Merchants. spi m ee . n d o u a 'j ln 1-w BM T lém6.v Aha~ Sn tbia uuaaa- .tè ta, fra .ta- 4- v>t '.idtn, W it first twogames of seasor# ~ @Md 1iuu "ému h1n v SW I âmemi tue"5~ mw eUnia tmm DWvO»"MId llm- we coti m du ahe ~ oe *as petai and halla ai u~ uq~. ade ~i uet'cc~ çaw. pa -Md. Sud dur gmu up fatuc - racal Haude amd moh Wearbc" MdM ttes. 119? ped edi m a 2-2 ewlo 66bI came ..a ormqo m tqtad riait T1a>upsr " l' ;,.t, a'51 du , pu Ki Wo ta dtethd ~ll à M9.n-if wtt> «oeM un .Wvt*t Lu .. It pwl lcaiBs. 'J , vo-val bqr&M Suc awn Huai-v cued t-, g>4:u Na *-= ng~ àfbi mb , ahaëkw"ý &Md hffl ii. à o, tmu . M twt a»gg m * -.-i t: -bu t- xLai 'a' en -%W p4adud %D~a àas- Tin -' - r Il.. l. é and bff Dsrbrpor haut L" v.. t 0 -.. Jx-'i m, . t'kahad Ât.0~'s.t tc. u. -~., .h-v Ic1T*1n- %kWh"cot av ba& tà ai" ,c 5 -4 te.-c..--oc-..t"' -r. hg tSi mt Mtc t IW tieunt your btuiness -41ITTON- and well cocue night go )out fron! door po0 r t s__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 4O TAftO I STNWN LOW.ONT____________________ Mustangs'defence [i in 2.0-7 win over Cei or Mn eu~- =l mfp.Cueaa Toa. " pray ton t)rnrsc Hi1,> Srtmol. but due c.ltaklst o r athe d m- WhtI 0- to tha e grail.mi as . ti Uf&aap cajou a"', m~ ac ai d-kso-o.u talliet al1 the WsY at fui ele t o vtki.c potti liat uamw due b" M am hou du 10 ad ka Ms. 11mb «lne we dl*i Cross-country, mee't a aRoyal Ciass - Peoy W weal' aai CI..wrmê Mkx..a tw ý aidr bue huti d te bu" a sà WI and the a% t ethr Ta fde y ~ t p rb and I iad bu" mnv MaLÂu I.n. 9.laô athe cvo-<ugv StiI sD, a tci mul t t gfnLl Iho ilsop wb avho W"a nmmis duf uiae usa g uwm, Mt Mln. Nie bdiu Sm is5uk wo ai WauvaS athe M u.i'i ln>sà urw faxs Try Farlne ai h6 "d t. te ECKY, top>.orr C uboyi «. gresu omhudé aif Loua. féo oe .umn tit oý ~ads w ay " " P ""iih a aopaeMut u iuk- a si o. y Emwm flux lna à um of 16 41 awt du 4 »km courw- Cll n ui nsW = =4 111. BDE&" s6emSloed wal I loit& v4 a dd Uat #11 iral out fa. du pae Tht, dmeded tu pint ktkLi Wi = b m d ;"i7wdulu gh ~w=' fuur h pit IR WdbrumeWrdyw e -aa>aanutîwmuedal2 rfl nham amy-un 1 ha-I @W till gP>! tm. Suie. hidt& Wi b, Mll6e liut Whto AncbdeKs r. iôte bal iiti ~ ~ Uttuird we due wm sc km Tug w *use th e hIe ý w wod 17 ia codoKtth eane We. taca MWn ai d t"a" nhc~anu solosn Oten -sJ * cnaupd fr tate nttita i tt ~-> pleswd Mtht.aOld 'iWoe @un# lu plait tv &Mi kep bualiaag ftwt Sicm a-, - r ~". off th oe Mu«at'.