I i I 1? * io GUS MOWBRAY ITO. SALES - INSTALLATIONS - SERVI<CE RESIDENTIAL - COMMERCIAL *Central Air Condttionîng *Fumaces *Electronic Air Cleaners *Gas Fireplaces *Humiîdifiers ... FREE ESTIATE ... 751 Main Street East Milton, Ontario LOT 3z3 878-2381 Bou Dlet Center Oeof the Ia;gest Weight-Loss Profçss ionals in North America. Over 2,000 Centers across Canada and the U.Sq. SMilton ý3 Own Brenda Vandenhetjvél Iost 20pounds In 6 Wnks. 'iThe Diet Centre teaches a newway of eating that is satisfying and essentiaI for weight loss and coitrol.w n os* 1725 Poundli in M»is choe Dî« C~iu 87Mmbk1 Ap pies dress up TA Fle b ut fYan wiscm hamiy amd ft4mids = 1h fo a Cotfukgivuoeliratim. This >w. anuefan>, cris ntroUpim apIs emyuor "etu'uinng mmu. Mon ame a vwutiik Ibvourful in- Pe i uhuncuaked nid =oakad Fran I=yppd. disn.a cnohpple wedgmu irmn ua ad wp u sjaod ld cuts as haMo . att Srn ihaiebtkn C ais. dip. Stuffed mai turkt.y affved i'tb ail tihe th"mtuutis h alway ogeuly awaik'd by everyome on Thankagvng E}ayr. limaor. tari a tww tradition 'u Fuodland Ontamrs Apple ontu Dea.The sli= tat Mlacs -tumbinedwuitishyme,2. s âanusvory is malt is dressing everyos.'s favourite yvar after ySr Apple Onlon Oumisng for Tuulty This fragtant étulffng je enougs for à 12 tu14 lb (5-5 to 6.5kp,>turkey If you have rxtra. rou i n a covered caaserocalongside thse turkey for about 10 minutes o>r utttmi iscatd theougis. *Tud-ay gbaia (lits. and hean), 1/ aocu (125 mi) butai. 8 S apa (21L) swl bread c&wWmb (mada wtb day-aid brad); 1 I oP (250 MI) f ttsay chsoppd dl<y; 1 cuop (250 MI) frl Iffl>c oçpdon>t -2 cuo (500 mi) 1mai> cfsop.d Akmobta >.pples *1/4 cup(50 mi) cfsoppad frasis puaiey, 1 tolp (5 ml) granuLalad sugu. *3/4tsp (3 mi) sM; ianksgiving dinner 1* l/tP (2 M *Woh tqym.and avory; *114 tap (1 MIl) aacf -pamd4~r Dlirectioca in gibiets remiovint ail rnMb.an..a cut moto 1/4-incis (; tmm) cubes lI mld t 2 tt.p (25 MoI) of butter Diver tmitum hit Conk gmbkts untif browoml, about 5 tmnutes, stirnng occastioaIly Retnow tty arge boul and tffl uis broad crumb% Meii remaintog butter in slit Add crery ats ottions, Cook ovtr metdium hodu about 7 mUsutcs or until Wgeutbio are iohesed, summog oeaamoally Add tu breed crumb mixtaure &long uti appici. lXérie) Sugr, ait, itisyse, îawm, sage antd pepMx. tosong ghist na. e cu ctplatlv befoq.e ituff- i tuke alum 8 cupe (2 L). fo bw 5mnstoa D.gVCMiar £«» aiiap At Home We*. k.d Swi.oe Avaitabl. 871262 Mud wwe tu ffl dOS m aiamU MILTON -475i Main Stroo MLF.SM.4 P.m. Se Smn4 PAN mil USTOCK LLPAPER 101- - or@ F 21 w912 le i.*1 A ans le. vil wu sel 01 rw w 878m2629 I UMPUKTAX CUT YOUR FUEL BILLS WITH ACLEAN ECONOMICAL NATURAL GAS FURNACEI. RELY ON TEMPSTAR MEATING SYSTEMS FOR TROUBLE FREE PERFORMANCE' y