Compi Iaints ... * "eM NUU I en. as resndents. Mr. se h. uu hl fl iSas te, de piciblrlu As mall. ceuicil refsaitd Mi, St. Johns appli- cationfir àe atng antent whicti wauld have i hl ms 'isl ncmr the Mm tof his parkingki a ,iv m iité tirant. municipal mtff viii aIma conudu t invustgà- baficf arkng giifllfls th tturasnt Hout ît mennd Fat tddys berauat., while the hameutiret va r fvint the Man Stmu fronmage ham long bous dagnsatsd fur mueait utea parking u the ae nieta ptemîium and Mr St Joên now appnn e ào victati ad h.s own Wttn tisai patrons lmr hm. and atie tirbY etablishetmss vulge that wehrAci ato ai- man Any asiailabit space wrthitr eamfoth wallui d t o u ofa thon spaces areP kkýmmt crcefulIy voéoed cumplatti diaigtht, lied endured a ruuinr ina Fat Freddyts patrons drink in public, iaeh. 'Tri public,. waee kbudlv antd frunkenly At ail heurs ai the rtîght. drove dangrotsy aus rark»td suithout regard lot trafhit maivemreti or trattat' rtgulattn% Tli situation is "dgpiorable, sabd n0yttsr- *iJlnfsi lotinoon. a ibn&IUM M-Adant CI the aira i-'m surrt, any"dut ecountl liveti n iht, rret themt worald lie nu bar themr& Ane ii drnt, wha owns à tiaww shrng a -onmth the rerant. i.aid tie kept anty fn ils mmi childtut ber..- he ticarei fer th,'tt safety due te the anuici of drivmr un the othei tif the lotion, au Fat Ftcddys. Elainv Rutndy. arititio mausuhnwo r in ÙiS airva, iaid. -we put up utîti a "e~ W. summer. Mr St, John is responsable fur what tm 1ang on hce Tht' rituation s werv dangernut fi Squinte i of tianti" Merlete Kawaler called lier exrrwncv 'hri"andi ,.ad ovr the %utinr "if 1 nuanagodtu te t twe heurs skvter 1 vas luckff' Mani honmsncm tin the ami are ir-ati"t pick up.and W-avec she adJuti Fîrd Baker. à f nenti et Mr 't don anie mai ihom the rstaurant sý nei af. tolt toras. -l cri apprmute pmiple tin the' arvars conrt'ttt a tas patking. hoeCvt' 1 cirifli si1c whivi that t, tise rtmI"tbtlty of any businemstatr un townri It e, usnaappen in Ttrnto andti t dues titi ha pp N inMittn." Mt Se John sud "werwdont ôdonc thir tactons-h mte patrons andi poinurd out that -tht- pretm% todov amr a kt k's than titru rmint f 7sal-' Sýirvsng thea ruk-s under whsih hi* sttf ups-rater. Mr St lin i i anvune %uho fights in hris rstàb1ishment ii banrSct fur lhie Alre. -wCt dont setrve dirunk." and -wc probabîsiV cut P pi no a lkit tintef titan eth.-r bar%" Fat rvdy' encourages dertàgntraau tins î9, iervtng titiau tnver firer cuill, andippm orient$ &iH restaurait advwtàstng te. aid gamnerus famtIy bustncu. thebwtwraddid.- Mr 5t Jtits li appeareti ai couricitr aniopeg of gatnino the unati parkig kit expansion suatie couiki replace the ttitu frot parking -"cc le11t vvri lie ob<arnnnd a temspoury patio liceceo Mr %i Johnt want the tiont patte te beoeme a AIum dUnng warsn mrntls E i 1 m OPTOMETRIST Dr. Strohan On the band ýwagon Viellore fp Mounuabag WIidIUp Cent!