I 14~ GaowaI Nab~ WiE I ~ ,Christie Brown & Ce. Dixie/Eglinton Arma SECRETARY for interview pliais contact Donna Vanmest 624-0770 SET-UP PERSONS voquirei For lOci manufact..-; pa- S:> Wualra4 ea ce c i.s ena IW,,. Comptany pazl benýUs Piease apOQy in perscn :a 521 McGeamfe Or e ma. ontarz -9, -5 Cook S pervisor. GeneýI HNeip ,t!s!e('d L. ease ca.. 878-8141 ext. 246 4:U po.. WAREHOUSE LABOURER Far uSed.patt business. Knale*g p1arwu ant asset. L 878-0565 OUXTREACH ATTENDANTS Excusantî partorra ypcrtavty awr% as an Attendant aai pèyscAty daabiu à&" Flexible hours and good wllgea Chin trainspotaisoe a must For mat iakmri cd 076-440 Rnir in «ri"> by Odiar 29U,ý lm0 ONTANOU AMC OF IMUS AmwAllem: MAUREI AIRE 311 Camud et 11MILTON, CIwbI LODT j I I i I War.house Porsons. Ready Bakes Foods Ine a Susýsd.arv of Westoe, Bake.n. Lld. s seeanlg Warehoiase Poisons for ils Mss-ssauqa ow.atibri 1401 Msssauga Roai: We aie seeerlg appicaris eti' ae ieanm pIayerý and lalie pde r a, Il yoiu aspire tbe pOart 01 a yae envirormenî ýpease fra'o you, avppic:atioi or apply lin pe'sor !0 '7~7%= ah~Zd c Ph. 567-040 WANTED PRDUCTION LINE WORI(ERS CI'esta Frazert FoaCs L*C' 251 Nipssing Road M ,;orn On-ario L9T 4Z5 vive reciwee eon.a'i for or chýcec-n p'oess ng teai Work enwvireft 4 reIncigeralld (50 cegees Fi dbeaý'n a hygenic Regular hDuirs are 7 00 -3 30 Wagees $8OCIir to start S8 50 aller 3 mrincs Ccmpehesýv ber-efl pacage W. aie an eq.aj oppoeay eminp.oet Contact nos$ YahWo si dut ae betasan 8.00 and 4:001er InWlta,". Pkoduction TOsm Player Ra Baie Fatal Inc a 9omomre ci eJ %or Baeras 's a eaq r the iwsIacrig ànu &Smbubw ai trozeri balian roclCsA. WVe aie pressrry seinM orgme prooucor, «W«1oi a taajap-aiX 401 are The alla cénoiele * amI to Decorne a 'nree, Co att prodidi'leU *ameacallec Io clribna* i'55w1 theaX aMif 3<tai bi. inleresled aN«Jtidate crease cotre 'n amd oonrra atppacamn orphn m .ai Fou. 'a " SUIOD LUICNSL . CHEMICAL'BLENDER Auquinid umeay. chermocal t nesE poncos an assa bt w. wd an Slr oemfmuuu " xpnt c buat i c gwi $9 011lm, Emm*Ierimit package Tody i Prm o:h aii Cleaner (Relgelr pef-tme) $19.90.- $10.07 per Iour Awy yvOti nrg and éexu.tai on MoppOfex« aithOe Mletlo*y sf Ce.rnnw aMi Social en.o Thssdeadan RaMa Cafihre Syl Affs campus so mrar a lnim star- dar 0 cianmnss i I aeo 0 Vi IaC y Vu, m*w ors 24 Bours per weel Loos~e: Curiftl. ment and supplefî abstiy tfio riomutine arai and anI»E sawruCtlpn amprecaatmon of aloy &Mtd $Ocufly p<Ocaxe in a secure fachl by Nw 2 in . Um ofcommwlt and Sosmi Sevco, Thisisai A gima Centre, Sy AM» Camu- Ma. 475 Iroqu"l Shtes Rtond. QMiviNe. Onteto. LIM 1 M3 Puli Service Déacated Io Emrpoymeit EquryÀ TELEPHONE 'SALES PERSON~~5 D.e o ýnternad