Daénel e.t a, aI ..o s- r t e oi -' vo,..m - IC kANiDSMRADIAL " ~ 4 T. e PREM<JM RADIAL SNM TRE FSO IPORrs '679, .1* w .1 fflEN41UM ALL SEASON RADIAL -,ICM PIFRFORMA14CE W<NTÉR 1TE '-s 12795~ [MAW M .8 OutrLtd ws.Ti LITTirS Pausa . a Ae, aght Y,.n Chawm 'ai Um siEl flaa fi M.o. *b - te a.~ ~ tT a. oina OCR. 4 The i& a dmlWograd' iqi-a fur swtors ai Huh Fou"t Han Ai 7 0pm Foir ntéoe mksrmnaî,o.t. <aU 1479.4%& -1 O&rsDet àm ett, Camm= adm aid Mil 1111m 111- eil> = vww te um m attpéa ito mthlv rnmmg At Htgh RlImai HaIll Dàehm Kmau fron the Milan Sc of bjmuswldscutn hissa cran 1 dehtkyifrE Se ."en kx decambreaim amid p@mapesan The bosa. n.trn saîli Iqn At 77) p.m. and die pbopai will Iman thegé DmgDon Mh Ire's 1? ý"ooyeam, - Wondeiful Wi7m-uxi oOz at i a srwJý rîLtwcîtf pnti- Sîmipl% putrctus&e i« or mot n wn(;îlSer tirv mrd %ou (Udiy for .otir L4\p ot diiî~ t'> clasîc. A S2() (e) '5:IJtk for ort' ý1I9q'r i"t. r'htlkiixù ig xiiktt(iw r(tuk-fwi ir ior: (ktuIî sak' cnd (k¶ci 2 At SMp The L14 VA& Camus, Coeur saill mmi ai tis Mdl. bramcdfthe Car-adam CMKca ianety 751 Ma. 5<ý E. lime 730 m Gmit.C."dw CIv.'l proide uuiocai %uppal and prawt"a sgwdaoe bu paisous. farnUsas asti &id Thw CampMMfl.-Mîhon mm Clifimtia. ..uw Chas till ld a iakai tNauga a - mwiis cm.nCu, Lrswtni 15 Sidmra Immorl'jesIDIlt 110&.m AWLE FREEO AIL SEASOR RDIAL '-$575i tix ALL EMAI RAML FO PCK ffli. £ 'fS44II s'as a.' 0 W Y sRSFG "W S..o.. 'W.. gi o sn LITIAESI P'RIICED '511 SEASON RADIAL t$471. sa8 wiEIIIIIIIu It y. G~0. OOOFER NO CASHE DCIIIIII »0 NO MST a LO MOMLY KWIU. Mgusicil gueçi Judy Lusaidan waut Pu<OINI Mad Kaj- Dtain tinil ber FlldaY Oct. 6 §aitm Adoiara S"p. s S- via. sîli hlid a United Way fundrjaw, ansd oMsv N'srs ai l'~ikey Houst M9 Ebabeth W, ms Dur- lugtfc!11 &.m. t 2 pm C ail W.qmsi.y 00. il Mathm sala saisI tu brma,îh.1 their baba. will fir4 encourageent and-.tiifoemaioe ai tw, Mila, la Lmhts Lae The organmcatn~ will et 8 p m Fm more inkrmasoe aid dwurns.m cail 9?S.é3tZor t784MI CIu ill hulda potluck lum' ai the FumoHll on (barirs Sur. .. Md an It12,h pin Guest iert of Ocuto wil dsaeuss hersfits of- kirad te, sanmw by bit mpgmzamnw FtIdSy Oct. 13 Tbt oakviIk-Msho Fedais N~u- gm-esa Conuuv Assw unis, will hold OCubMe.s a 7M Ilcsat com 825. Ududaug ni- murit Ctrna mal, and are aisasi able fton »cM Callan ai 1179-7é>< Hnyabd H"al 9aug$ of l.mkTmilh walj pet go a t *mm .d Thom"wt ., i, 45 pcm An olirlni wali bit PINC. ri wla w dSaciom Mr. id Mis. &. J. Schdai. w.i pmo foi w aniitec Iii. gra*mion of the#l mcc Plud Camaceoci Schati. rotu thé. UnKwmty et Waietoo wlth a, baeitW of Wnlcmna ', wo dopa.Pouil, mwoeh- kig ta ai .nglsorlg ouuualng finc lns Oh11cilt. LARRY IIUTCHISON OUR NEW OWNERS Good Y ear Certified Auto Ce ntre 875-1502 45, Ont ârlo St N.'Milton Hours: Mon. - tr.7:30 a.m.-6:00 p.m. Saturday 7:-30 a.m.-5:,00 p.m. Mr. &Wd mm A. J. Subi. îe Viso" n t la tom a bauhm of "t le -m eft u.w fraah ,m gu-aimfl