@ on Bundal hâid a chance moi jump an tha bird.bafdln wagon. TMs anel Birde of a Foather" prognern faalurad bird b.ndln denonatrîtio.s by David Breger (laft), se vieil at bird wstlchlng Mites. Ali Jacluin, 10, had a cloue mncouitter wlth on. of1O tiny esIatherad friands theian e bandaid tisai dey. Maplehurst strike is posflsible - Iront MAPIEHIJAST on page 1 1,iired drivers or are minair ofce repcaters 'ru. .aid -Ihe inntes Maplchurs usei te get are tin j ticrent Pm arm<nov, w $d Mr. Gulits 't'y have changed te Cornmunity Resouice erntfms utici theytivem datly te, go ta y.sork ,_M rn tma at Maplelsurst have iveii con- vited of cries up tt uansaugigter and have uutvvd petrtntury time.' ha additd. Ur-Cîl- litS.ctaitns thert are nunsoroas etatples oh titis type of insate pren4l at Map"euiNt 1.fanmlaugher convictions cait carry mtg- niticant )adi sentences ta pmbatiorn.".sali Cary C cmefoud, Mapiehuint sperlintetsdent. Ours s a very cemnplex symietn wtth mini- muni, mnedium and maximumn security institu- tiens au everv level" Mi. Cemmnefotti saiti that the- mrmat muut bc jutigeti not the crie. 'We have an ameament comrmitte If an inmite's behavior deteriaratti, or. teic s net silblut for ts intitutti 111 have lm moved-. Mr Commehuird r.uîd A recent tentative wtlcmennt in cuintriitt tjlk% lest a union ratification vote' The' union iccommutndt-d iD aççept the' contraet whîich cilla fur a h3 pe cettnt s.jl.ry incniàw but 66u-5 pet cent of the' mc-mbership votad againsu îaa' . ~lit>» saiaagemnent ha% reïusa.1 tu nutgoiate certain msuts, arnioug tivun. peri- sions, staff roductions anti at incicat in the, triat, population. huc arc cscalatin& probieris thuit airint berttg ticait with, he-aid "VW are a frustrateti group Tht' cuntract is a provincial issuwtltt>gh tht' Ministry oh Corrutctional Services 1 thîiak sue cnjoy a positive reLatbonship with the' communtty den't thirik that peuple nord bc concernul. We aie quit comhortble vîth the situation, Mi. Ncwmn smait -be am, invalvaul wth Rouy Club, wtt ratutti $25j3t for the flmny Skt A-h ndt e..,- suc amr hclpng wîtti the' nowu Alliante C. izir, Wî' do a lot arount ic ht ommunil," Mr C, meford sa Id Industry concerned with health: survey I-lton Rau undeuaken te prumote hîjîltti n the workpace, In 19e1 Halton surveýi ci:'d lsintjustrit'. t,, du.tmne the current leut eo corpsrntt. inkoi ventent in ticaitt promotiron andi ti sve it pou- gram expansion wsa wàrrantcsi Inti-rvieuss suitti 14 occupationai heultti nuirts wcr.' ton- dutet itn Noesumbutr 1*t7 in a înaus s.xtten ui Halton cempaniri 1 Comparuets offenw a wtdC ra i~gr and saranatiisek*Jtg nutrition, ptysicil fit- nesti andi 6ck cmi wm tubai commusin -. WndoS &Doors by Ridley lis what'you have ben waiting for. October 7di. ail Ridiey products are be "j Until Saturday ing discounted Up ta 25% off a full line of custom-fitted, thermal replacement windows. Lockwood wood windows. Peachtree insulaied metal-clad entry doors and quality patio doors. As weil as being energy efficient. Ridley products add a touch of elegance to your home that's surpri"ngly affordable. Especially until October. 7th. 1989. Replacement - New Construction - Additions For a frer in-homne estimai., cail Milton and ares &Ç4.2228 no charge 1400468-5 1 56 Or visit us in our beautft lçauon sh ooffi & planning oeiie ai 35 Crawfoed Cres.. ,é iU in Cmmpbe11Wic. 8 taS8 Mon, moi Fn. CUSTON. 9 to 5on Satuniay WINDOWS &DOORS 1~