bio e orod Krtiuz and friads ofIicielly ltlcked off Bloci PaoN W.h Prlday et bout hall by releln oeelalone* f lag. Octob.e la aos Blockt Parent Mioiti. Front loft ta riglit se menthers Cynthis Mri, tÀWyrich, Quis Uhfig, Gm'eoe Irocl. MaVor Kusntz arnd Susen Robertson tt lir son t"ue-yeold Oreg"r. Thei Chillif lh front are four.yseu-old Ian Robertson (lait) qnd ftv.-year-old Julien Iraci. JRLINGTON 2O25*UPPER MIDDLE RD. 335-2268 TOAO#EO SCAADOAOUCW 1071 YOWGE ST. 2700 OUFU ST. 3483 UNEPPARO AVIE, E. AT ELGIN MILLS (S of Laiencs (E. of Wurdu, S Sêde) 770-IM3 (4 blocks N. çi Eglénon) 2l047711 4»9w*. et Cdievua mle, au aul om wmm ue ho.s.oefl euq mm fe &fl.-em Om amos -m Block. Parents geared to boost sagging numbers fy,ý -temoii en honoiLv hock parents but unfu¶tun atady thtyre a Menthe, of thii e oWafimmo are ho"m Mock Panra Montt will as- wptynants. =UzpWmhais boen toedty deam" owr thr it frw yeimm. About 600 Sock Pajtits are currently avauable inthieMltonam. .A BOWkParent aigri in the window itti cidrer in dimmw kiiow that samone is home tu provide ataletaen. Fewer leupiat home 4JIt ht day sone 02uma §M tt dechne in meidehp Anotier Snaacordîng ta, Lutn Robertan of hS or. LO C io hat currnt Block Parent, dont take thet ore ta hUl out torms neoded to oenew ther r embmipi P Upan ptmng and alter "vt fixe vonr, Liem- P R EN T bm rn ui be checked by.ilice to ennur they are suîuabk, for the prian The pces% 1% cin fidoentia Endr= bv(the Canadiai Astacatien af Chw f Porlice, rthe pruýgrarn nectivs &%stitanor front the police departnent, inunicipal governt'n and the huard af educatton, 'Me Town ai Milton providmn a %mall grant for the local organlatior. a% dors the Hilton Satetv Coumil Cither moneri corne. tr unrdrairg ac. titsl e AIl Bloci, Parent. muq be at teait lii vears of age arnd their re, pnibi;:t.ts include oiterrng çhildren heýp in dangervus or fngtit.'r.îr' 'tuàtx)ru pt-,r ing police oer htome for chi!la'n in distrex and a ltn~poke S' frrt ri;, suspcieu% or cr,r,;nr1 a in the neighbourh(xd A% wdl as Blitcl l'arcint%, the or>aîate vr n odi , lsix- 5iîx!ititio iý in nîeîî- 1r more îrrerma1arr caîl Suiar IC'ert- 'kr i nOýOn 7 4 p.m. Super Breakfast Special corne loin the fun! - 370 Main St. 878-2889