RealEstate WOUD SECUSION- MW ut e. O- W M 't' C" *i...' "j.T,. s... -, nus *c'~s ~,fl, %~ Ufl.M. ff.. t ~'O'fl ~I4t , flS.M*~. M'is atM ~A*O *. 'r..' r ~M "o,, I~,t ~ Office: 8~ Tor. Lino: 1 J Getchmny leanled and inspected befaoe col Weather set in to stay.j a wad sl w e fa ouuiy i, h q dn u &u c=n ah d u lt th m m e a to*iw sur yo = Uyf~W LUI ev tb. fa los a th mglu's bon oetffml , .11wUA~Im' ln tiimie and dw, Aiky neolo ol Ls1ain. f anaa ador~zc b* uvidp when, it ufaciies bmI u Hsys7~I thacknmi l < »Ondimney nomm- Iflaglu and soda aut lte mPU MM=.a È chlmstey5rs. clonîg qwnwt Piluc pilruuno f du chhmyaa d tshea = 09 =Ym1, sdlaea cim. mne important conipof a woodbnarn. neAaid unM bnsse arui t oory Ing sstm. lThe chimo.dw t - =Zw hâu~ The. lamasi tiduld fit snulyoutdu. =by pudulq icdraft whicii draffl le coin- chimnçy sa the!ete ultion is produccd busueairaid xhaambqwcke and gsaffl to emmoiw dq,ésis Mom dcycmt outdat lb> widâtand how cNwo m modi aie m rnwlawlhtrsd ftubctio, ra have tu rnembenhutho ptln- Im LIr e whm 1, mdlii d iar needed4oug 1 Mw.ouhcthT exhisite &a fqm hefireplaoe Nmny homeowni, pi - tontract b*~itevUI the -ouméde ak pua, m semrééms of a chwtney swa.p rathr ùian LNLIIT9DO=71,A mi cap andcode aW.nssmlut<Inbing on theïrm tui b dean the ciîmy. ino h 0 pmüog fi asn AA~ u'aeicncsid chimmuy swoep <n comi- omelok4m B t balian Me gasw <a om e the jo quackly and.mdl u no nm ww kî Drefi a amwd ytr i dfie umnpoeaî- The sweep mdl alto reptnon du corai. lie .R tuibetWum thuemthechiunyandth icd ith chirnriy and hou you cmu atoid iN, SpéciGIS tR., l wtI WEI utaide a. Gam tmperstwe crilool btdld-up. Ruiurab aie.h u a windows. mast crfn lepuue snudrf.t saln a chimny swap. CU4 tî lni L.R. ASICNO SU90s C : ChùiMa.muos be clacksd 'plarly for nedghbourn ta am if they amc satdsfld wdlh M4ARGARET CROOK.ý S «s cmoict buWl-up bmcuse , lips corn «u-ùi woe i auvie thy have mdvai Rap., 333-572 or RaS: ~* htbbbandLMy eCh fire in ym nmy. If;yodo.rhsw a dinmuey Hme.haret %Thaite f cr.esud.p.,.on uat ta do: apphesn mI dhiatus7 caai the u >ICo i eulto ~dmpuo tylpeiiOf wualuaMW nhomdsesi the m t-d ai m- noe. cosu w l.dasgnad Sym.m n w I Cilti finwu.psnmu and preparqi to gel cutayor out af tiiýhou. 3)il ht spray W«« into 1kw chimuy Tii.m Tapa = aiub aapd co LînZ SPUp CIAUSIS MC. May diektsi. ,22 MItaril 8t. àmath 878- An hdvmil Manibê DIcta mill be blown out due chimmey topi anid cah Caiis onu 4 4~7l~the rçof Go out,%&s and wW 876-4913 .J 5)Altertair du is a, n its t-nuTI and di hiybas col@4, have the chîp¶ney R.. .,", Iougltly inspimted t& detenmwtc if it sus- taaned ai img 1-2365 fiesor, aaso leCînvmi 21030 ~- - . DoM d 1111 ric Ut4 pi& ne MWv mla &ui cor y~ bOm uft T &0 i m e ay. and n**t &animi, &he~O vu n à U lest lo~~ i t t éms f hmm*ua » em nota,. ongm 1S22 MWt fO »M. ase 3 »mTi rend muvJ 1aIO PbA s i~0 * UT çtmulréOouppayt hn~i rrfar0 240 cmU &qID. OMS COUNTRY extra luesm M1555 ban misth-si 55015 ariiji raatord mith a #êd-waafar flirt taWud MC rm *thi met InM ard aitSm ouibw biU 4 wr A u uu co Oulstandiql 2 ai orey pmn kilchmuihi sur nteutainni incit spsôeus mxétida plankl pria Nkoms Sat"u Woan mcm. dtimung mcom. 2 Wood alow,. 3 badromis. 2 batha. bankil barn M14 nom alais Ai on 172 go u airais fMure. $595.Ô000 . - Mej No arpenéa tisp Pbaaeu Io un c - 9, I fre CWIn CAM or UuIEDS, wu Reg. 11:>m CULiN ILOOMMUICN UMU meme tumm hW" eb *b m le * à~ MM oftls Op la à km ii visa n imwm r mn mS it m 09 0 awa ési bassu m M» ne mop um(a *OMucb #,m- vas sss u - w%àbisas eesaè ~i '. ~mi . o~UMinb ~as ia1iacin ~ 1 s ~ s b %