Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 13 Oct 1989, p. 31

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Affording a home involves variety of difeetatr Dy JANEJUJWO dabtlay wrsi IattvlevlUn i ho IrElEiruriri *Dut'ear an a c ae ew~SfOe aaa ttii- INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL AND INVEME ihu _at_.blhy Z:ahp maya. M NIJcr mu and em Of Our tomon .did a FORf onÉ T would b. In ifU.ucome and apaugTuiot hich an aflanlability index wasw Znddins motor untirest)ruaii devafoWa. It showed tha fotairyaa joa nly hotu vaulainrstai. et ala àd ai 1901 (when pu1.wpdm 870 O~î~Srî 200 andc 1,600 Pss Iof. Ngin rSlit) &Il thtill factors aegn- tm rates arere on th a pt 0pr wWreuse ouis.de 7oae Iusîrai L xce'n in.it et.Sorpinsg. the affo.abdity leve tr .CN Srà. !-e 1 ,0 ntn -gens ~ ~ O0s in.For exemple. wltom moa. ,ltares cent). Com8rrp 3 o'0 A o Paza dedined by 3 per cent fron1Mmm ipeuto 19%5 was vittuaUy the uane as in 1978 - 2 o'c ar's Akng, Fe P4y Ira Sor 10, lier cent. potentiot monthiv mortgafie mêufllg peuple weIT spendinfi *S< tOtYt SAoe. ri Petsdm? le 20 per ient. Attor- peuoentage of thoir.ticurne seven yoars lofer f ~k4ePy$*37S'v ' z Ù ceait. Thtis ti f information should bu avail-O -0veutime faiivincometend ta iflbow able for &Il cites ove a len ~hyrie of~ W' r h pcait nIdsra n omrilLaig arFicit wouid 419o improve affordabihty. Un- tmmwL It arouki asst tht public and wouid earth pclisinId tiladCom calL sng Ioruaeyppey tan d utilîties aito ptývde govemmentt and industrv arîith bc- TPeure call if you have space availablé or coming available. .aI . t nete vurne. ter information in t amngpoiitOC IO *To croate an. accitrate measure of affor- pruidîng houng pWy4 YOUR OWNBUSINESS LO&INTHE ND IIU WA 0 .0 REA E TAT . 2.000 f pus65O0" _1 ,' -Q 21 «c".oseo1401 - INDUSTRIAL SITE FOR SALE FOR THESE AND OTHER INDUSTRIAL, COMMERCIAL AND lk.INVESTMENT REQUI.REMENTS, CON~TACT MARILYN ANDREWS - 842-8690 or 878-4380 CAMPSELLVILL OCIAE'BueFeanRaEstate Services Inc - Realtor In' a CumS >V ttsa't Sum by Onie 0f fKliion' S soe wai re n s ~fer you restate? Thts *PreOFg.ois b$4dwi, tit triy eiegant hlome 1- 1/2 Siorey home aas Soid by Carneror awarts your r sPOCOr EOrmOus kItWi 'Goly just lest wOok.'t 'could have been This is not intended to solîcît propertue urrtty Itsted wfth ather Brokees w1h wawojt t0 larg dock Beetid Rem ywus Thewe are many more f0tu sMd 90 dxwrs o"' lhe nar loof Bwemod Celllg do ýc~ wa'i ary longer Ça:î Ca"'eron Gto fireplâe r'~ t-earn.ly fooir Cofne iau 876-2156 or 8782095, more Fo' Yeu, persona] irspeCtron cait FURLONG COLLINS MANDERSON.& GUNDING * 4v Mmrise 878 2095 or $75 2443,ocsnîîo. ~ "' ~ uji !3rampton. To Keep >'ou Inforned . ~ ~, -~~ laîton hilç LawAQ RATS ilE .U ,.VENO TRANSFERRED "*Ma vo a *M. 1oar vA a iveaiass 3a V AU nm y. l's LOOICING FOR OFFERS * . ~~situated on a î»a mW4e and bSiks onito "- a park. This 3 bedroom hiome ha&8 beon . TAIL BRICK CUSTOM HOME ffeshly poaile and tnnmmd Fîrsho'd roc. Tbe built On a tlaod lot in MlIoI 4 room,.,wto toy dock and large master '" t bmdro"s. -ieacc man' foor lam'y an e ctoo wit dob closet are bul somo laury room You car' Ptcw You 0Cr ofthe uIm thifs hoe hCs I ofe Prcad cos cait Tir Navet for &Hl tMe detais 875-1263 or 878 2M5 I09011 ai $199,900. Dohit tuaitate t0 cat a'l" Cam Gall today for your paraonal . ... LOTS aett'768 . Building lot in town, private I UT crescent nîcely treed. $124.900. And have Wtdy GI qualifted buyers TRLS 4ctIF. CaIl Marg or Tan 878-2095. hopoflg to purchase soon. If you have cao.i r. 3/4 acre lot on Woodward Street, been consideriflg a move or need îCu - . . Close Io downtown. $159.000. anyrneate fom ratioflgive mea ti SOLD by Marg and Tmn. Cafl. Carnerori Gai 876-2856 or 878- Cco, Wy" ' * ~ .. ' 2095irs Noù a§' THRR BULDOM FOR fflE PF(AR OF ONEI mnua.wth roorn to mm for voix own conimacéal ISwllmuatio.No a- , 'Y oOvvAterakiud Cellrim INWm*xoo"Mq Yvoririo Christir, Bfokef Ownet 878 2095 Tiri t4eviris 875-1263 Came, r) Gall 876 2856 Alllin Chrislie 87ki-2095 fAarqarMChiiýAie 875 2143 0 .

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