Our Readers Write[ FffYCPA5I~ I ~ . . Ei w i sebra Suil il~. î...I,~.. ~55tWWUSo wanta national proteat on abortion Deur EdlIor W. apprisciate very much your o2asu f li hei!to petltiont ta entitled "WVomen- Signr for 11W'. Throughout the abor- stiovi debote tomntes groupe. supI- "irln ,brtcvi have clatmed t0 5;e tbewomen of Canada. TtNational Couvicil of the Cathclic Women's Laagtte belaroas thas as vior t case andi ha5 en- courageai rach of atm meuniers actas. the counto gather the signatures initiative as suggaby your=~ but perliaps one of du. large takingi of dire Cadilc Womnv'î bàague aslà national body CWL % 14»M» Abortion la a w*rnn S choice Ilear Editor Tht braieraI $Ovemmenî has roenfft- ltv .tatd tts inteantion tu, Ivtriaduce àbrtion legîtalatiovi thisufail. Wh y as titre an assuspuion that iegisiamovi .1 own to undertake major sidewalk program Mon. Jan. 23,1858, Miltois Wtt - Milton Counvil tonight initutea à pro- gramn tu mprove thas vira town's dalapîdatud sèdewalks, Thert, hâe env hundreds of traps, gaps. muai Iilc%, incline planes, plateau, prouuerances ana hillocks mottlingOTsdwak o w yers Trafalgar Township Cotancil, Our former Il ~ Moments- lmnapIoes Il ~ ~ i H R i £AAP. y bu= hty ofthe Elle ~ __ w9h JIU DILLS work Wua go shuidy doubt hle, te Waà pnfeble fur tht peuple of Milton tu, stmble on the oid crazy boiards of the fomrsidewalk or submit to the ncw unes because of the maviner in whech they trei Laid Counctl'scommittoe recommended %haer the new wua be throe-fot plank Laid cmeways on a throe-rncft by four-iuKh scatulig The scantivg ta tu, bé laid lengthways anid the plaviks to be inch aind a hall. There tas coensdbée debarte on the method of constructing the tealks, as recommnded y VZmitton. lt tas argued tht traîks would be bettse if constructied thrur plavks triai with the planks Laid len ghwa Aller debâte it tas concluded thé ntw traiks =%ul haid lengthw.y. prOvided the covitract as vio more titan une-thatai incronsed over the original ameuta ettmae New talk a tu be buat on Main Se. tuthe new pub ica <UruorBnà Se.); from Main Si. to the New Connexion Methodit Churcli on Quienr Se. (193) and thence ta, the Court House square andi then alcng the north aide cd Court HorareStquae to Brown Se. A crsseng tato beprovd to Mns. Noble's ýwtnary on thetsouth eati corner 0f Hugh and Quemi Se. (174). The sdewalk approièchre *0 the new bridge on Main St. are now *0 be comn- peted as Weil. A sidewalk ala to b, bruit on the ma ide of Jamais Se. with a cbosig to the Weseade et %AUS.a&long bh sotvide of Mid St. to Elizabeth wmth g oM hW Wo 1 on the northsaie Cncuarai for nite.on sidesvalk front Elizabeth, on the viort, aide of Main Si. *0 the Concea.on*Rd. <Iamie St.) That walk ta tu be four icet wideanid constnhcterd ci two-4ncli planés. Coicil alaa agreed *0 travisWe thet, meettig placefmum the morne above Alexaander Murray's miore et the corner of Main andi Fauter Ses. (Charies) tu, the John Martin Market Houat anrosa, the stuer (behinai tht oid losev hall). James Henson wý» palid M9.10 for fitthng UP the bwilding Clerk Peter McKay tas poid $10.12 for firewoci" enn the <aUni chmnber andi moving the courrier furniturre A ne int deac aima table %vase obtaminteil for $16. The'Mayor tas authorsze ta have the lowvi bel] aiM belfry moved tu the Mark« Horaire &MIao the treight scales as aconi as pouisse. % Tht Mayor tau a" authorized ta rein thet cauriU romot W tuitabNt poupe ach ai