Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 13 Oct 1989, p. 11

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riathion and, vaca tion for'Braama in Hawaii Dy Ras KELLY paefinish et a rac in Mino.hdaa y way tof expaain shi.' offloi,~ Inm biti kasaw 'ha 'afi. Iets .rides doten the' cor~irair M4y Mon AUl oth'at atsew»h'hi t the W3 tire tthsU b,'~c rstnnut int" mtn7s a .a rici. Hu.,pîtal Site lia 4 yeir OU Site 9iuP fantisie amOng seout'? wlht. CivcjoZt wht n egi't hg, Àga mafttçd 2 aptrain aKri. fv.r imtet utiur ",Ytise vs lariksanacrnt'vounrr. And -she eta".~ 'lThe woment whd best me dâtIrt -yk unw à ago" lier husbanut. Ed Blraant. ia à leal spurt. unl éh taie fînmi, Ia twîi out,.ji ti tait gn'c h'mi rthung athlictsttat n lat"~ n gixid, i uoe ownt'f. 6iWatt. thwrl Tht' Mutt unttr ., lso à triaiblirte and tIhe As btax departuu.. date titr Hat.aîîl Iirnt Lek a ta a dtviade anratlia i' -att*- in the'wa tuugh ' 1 a teur- 1 1j nraiai' tahl~y %LW-'* ficl worl,. ags. %ho admîlai il, l.'irip sPori tlraam. a ful-Itin.' x- ras to;hicut i rible racet. I t la hoa lit A tr in 'out. U'aranIie' about *flokc'înurui TM airai 7conistg in th -'Sud Ligit t,îî'nu raho (àpt" i ut Mers oNlhan'x Ktlso Conqer' wahk'dotn a Niep In case 1 sprain ail an inHa.aiîmîr.wisruda)Cécismus>' ï vh allon Art'aa*tually', T%àt's paranuu'. don't s'u iiril, ~"' Wher, thet't rs iki' iii puKNItiv hegais u'.rnflic'diu nInhiîg . Whe tht' frit sturtttd 51w tuincoarporatirg,if i uai' feI ilowIng baick fram thet' Inînnin in thetml,ra1 muwe,. Race. organtiairs out'a decisie iiga, 'Iltsa 'tnp. sinci,lhe musa pay ailt ain x l*4Ps. tekY.r'iiit auduenu.r gnetoth'ýthe' veînt, flre warnýing flagi. as rsinn.'r' Wva~ullira! îii,-utne home rvang"'frî ii tlpain iatt4trunt' anwtll a% the II isaîvttr lx gt.i otttamiîîetf admiration and armusemtf .amnpIce deh'Isîuratiott. ht axa, Ph- lr nang.buiut 'hîntr'. hiifrthiic. L fnihnI ,us31mîiis 'Ai th,.sî the~ admiratioîn sea% l"awd% on tbh- ttant'. eiel l1Auaiîi was .uh a hi.h.' tsht trimedqîll. hiaiî rf.'itnly ilt- i lit pirimpit,' I-lt-r trainingý%cshthuIct' titi il'cr r,ý -lirn i kng ha, k T Th-l' iale not tininuiiltad ro i r b. .r The amiusetmet ,i' fro m thtilt ih.uat 'i..i initonçitV htirdeing on ojii (tieît TIhe uitiîpIî bas,, nt, ciin .bi'hr'aouandiit ,îa rîuu "l. anut'sould'.i oos e iito iii sl,..,i wim. h.i)(1 Mette'. p.r wvk. anti admrilN *1 sarong bontd for1pod tbougii iht'îr mttiait burin n..i prb.iul.t piirl. jtln %ihcriit.'ise tii Il~ puni.hmî'nt don i ciinçenirate. on .stimm;n 'l;, 'a- t il il ing desire lui explri- thet' uvr lrmît4 tof athli', "Spoxrt% rtuîr. ;e n' a1,1'îu' Ol Il [;.Iit-d -as the' mtist pi ilo. ijthiun nr thé tber worti .event poicutial "Il iu dr i gruwtoithl sou and i.-1t\4i uu' f.î IP4 i s.îirld the' Inîrruir n,'io a Z4-rik'ia %she '.i.ii 4-i0 km a w-t%-k andf nun%1bt.it'i..'i' 't havaan.5i1.', ted, t %wiii 11 2-m;!,' hike. rav' jndth :riiut, rý_r, u1 "-i1 and '7;îm'te Tho' rt rt'girt'n Wht'î tht. trin.rn l ,su lai ibe, fat,- 't , i la *. -1 tii w h.