2 PART lIME LABOIJARS. iw etiésia mquark E-oeurîs and meatendi M IS-on. ACCOUNTS HECEVAULE4ASHIER Wu roqame a Mâtare pliion Io aiait m ai Ac counis Rece#nabi. Assistent and Relief Cash.er Fui liue emp$Wcmit 40 hostri pet *'et* - Tuesday Io Seardhy Pm"sou ex 'Pericuor felpU but nlot asmabsi m we aie prtnPaftd b provi eeeqtaad traeiig. Appzan'ts suould hrave a fNo dogmse Of den-r "a acsacy.,neat hand.rumW. anupy dpafing ^.m customners aid bu wibn Io latin aid ai- cept responab.ity For tmmr ktlnueton sMd to aorsige un tilryiiii eUt: W. R. Doutu Copud Lumbef 18704171 70 Main St IL, klaoni ALTERNIST/;SEAUSTRESS requ-red' îrnmcrdîaiely Flexible (rours avsai" Appiy *îth application direcied Io #We 01de (ye ytOr.' m4a'jei Cathy Cales 40 Eastern Aveniue, Azton L7J 21E6 Becoming a cI.uning prof essional with MOLLY MAID FuOl andi part finie positions asiatiable Monday 1a Frtday Daytîme positions Transportiation pravided «~Il train Exce:ient compensation For more laformrain, phione: 876-1672 MR. DONUTS Courtier file Day lune, & ngh finie Apait lap " oo SIMili à Trafagu or culi 878-328 NO SHIFTS/NO WEEKENDS local mulirSugcopaiy ollers Stoadty daytht mark wmîdiatety No tectory ex- perince rdusary Cition loght dufty modki n 4 sale mor1yMlau Full à pan se-te poetne are a~laaile tntmediatlel, CIbillmun73O nL14:00 P.M. 87&-2506 PART TIME HELP requi fer eui labour. No s&qutred. Wu lui train Destsruty an netApp<ox 25 hotu par wee 785 Main Ut L. Milton, otllao 878-2846 @@Umaatu S . PART TuE CASHIER, 2 days pair lutait, no muenénga or She Mta h cuslsme "amb onantud , Conlat AI Kieman Hornie Hardare - Miflon SMATURE PART TIME HELP. REOUIRED' Some, morntngs. afterpoons eventngs. Cal Shétley. ST. CLAIR PlUT »M1 WALLPAPU MODINE =CANADA FACTORY wommE lnmeQ"Im4y on WMéln Coonau'aa mages Applpers a lm «04 MaGEAGU 0&. UtIt, onati do rmea4 SET-UP PERSMN For local mienuificturing pient Muet bu mechars c ued W*g MW xpsafi Vile oftar a 4 dair laitk. oueia q and 100% Coengany pa" ba9i Plias. apply in persn Io: DISTEX INIDUSTRIES 521 MoGoadu DMt hMbt,. OnaM 1.9T 31.5 SMALL PINTINGLP SO STMABLE require 87efo Sb.8532 Male/Femis Ples cnal: TRAALGRINE TRUCKSETP Fuý-z nIl E & rtTinte HoU aIeCad* W.ý e aDterfWartrsýad Dîssha-YMtu0cwe AUfrB-875-132 TAXIMRIVR ARY' PaOSITIONS Ar- as n e o" BdU arnqeraCrs Kercn Boc or Odbafl.WilkinsonVTr.i 873-18W iIrOCiist p0a- lOt- y e N dO. I itress if 1 Alt , .arnq A' ud a&p, "frid j. ruSIMIse cal nrutir apint '..SCm 8agiry ie..r 1 a h..o k,0. deg Ehhg O < i RinAR , r baairn 01W MOi. CNadS CAjt BlteNADAi SusINS, Aie. Sü iesta intaàro .%v hris t- ilr m0yaiF tano of ground i'man , hoitaysýlý Onort ioe osieni,,al I ai8k1- 8-l1282% I .X Ief a Oe.. e CIDE0 MAKER,6 day-. su.eitaet APGRADER ey Piflase appy in person Io CHUOLSONS Highway 251, 2 n'iieS North of 401 .878-2725 HELP WANTED MAINTENANCE ASSISTANT requffl i FULL TIMIE. 1 Varie Hours. M. Adrson, Cantnaco u.vlmor 878-e SEC RETAAY ,NMR Produci Gro..p. t.rpgnenoed Socretary rsquirod mnb!, The suc4ebui Candidate shaud po-, good ocganuzationai and e.terpersolai abcix as L,îage typéng. word ptcom'ý, i sriofhenc Experierie metu Wl 5 0 à_ at rugardec as a detînite 4ss41 ýas -D_. lanlilaréty mdi chemabit terrio~ Wu olfera pieutant non.smaroking wofking envr ant and à comprellenslxe bentelat package, lnterested candidates are re- quasti e apfY in prlting onty phratse. serodln Ieeuat Io: i omctLtafag. SUk~ »pntmn (Canada) 1Wa $55 Silils lienue East Milon, orlario LOT7 lYS LETITH WHEEJ. MAKE- YOUR CHISIUS WMSHS COME TRUE! HOUS! WIV SENIORS Do trou mutai lo moii a tai hourei ad@y or tust ona day à meai To 9"n yeuriel a lun* on Chinates oota Fard ee uis Ast ie a0 ns, ofS# OibSons' plopla Pan. Kovin. Donn. Oa orge,9a Judy L- FIFTH WHEEL T8UCK STOP -40 10140W DNVE I - l.rf Md ifscr sui nepacr HOUSEWIVES Earni extra mOrley for Christmas etc Whîlethe xàds are at SCfiool We offer loverai openings on Our specýa ShiftS, SCheduled araunda scho, hours and hoJ'days. Work 3, 4. or 5 days a week an our 9 a m. ta 3 0 Ir Schoo: Shift in a clean sale .plvirorment. Na experéeniceeecie Ca oeiween.7.30 a mn andP5 0C p 876-2506 MR. SUBMARINE FULL OR PART TIME HELP relquirel faut Dey Shift - Up ta S7.00 per rrour Un,'or4ns and trainiNg provsdedj Awçy In Portionbu on 421 Main Sitmm NEED EXTRA MGWEY.. BUT CANT WOMK S-5 P.M.? i, , s t5. Salles Damer Wrr.5 Ir. N-i 1-w- Lyd 1'l. f, TELEPHONE SALES PERSON Due I nulna prooflioSf U6 aie cu ai a, M.6u9g a TebSenweber 0 Com-ptaie MW9Our Georgetown office Toeamarket.ng An aréclivasary and ber*tt Pad1g am avala for te figl c %IFl Interested candidates should send ttuej reune a in lsla Snfidiane 10 Bill Cook 30O1iln Srue Soulh GEORGETOWN, Ontarl L7 3G4 *WIISMITFI *CLASSIC* CELESIE1ATIO' *PAPERCHfASE6 Roquiro Ful & Part Timo Staff W# aiil en of *0l WiW's LAIRGEST BOOKSELLERS AND STAT-IONERS .. . wthahisloy sfretchang bacc knol 200yca s Olui on, fituwtg expansion hme cied marw opportunli es loi ai- bitiaous kxudvldûal taRi drive and Initafive in aur busy Canadian sltres Progeselon lntia nanagessnt sq a sleonq. possliffly as me encrourage Promotifloin m iftin . Mf you mliii to jt* a cornpny mifllu a liadillon ai excelieuce inen Mghr fxM MlM piese c«niac anm of the * cq1@biailbmý 171-230