___ The CanadIian ChampionMWa amàdests biOorm - PiIhrEuqin" NBwm. Pab KeSW,. Kerm Smth. Brgd Amtaturn S1pmflh: ' um m' ý I .J MWW9 - Eor lei Pqu I Plwuah:Jta Un Si n t Uh . m', ýgo"nwmesas~v mea CNe. - Dinsclik c ma#Iweng *~RU : ms:t Datibe %ut,. Amkre DOW"". Jeanais The ti vu Eava' & $W. The isuae" . T n m"~ E. Tý. .M a m con - soioi aae HOMO CO" BrdbWO Yod LOWS«a Bemeu: Joy Gahu Omm 111ce OON.VM Ttei ie - w * 7u. AO.i The WU «OFetori Manal-gerCe:8het CAMOMr SihWOWO Aâuru se»M M-.TeaUme71111 The Me» &Wkheflt -VMW -eaq ai OmasiNu toag WO MNIU Lad~gg-e r Ton u o I @l M aor SIUUiemow Dm a 6 ey. LM68 NotiN Ni - . __im1 'OOIM imi a - 0W9N11I9Dffl Ka .ww uN n 011I01 mm. emui1 Nr gea Nw l e. .BMI a qemea PIWO 18M=41 M" D&OO.Qé Cob&,ume Ka~e Mairie, Wie M NuUitty.Un a a M e ti ' bee V ie am et f n semm sse TOSOSS LhI f1407 Botai a L~mai K nby Walsh. lOUc 1 ummai. Berbèe Intuo 1-. ", su am MW %@-em Vîmerteaheuvil Wendîi OiUS A.~SItB îti iau~a'uaSy~ SPipe dreams and excuses okn ak SWe areiadent supporters of democracy - the lI" effective_____________________________ form Of goveanoent over the short'teirm andl the only* viable one li the long. min, as proven by cowatless revolutions. 4 Howewr, there are limes when we must question the direc- #tm ur tion of some of the functionarnes li a demnocratic governiment. be they elected officiais or bureaucrats. This as one of those ~r t timnes. At municipal counicil Monday niglit Halton regional bureaucrats provided "Milton counciUors with a flimfsy listof hi excuses as to whya rebionally-administereo1 watermain on DeryRoad keepsbreking.. Among their entertaining rationalesfor thLç 'phenomenonr were: 1) Somebody keeps opening the tare hydrants; 2) People who pay for the water are using too much ai once <on purpose. no doubt). 3)Emnebody keeps tinkering wit*h "abanidoned con- troi valves" wflkh, it appears. influence water supplies even though thty are 'abandoneal." te ,A good invesîa$ator must attempt to draw a sketch of thet culprit or culpnts. a composite pi'tviJing clues to the mvsten . %%ho" Why', Aretihey vanjals' Are the.v ctsaft-tâ ratepayers or busantesNn"îi Those are the most likeh, candidates Vandlais wouid actuallv perforni tho.;t 5eneless t' xarciwes and mos4 !,usine,nin an Miton are JLsafaf'aitd with government. or at la o~ be aroued thear peers %%e nktd pacture Brian joîhnson. tht plant manager at -7 i nabdian Meter. teling alt hi, emplove o an uh ai onace so as îti biow up tht pepian,,' No, the chilling thought as toci real. Do we nctd contvmplaw blaî.k-cIaJ teenager% intent on nieskulking through cornfitlZis te, open fart hy-drantîs and pLs iuth the hardot t inJ aj.nl cntruil valves' \ki. i'. t.'sý ctas 1 hese kad. knovi ss htrc th,".t %a .l% t, are Oir. perhip'. 'uIaaso ha'mtowiper huping lor tht i-rae'nest lawn% an lialton tap inte, h%.drainL b% nagha a.' sprinkle hvir turt an surnrnc.r or ýobk- oap a quick skating; nnk an ssinttr' Wvs sonder 'ue ws,rr% rhe aboc se i I our.