ýh mui W' wm~ iu'tsir t7 h,ýr t' ae nshr'rumi .2hu hnim th,,Nt n'a.hî" a i.*a. riî'" tiîdiis.nj. ýhi. 11r.14ti'îi roi. atj'iti.. Ji' , Phriam qlualîi iti' o the. î'5.ni sWit a tird' goirg titi1 tilt ph.,n.'t fer hu.band h"tr .. har u. ii ' rt andi a îi..h:ng retti i. FWe want >'our business "MIL.TOV... anè weil coattc rlght to your front door AADTRCK RNTALS . e 45 ONTARiO STRIRE1 M., MILTON. ONT I TELEPHONE 87#431 1. Sp orts -FrîdeyOctob.er.13, lg89 Juniors -romp to 354Oi .Goin' for the hoop * fodIga Anclar cil ,1fy dilveà te ie hoip In thati gl' jambe baMkith. gamn àpkiat Gu~ UUizit Parkt 11h :1 . Suaan S OuIglilaf àIuta 0ply dellancé, taia il ms Io no favil es la Royali Oim 3&-35. Dy MIATT GLINI 11 Spectia te The Champion WW Iu'dtdaV', 35~4Lblaning or Lor'd Elgin Lancers wa't a grueling teilt fuir the' Mîlton Ditnci tîghShixîlov lu nior football trvam, but the' Mat, rang% k.epi thonr coincentr'atiotn Li tht'îr recor'd ta 4-0 witfl .I garni, ii, play Th'y, %hate tinti plaà' in the' jinior Me.r Iflcagt', w.ith A..ump- raJ Muna 1 grd~î iii..] ..uauh bueith "'sîuuuaber iti h,,iîad gaine. "Il-sal s..' play b.tior in the' fiîr, t' FsrrviLhng stent right toai us aîud Wr vapitalî/cti hy -rang n thtitrsitji a ll r t- t , l" i rsî ts'..înai midii.l and a' huhit lia Iv, i bin i uk a icý -r'. hindtit inia thi.' 01nd l"nî a îî,ut.d.iu n ;aryv I lin. ', w t,. %s a, n-ad,,n - A lî.sr unt h'atst loîsi'. thoir tr't ptis.-..tn and] !lii' t.-am ibis vtajr" ad tiîr* %. titn Qurtrb c kn M.rdu ohn Muunu n t.Siru'", ~ wasit.' no tite putting mut'e pint. Elgin t,'am "Làst yoar ,v su.' t', on thetxibard He' narihi the' ltam championship. bat aur ur. * ' 401 yards downti,'ld and] cappe.] th playse..nior bill Thai .it u, .. 'h1 tr drive Wîth a one-yar'd %nSit At thF. a ti. ba hat, ncs.r p, entd iif ont' quatter, il w.% 14-0 futr the i.l biaite 'tîtu iîat can t or' Mustang, .ihîu w'i'~ Tht' tempo in tht' second quarter In the.ir hast tour gime.. LordI stave.] tho. lame' as llt.'nnabery inter. has N'sen uut.iorrd t It-il "'t es l ht ail on the. Lantcr '15-yard Mlaiton týhuught thev hall an ei.îr lina' and i'tui'ni'd.îi ail the' ssa for six points stten ",sarbriu.k i'u'tt't. l-, his ..tid tu'on.. starters andi plate] um' a h- -tv -Oui' whalt' tani plasi.] isil 13.11 King scti't"5 on a l(L-îard tisav," liçm'nebei'i" 'aiti. "I Ivi." wv bat because hio ..a. oc.afîng iîr have' a givi't hainltu l gît ail abc, way 9;. L#ncer hua.] cuat.h D)ai.' . thissvoar'* Kcîj argue.] King w.,, ani:'uî Tho'n il w as t.'ores'v llit% iitui'n ii, %.aitutln aid .iiuld ilt ro un1 ,cuîit' tht. pttiiîr as hl' caught a 40i- baIl out 'ut the' baktîî'ld liard pi- frutî Mhnur'dt' shih usas th, ride rait.' ihat irl. .-I J v>.rili'ed a.. "a thir.g; ut t,autý ~ tu.'o utjrg nurrîi' i Yî i j,,.,,tir.t u. .inuh ob ts i ie%ý bit S, a-'.' ar i î tii ual1. rii the otuie goiing ta the' loiuk- rt.