- - N-tt ha Norlwd a pit wltsct. gac Mit the bail itW taft , ~i 12-vu kmoua h4mWap o-.aotu bac L. 9.b Mhwamod no> e. pJi Nuit . «,,,4d té, agU duà thle ru a t N, t : tht puntnitaithet tard a* iecarrcud tie bal nio u -We mil I enu p puousg fmi,, tK- T..I..t 4W -c ?ue 'm thOe 1 .., yard kow ttc é k>th IO oasfot.SI' dnwaeg me b. 9gw m% tr a lt citIh alti »d- t.-'i- %svatvtb.- thr duen III , r-uta othe wur ',O me af ni &alLt du ofi os. nauie, a, due Tomm., rcaan Simoe wa .utot iaIM due ast la poni as tht l. .C!t * luc.w mc." Cesrirai I.ta!ly btoop .y $.auig a knslta elle .wd bbci had lf P- pua> 4-v tie s.ff.- ose tu::;a de Il qs.ain-r as thev càt&; 51-yard tnt à~ 1tocataloa wltc y-ard he.0duwtinfioatd uicpsa sar n. uicar. m nildf bv-108, T.' % n *îmak Itaiu tw-& - t ont Tlnty on'urd unr.' pc>o uswobv and hala>. _Tg. =tii FUI fm i hwup &d trp h.WeLda .u7-4. 1ud maslespaN: iair iti-raaid o. us The gainte w,,e tér on the- ttth'.t b aickoA ma duw hall Srai Cid tie tol a iaoff àarun o .knP lm oa the c-toi z~ antt %ua oide l du«m down t> u wTrottin oneVaa au W a taule h.,& c iar'glPnc méo w eobi erw a> p.w Mitn a W%"n FImO hid leturnooig passu 0f thsr xi"ow ame uta,. Mîllt. lil W.o Soudlns'ngtu ail, à*" bli d a>calssownpq-oi ttcrs f the bahl un hUr -u 0"-s yard hloi oe esdu m krw OtsWi ta go. t" trwd unir Loi dttv. Ka* %n! it l hal unmu=t.Muu u WS)ay Rawbey ban"id Ùw tin lost du deuouma as Nc g rc*1-rioe m t. i -e off alsdu Wha l tckhumie a it u mmuua calmi tuaP di Pm mu wu hl i 2 usn- £M ne ""ai bas lai duw a irmi Owa fatl h oID ai ilx ie krn. W-Mylihae u an il toc! ff do" unS .ési baff W~ à duG cU x"' F<wa duWho 0"ig4 hBisW asly ies s be . mai Soals cb Wi Cat, hb ntib UcfCsmm turtud m muau -'nos-bsng perisuance thuau osg ht tr4mt pal~ft ou a>d fuirt tu a tht ionm mm'n Fatibai Tht oua pwv the Dos-haut lm autdma u e.alewha bUs-h as tie fuiesl <ou w-a Jiit.,tht, 0ut Il W lan kaUf ropny An iWpiw olwe.i m f" a mv ça>imt fin . han eql ias mapipwl Ar bailimoitai. pieAa Came. m l'bturfw = bud " ah miose- ae4-1 va hm 4fday me d »n"blac iTbbewtua h uaim lev W M Ma. aafl fmw» mSs u. -A& W« -lé bAu, m dwu asas mg-s Bey -- ummi m- moto lTe h-agi bckn&r Iaitfan aiL dirwtuwr ieave a atu p;.uoct why ie W&% due badsr4 pn.c n.- 14y Droaîc.u dr-Do.tia. Ndark tHmmra ams- Sonm outfbdi tes. detno &is halpwu dur pntctr ccl h miled effni tianai m by Kmàuard'k MaM & si RhrM. r»we~rgc csUMt asti Roy Main oaci Get- Li.' -a- i>' druusucé- " he~ 0 .1 piudý buée* due pIavs-f hepu a e ambu fremea- partuasmil culamo "Id iei-eb wlt4,= Win t? c-A,*Ud a>aMctusi - taue Lmâmy. rigi w loi bt t ne. %M"u an me B -y OMM oeupsm . ore The Dickens wins second sporling titie within a week