4 b i%È>e'arsu wi at. iii ment n Ocù of W elT Ibsts an smprnse Braam mmprovei Wd unr ut ail oetham n olnd-à-llâlf. thym~ diwieilncs of tbe ,nathion, r198',tmet t' mnmhmg the smauc<et My gne)S was tii beat 1've alway% knwsn fWsrrn; Was dopnt WC& kilt ci 4s-ymrods Thé Groat'Lonnoxs Scratch and Bave Evem1 Scitch r.Save , s c S.woC or a Lennox heatingandior air concttoning ur;t M~Pymets ti Fg. 1,0"" Save wfth a Lannox PuIwt high fficienc natura gos t ý'err Rowiey mechanical Wc. VOUR KIT Pi TUESDAYI OCTOBER 31 FOOO goody b? t 4riviais ý Lirntilld 10C 13yrr & ufldo R14, S 4, suSuficAN fh.iky.T BOfLIAO 260GUELPII5T. avomTowt4 Gfpateont'a rnp e ý, - .' f" tr1 t ee r i e day on k norLf Y odreajieC of buildng yuýr Cmii morne no* yov cC, on Ifis Deeulifui RAVINE LOT 42? x 23?% tocatoo on a rnatjlir true Wbed stroai. o1cbllWdo paisý Uand. Wthii Wdlkiflg d.Sthiioe tW-UonOIh Brampton' Levaes are Pa-d l it .or ýou iSe hone, Ca, nom, M ison or Lar Hais, sales oeIsontves, of 751 467-1754 F HAVE YOU EVER CONSIDERED Pleâse CtisidirIl l#m - th feraei s greaL Cofiinuyi fnfnnaul meetlnp about flostmenin eihgmi be.h* lé ttm l nglo 0 tiOn &MutOA, NOV. m. --ft --'o.» q 'aamfnishs pinth in agegroup . ûV YPAiQUAL cvrn cobotmUne qu y m ra on . IK mmicd 0e mi as pioeh m e epot-.. lubh ad km rw, ThS gnos. th ioins. vjIè tt1 n 'lP and funt 2h mlwnfà maUis ,îh8gutstfînsti .satiyfuudsd." aid Ba m ing mnttiw in lionl " ',,tp 1,ws snXs fhe lm e tir n iiiîfo aNI ut a new famnly mord, butin tfiMas à%anch Xld ite brrw 4ptihlnin1* *s'rlmU<aSaam finrnshW' husbêt bdl'% bess tin by obu Il Anheh "Ikam woaldi libe to àt o h"ro t a is ad rupffing , 197, JIM OI c i AIe tend w thama taytie tM<e bo àh~ hu lik .« q m t.lht m Tmo d fiania tii os n t osw deFrne e ta <ud teeaporationi rm fr k w u PM >il~ hodti % wu Y s io.r&to, te coifsum as 27. 1 ssow l'm nq ring ta vi Id .pf &(te m m ec as nvveil. As Of fu*toec tact onl 1 m -o anasi tui =îW t maia is tise wMrl on fine iii- ti*Mon, but 1 In__ak h 1ni wu, tbu worAW miettesuii eaJm <ow tréito ~ wuap hici 1n Pd m euniple kW vn WH-i:-I pob, b t &lio a p&Aat job. id ea a 12hn.mM u t nruw the finishtîimcofthe things that =~ "hakgmthF tie aSx21ulesa wilemapâle oy of Pele taI ita Mwn lys sais heath%ç Ann lier age tJlid,~ 0 sptins - - moaida iii asin lehmit dii Mma ut à i For. beuth tidi ma dy r sallye s<adîn OS Aw ào <0<t ofLY diu'iS i kmwi sIfr soin < osa