unlight Detergent'."3 . 00 MI l A 8 - U @ a ML PACA TBone or Wing Stuk or Roast 39 P'-COM r 7UP Ior 7UP Admirai .8 O'Ciock Tuna, Bea.n Coffge .79T 1.99 MM, ffl 41X0cr100l 1 Shes sole'survivor,,of«class of '07 flbI M nM» WM~ bus R %mmIR usuln a muâ- liid* dmUwilh as bobiç IaoeM itWh he 0<d« ut ehilâsan' t Wun intea o " n&Mhd ne » m rerm tv f t Idiai Mud"o 4prM t amw of UN"r dow ai r-o-- -- 0."~~'. e MIl1lsaid was ".Cail MOLLY MMD nd. bave the 0 h deaned p7sinIIyY "That really made ber happy r ,becauçe She knows that 'with MoIlly Mad she1lýt the berteome cleaningr serviçi available "Mibiy Maid teams are fully traitied, bonded and in5tared profe-quinals FhPV Iring thear own Cééanicg supplies' k taike care ti ail yotir home tare needs - Molly Mad dos1ý& thorough job 1 hey made her so happy we've decided te have îhem ip. weekly." 876-1672 S#HELL LOVI (7MII HOME TO ACLEAN IfOUSE- theylb warmth & charm oià aurai fl'e witb a maturai gas 111repiace TERRY ROWLEYC