ichioia writing m îvaisconcerta or othtrs, to the, s. baivantage of ethe muniucipalty. U loessy-atsemuh on a e seita of7actdý ioaoaiuoe aprtakw uhl uîqgti. tuit duj efS Vthous pae Reaw. austrao éb Jacke CharLitan id' * lC",rgle JoJ DisU 111810) cOMt VwWELL.ae,* COLLICTIOLES LOOS IYAkUOO* STENEOS ' OLD0 HOoLDAYa .mom ow iae SOUITH ILfi fia rut 'o,' infA r ., 12 tsou4.0e - 1008 W3 .hi A 'rf,. ~ ~ ~ - Lacuu 'si ¼'F? q dki,'IlA.fq .4 , Skr M a.uo Ro IU. B'ut. . mms. P&..a Yi-., i, ., é Somv. a uso~ it = Zi Lam Dms~C.n Sm D aies ma. o PL. So USA C cène Oint Nesa.. ts s 0m5.s USA Norga 0s0à,. BUS NgasmociLis= S-. 9ors Syoui Poo îrom, R5n. oou *5.05a Po AriSC.sosS t =à ~I ,asrmyb spr Ch@ C" q, CASailIm Do~à a-MK" oefl 0 ed*OO ««d omtti% m on abortionl je Iucm ry aimi i- Tim la no IelsadOM t gvrn* MU"?it rith). elle = = t Canadiena shouli railie dhi "tr- dtc"nav for =p e rt ca cire le gent <aD" for a law wu brought baiud on whu R5 60ot be Sood about by à feu, coencidental andi un. mserl pmacsu. forluhate ciîrmotanoes an aberrant Tht dorusia. uhtheror vio eer. Utei Sta" Suptem Court minai à Pfymncy li oone of the decriuion, andaà raish of injuction- WMoodfimiestl aweg!tunhao meetng est-boyirewid. ID Maire in h l *. Nanety-nie pon W. a.. conifident the SuPre- sas par crenl 0f ail abonootam er. Court of Canada, when It detivers irs larmabd befo, e d oif thet resons in the Daigle case, tili menti tait Of PienanCY,. Wimen shoulai the climar massage tu Canadians that decide for trimeie ie fat. 0fi tle Cânnot stop wonten front theïr atm bodies; their atm liv.. k makilgthtr ownabortion decisions as a e'aaags choti' by hauhng t ' nthrough the courts Even unde, Section 251 of the Modern thikang on abortion, the Criminal Code thre stri o gesta. word over as mcsulng away fron 'tioxal lamîts ons tht pe«rfonsng 0f tueris tng on cniminalitv *tard abortiovis. Tier are gocai mutonse fouss on the health of womoe why aborions air sought &ller thet and th.ar familirs. We don't nrend or fine trnme.ster Lack cf acciess to the tant a criminal law. Prtrgnavit serv'ice may cosa a toman vahéable women are nice crimaaL. Aburtio a lunie. Monbey may be a probln properly weni as a malter of health Young tomnte tometimes do nut .1 Womtn and 1h. Law -~ - baila. by which WWC *nu"nahim amc daagnoo.d, catum b.efor. "B oner au Malte a daagno.as, thm COgMM LWt mel, for acces tu abor- ticn&Afd more delay The anawer to lisat, abortro,, jenu ailler abortion law the aviswer la accue eitly in the prtnancy, Furtheyrmore, sex oducaîton ari bîidtI cOntml custlltng ft'dtce the near - for abortion. Lae or early - rarlMlfment tAce nte mo Canadavs du vio want nee abortiorn Iaw Readmr are.akdt ente or eau hetrir M' a , a , ensuir that asomen', W7.J'o of hobce i, pm-wv sJfflh AMna. Ngt 1W AsSaochjoe THE ONTAR~IO WUPUS ASSOCIATION' SUPPORT LUPUS WdARENES3 MONTNIC 0OCTOBàR WUS: EVE HUMR 0F rr? MOO &M PEOPLE HAVENT LUPUS is Ü"e greatest iator of al. In lac, -marw people are otten misdagnosed for marw years. A member of die, rheiaOc disease famdy, LUPUS uiflames-wnd deteioates many body tissues, W*cling ritemal organs. If you have LUPUS or know soipeon who does, please contact: TME ONTAO UWU SOcAMN 2W 0L0AST. E., ST. 40,i lVA0W1 0tTAF4O muW 2 (4110) W-wu1 4- YOU CAN HELP BECOMNE A MEM1BER VOLUNTEER VOUR TIMAE MAAKE A DONATION -Clonrai M.ming -Gorge Brown Collage. Toronto Octobet' 22/89 -1:30 p.m. Speaker: Dr. C. R1amsay Dermatologist Womnen' Co#l Hospital