aroffri am aren see.,ry a Temaamm, to côrripareem ou, ý- ;etw' oa"id «rie~g e.aerenoe s a- asset ce * am preardc t0 ta la Ar ai'active saiarý aie ber'etI pack.age are avoýàD *ye t gicarclaaie r"eestec! car,-ales va.. e e me ccril oCia C nce ta Retal Sales Georgetown Inclependent- 30 Main Stréet South GEORGETOWN, Ontario L7G 3I4 ADVERTISING .SALES REPRESENTATIV.E paqaireel tot Establlstwd Community N.wspaper PleaIse .send resume ta Box 1717 cio The CadIan Champion 191 RM $tuo lai MILTON, COnur SKILLED LABOUR sarong asabaita oSoçaly VUgmB Pers- 0 serduo Mwda and ýoe ,il" have ower veNcie end »"c Pat Wm plaht peu w0fk Pettect for s*uiitiebid or fetired poiso Mephot: 1 lu SUId HMin g tii Expeelscdl ExhaMste naIu Re<>,e'o lai Georgeloi caae. a scta Tari lt Asstat Mange Startný *ffl deoemdct taei tl-,e a?, ynmpar, p ad boisAs l" 0wais >4xaa Fza, -c taa eaoea c~ oc' ce'! 877-0151, Aàn tor ScO TOOL ROQUÀ SUPERýR eawatYrmt Mma laie $«VOIC a appemmeshe se a %lo & de malt se am tla< mu ix blle mUOaOWcr and VOS l%0 change ci Mo rooeli Palu - and W % ,riarwat Krwoiaidp o MÈ)1M 'tAta WU$o' and *.oer mouing COUd s a dtent lamE E raillent bnla S* duý St INDUSTRIAL MAJNTENANRE MECHA? CS Locw -11111* W RLt ltbaagleaaeek, W . m~. a4 colaypud beialle PbmN Fu mS rmsa Io: 521 McOa&d. On"v Milan, Onumn L9T 2L5 GOGANIUT CuOI GERCTOR ,?Y CoérU ai a 340 fleleet si. ivitie. 00 1.611 1 3 MEARrd9fr OF LBWMU SERVIES FULL TM .EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNSTY ARENA MAINTENJANCE "Se *Tow- 0# M.lt'ý u:3a,"Ent &r- Seruicca req.ée , rie fcd'. -l e-, -à lnawtwuoe The. Pos.cr r_1..os s>C ac'- andi 501a veeb»rds LOQSC .tNc ind ce rae ýer.amce -e; - -es.f»oe oçeailor ard oea i r. .;4ck Exerienca e5r ce e.g' cýçiemt aCD.,c De ; assait Coo.;ettb saàé and benefil Da.a9e* afle'ec nllf@ltde acep.cnts me asmed lm appI, in *rng Wa -; bacmgvof.'c ara qaifcacoms to Town of MUiilon Oapoetmu of Lm sure Sa wces Vicions park square P.O0. soit lm0 mIStou.Ontario U9T 4B4 ATTNT»t P. Stover 14R. SUBMARINE FUIL OR PART TIME HELP Dey Shfo Up to $7.00 per mour Ur' forms and t'a.ni'g Drov cec AOçY in P~io bStwoEfl 10 &ML an4 6 P.M. 429 Main Stree ----------- TRUCK MECHANIC F:.il time mos.*mw aval am 'o, ex- oe' eméec meclanac weq.n aid dieselÇ me kflo1.age an, asu, Corxmoy D"f1es nt,-,cm Pease 30 ain si. s. Geffolown, ON4 L7G,»4 ART FOUNDRV V.e awaýudy*oxacBoz MECI4ANICAL 08AFTSPERSOPN Whaliabratou Canada Ine $O<aIed in mîlIeu. ontarlo, bu on i opaug lir a Juinior Machoouca Orahap4uso 'he S.Cesstý* ca'd.data "l. te aàS s..twu mgd zw am~ .4%,brée evr-u't. al2 m 3 ,üars exprni v. "ta tac1"ba1. a jD_ýes *A é ca .g t- Res.um.e should be aet Io MW. ett«flon 0 f VA -n a,~n r,~ ~~~ 0"e a.a 4C 'weac7 .a