la.iW A Ca tered Affa ir 'fk& Cat ering for AUl Occasionis .We will- cater any party for your office or home for groups 2-100 people. i * 2 :cFigur.e & Fitness Many happy clients have dropped one clothing size in onlv 2 weeks using Muscle ~ Stimulation ÈE4LASER THERAPY 4ý Stop Smnoking anid %VeiÀt IÀoss Programis wlth, ongoing support. Wrinkle. stretch marks. mhigraine hcadaches. stress reduction. P.M.S., water retention and ant1cellulite treatnient :ýIOEMS Iloie Unîts for sale or rent Facial exercisers and body C.A. available 855 MAIN STREETE. 876-.2533 \(a Karate WOrId> Ali I ,raid war, -Cail MOLLY MAID and have the house cleaned prof essionally." 1 kit fp.îth ni ide lire 6hîrr, iî'jr çfhr t l-w ,ssçil witdi NI. It% KNI î(d 'ir Il r' t thîr br.t h, i , fn If- fil îg 11ll ,çIî r, u f. î l 'i , r , . i , - Mol' Nbi.d dcwc .1 tIivrohiiLvi b 1 iel: v Malle .' l' liî.rr% %v.' P thi( ttlf'tI tl' - - MOUY MMD 876-1672 SIIEIL LOVF COMING HODME TO A CLEAN HOUSE ir (416) 875-2964