&, oircrrd in -in attenii at satire At trmthtes %rgu.ltitn tonî.erning the culina as The ratainaitlse on~>4Cnd.Jt ml od n19 op i.Ca'po t.hmsdaiyda u r rntrgion i, act urate, untewtunalls And wshit thai lias 111é oginocae.eflKN W n S ofTeCtho wc asdpoy tté iLsarnsin &Fýkt t, i L ai, dbtubig Pe'à 00h hica mas pan Of ti 1963 CIaeg*ar of Coaaaaaroe Trade FaC Thi. frh aISnnuel etient was lt« ' t d.most ln Ju.seMito DrhrctHnsitl s 'r-hedinstamoMant"tonlnehae>astrfr te oît Itospa19 tul gtoas s*weer& Vie yteheppln hrservice a nterrupted over- tht stimmer duc io waler contamination Tý'e region. an what % hï u5a at leasi tînt councaihu)r <Brian Pennian) lampuannsi as a suspect Pagesi of the~ PaUI excuse., attibuted the contamination tu dtad bards lodged an a_____________________________________ graing. O ent-gligence cuigbudilY haman nvti *K We are acquainîed with many in Milton and have spent1con., OneYe r suwaîJ.ea sîeai lm nth omnaîy. We have yet to set anyone Frmte uoe a. l* iite suspacaous looking piayang with tire hydrants or experiment- J kwajon.pd Nofmsi cosmrvaeea candia. 20 Years M ing with pipeline control valves. Nor have we encowsjered Genth T~aniwreivrd mlii amoumned tu a h.nedaai.on that peculiar form of urban terrorism in which bad tusrp - BriareoM 1~ The Prime Mufruar yce of tw J < rrom taid yuîua A. leu md aw tuare pipes by ail showening at once. gus ap.. bn ailm e= n Pnm. Man Notreme chS Jf tht MiltnuthOroe wa. kii 9 iandtamý,u f au lagaa whait lieté as athe potielaator hed a&'%w inîumsd. omit wciiouij.v L in en.kiJt9l uni Il u4hm. However, we are'aware of the fiet that Milton public works tsuce r Muimney said fr ltaid. initint pim -lot yomm 4uppassae Ktim, l'ait, in th., twn.ng darector John Matthcws knows there is "lots of corrosion ," in and Wua kd. 1 WCSil iued a proud and dii0mmintd muai- k watermains servicing the relatis'ely new [orset Park sub. i WarUd, 2,Couacillor Romt Hi&rim aanounoed se &id hîisfily lies tbeur Nime to' ire one wn* aMd dvasion. In tact, on one street an the subdivision (Ellaot Creq- w1uld flua rai un Mtht November eleitioa NeOt Mayor aid oeii m im-r i ww cent) ail the pipes will be replaced, he sama. Gd Kiaitz, whohlaitbuaaàitrmed oituîae ".uuaur. J When Mi SN.pherd -(evrnmn %hi-ph.'rd dip- 'Ni~. aoanudaiely akad ~ ad pSit. at m"u îaither shê>herd au tend di Mm ik htptrd We are also aware that several councillors feel htavy vehicle mudIsaoay thiaik ahe "hid tkimak aluoipa t wau hoiit.id W. dmcow the nuc- dift 'aidow un the traHie le havlng an adverse effect on aged tnank pipelina. dflnîlay aSima à coraibutlon." wagon hiei bom herced open. baiei Wr dog Qucrar ise - whlch in lain coulal posibly be affectlng the neseer seater- ~A wo7angLIMian Iwapitai aige gl wu anpam n tres Thea do$ mas foured thi.'uIkwing dlie ty another mansinie ubiisonaaiccdn thasnmmonatNo.1tsédeauad The %hephtid tra rddathackmt',;t. Qut-nîemm.ftuuin mains ~~~ ~ WM W"ld sudvsos moie Ma g.~teat ip l and Wei listed in less ta au hitE ena hourtx- te)à lin vVtî'î aul m.an'% hé Dut thIl just doesn't makeas, naucl sense as the rationales stabie conditiin Tht mmu drivia de Mi. whk h lut advanced by the region, doms it? dmw wooaean. wn i higlLpd palo puuit et the ornm. 50 Vears Ago The mni drtvlaig the vstlde Maod lwo Smue of aiI oe~. P dby Steve Nea5se j'- , , onnm<i.n k, à charge ut manauhcr feu, bren laid îg*aivtWm YVît etshaun. ofa~ tgNid-Hlton Hus, ut e BE )D /OW RefuWr W&loling due dasti of aaaAnmteý The commis. s m ~in ha irge of duhlm m misnd oriydfths wipeu ordel ---o dbu A--th of jamais, Catioit quil maris cd the home. who died Sepeb.ir 10. J A bSo- litI by Adot Hitlr e uuafri M"e KnRW mm ba~~ lai e h a~, boi availablet tahe Mad- aie Public Uibnsy. S icladed Lai th u w ert. ________$ama Wb* ad dg am D.oorfs tit Weah Dî.ue and car etire yàHomIha. mmm .m aSt« Bia n 8w-, riesi b&Mlai. o w . Io irply lai eod caeiq silo aAo a wh PUI oi ln kmt ai hi.