î 't' and 1.i -t.! uit ' .uu Ilsiial.ui "t irtîhe rinal t,i'ucbh Fc-i i hat Iv it>-à:ud rnr e..t'. dulof utw ga!yl', a il yard rn in i,'jr 4ng uniiîîrmý, .adc à mu.. tht iid aqoanlir cairner Ss.arbrî.k .ii'ri lt', sc:iîr "%"ei.s]t du 't hast' jri vIp, riiid . Serl §dUSTANG.S oni page' 13 Buck: The story*teller It.art Issui Tho. taping Aller P.isirg t1he. lidîî.iei the' r,îî gaine. show h.n oi. I qStudio. fin tàplrS ai IL) a mn Salt-r tu plan 'id be out ai 1 hmn ty 5 Il tri ,th br ciiininjit'd ilium l- r iller otnîpet'iuon or ssil oi n n t way Myad filrsi Million il turned oui lu b., naratê,r Il lt'..it ilurry Up a liait Ftst came'i te Fi mallu re r.l and the<t ,tul inuîrt.r As IL) turned to nouai, there 4 s.t a the case a bat. L'%' îust .ay sind . s p Ip ai av t lilial tke, hl. ah ilght ta the s day, 0 former Tortintia llu J.ay catcher'i andi brud asit,. the' ermcue fuir the i.hu lunch Six.iwen sports nuas and Buck Mlari Thev coulmhve Zr',', ictuid tongu qh and nu unt. wcaulc hast omplain' ock's a nice goiy Weacit ariaund à Sonsi înîertîtig observations wenz. tinewlt, btt.ho cou Un 't. un tel'n some înside diii on the' jays, and sui hinti thet,4oaici Anyway alter lunch wt had tu bu toine more. The' only thing thlât Mad berable teas a tclrvisaofi sot in the S no&xdy marisse.] .teîîg the' Bilue 1 Amcrtican Laragut' Eau title otvr tel A s 1 See . a îT ti' ...... wilm4FF lic.'jr Ill' *it'îJEFF. Li' '.has haut, t v%,'n 4ta PASQUALE 1bis s.eru'gaing;n -J.di the' i,..iam.n rgit'.a 3uck's nîaki.'îp Itu 1 ,jîai'al Thon suirdaiv iasnt tati b c lidt . at ît. tu-îu ',hvar"als aj M,1 wasnbrfuoe thet Caffieri af Il arîd "'ut ai tN t'. v itnhour lunc.h nt.ioti Iinuse siwen mv ltr,t. round mjîth, I bid ii N :j h.' t).erst'rig hal k in Dojn MiiiL,I ai à. an Mîlinday m.rr r . ,and tan. ui Sbîs.tîng sias siuins Ilrls'quic1kis bu( biu-' I. trot.]J ta Wion I h.a tu stik arîtund the t' .l, a, Jtii, uck Mi'iini.'/. thet' I s.adossn ta Lthe fi tour biture I finaliN loit oruietnt iS.\N Don't ak rie %shat prîu'tu 1 %oan i't~o.~hs . us le 1ti.' s îr, tau'Ia,t 1 hcard ail îh.' Npi.n-etr %Il as. r. ni il Tht' show- airs Tut'sdav at t1)30 p mn on TSN jnd s. h intc ai. tt guent gît i.'tr v t.ek 'm ntî sure tehat bsh man.'.t t. ad, mli 15 rninutes vi rame, nd taUod ax eai litr and %the T'ht' Mélton Mi.'oant. sr ti n i.rvd up by Mi"- 1Iramnri lan Ish ae Là,( La n.' aei On- ,ion wîtbout tanta Ir.B t8haj Leeltttut.t4CPih.Tt net 16 of us bean..] mort- t titis than pust tehat' bapo* ni the' l..' ré' oftthetfort% '- Rjckbincc.tbt'coahofthtM,'fîl4ht%.Ita'tii Capital.' mach tetici they were in Etuibitoku' la.t n'y upandi watt sea.on. The' twu tairai go bacut ai îî îonight ail' p yu ai, vîIbo, waiting Nfilîon Memoniahirena. The lMenchants woti K-eîw.i'ý reesn rotin. %o tng ity tint' as th.'y amrt' ght back into the' tra, T.uu ,linch tht' day, s. ei they itum Olit4iIIe, the' only tram tIl I*u ùmtirt' hi firsalyv abletuodominateLatt'asoi i n 1' I I j: i i lis

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