There'çs more to Santaý Parade tha A e .NuaO. M SIS. alta M" at *M e . u" an.Che Umtoi a:OPaUylainan OdmakW gIioio dgmada PaeaSNmueym .. MaCrnalh po oe- 0m4.O m.Lu aupwman I111a1S CAy Uha bMWSi peSe dit". §Wbar A»S 01 du mm' a aprof a Lalama $avut. MWd uniOKne mag Sbe of thme parade s- n mets spectators' . eyes I i10 Yom a M~ -& M tmau acd i the Sm" ahqm Udue.. Wu udfeoTi; k> ii hall :reau tÙ Cl- i ~am~.b % hW du Mlii Saut G iPrd ie aid thikhml Io th p auinsawd Tiif de y a = du=rd tuc dueý en teih ci bu d MS tW of dm '"ioy A lau OI u ut . iùob i WfhuitOfn mt ita oeum tht have hma wSttwmg Evr boin due Augue mabrné Mm Touimian had alr.adyoewtactud dm itrer banda uharfi havI toib. bookai as mnifr as à yeur and hot ti advae Satme of the bands wtl bu hmhigddu t Nwigia Tomi police and the Ma ad Dtrt PiZe gond. due York Lions S"a carps aid ttW drujn and bugl RiesCadiDuchOI d Thse connte budget for due vrn i $12,500. over one llaitn whidi til] ha taud te pay the banda and matrittéa. Unfornaru.aI due ormmarés can't seave m wand for this amnant of tire;ht have ta ragie kt throagh Vaiiu nwans - by ilmng rafle tmcktta, fur ciample. However, thanks ta Milton Commuuiitv mnd Information Ser- vices, thry have been rauelvr of that particmala tifsk this ye. In Augs the MICIS doiud en the. Simalus Paradie Commmione nof et furdraumng bingo nights et which thecommmtn midi 51,300 The comimmttWe' pnincipe aourte of revenue conts hron ,ervice jmuè, cammumty orgmams, sport ofat a.nad buaimusi. Thia on- taoits audins 1,5w0 letea Mueang doaions. Juat by chance, a gnoup of ASK BARBARA : Brbara Janzen R.N. Fiber Facts Fibiri. an important part of ami diut. mu toundi mn Irril Iratsa aod vigitabk,, and whIale griai Deante et absodbs i aur In the l4ttge Aif. imnt, imber promnoti lirter tranusit tatmi of fmd thtungh the digeslive tract If hia à&-tual> ren asuwn in toine casi, (o loer blomidchoies- stia levels The Diei Cerner Program pra- vies pienryo (cf her front tht aimai- menîimaed fonds Diii Ceoter fis alWay belueved'that raîrng a liber. cKdort atantaby serte ti " corne an ~Namure 3 W.rappet aied by avoedi f"nd that art higmly pun- cesied end refmed ILeisure Link I . Y-;% pooie ham-ua tmàb iik M>g for à commun"itic k> Qrry out. nid Io tt Nwag cm lady lm moemr 25 gila tente têt 7th Mâmi Gué"dm ut ue ind a ha boum, foldag lia,,, amd ruIt# . am RWI thef in ensie dieu asiate. m .i. hd. (Mdhm~ d»ma UP ni onfo,,e and walk tête Parade roul uUasg baiumand potnme (The pone k>n a punt Swny.> fuoTit, 3' u1b ra. tuai bY COllct doastiNm diopped mUou bucmats attched su theu, -Uai Mr%! Tiiraii hia noa " of hou. many ",lemf participeo ti tht aie Md-' &-hat f-haur-org parade. but tht,, ara about 75 muni, - Puts, walking SMup. bondi. carn. horus Thute gloupa de-Agna ng flecari a deide whtther or nmut Io enfer ,ne. thât if mn keering with the parade' dueme. ushah tar rlus wat ts, '14m.m for the. Hnohav%" MrS Townsoin sea especiii. im. pregied à couple tg yean ago whtr à neighboailood mut tmgher tai cor struct and ride oni a r.nt sia, wmiuh lik.e t0 lm more af that kmnd .f (ou- mnunity tnîsolenent Afe"ada beilurathe parade. Mr, TOWýf.rank Reff. the parade mnarthiU. Vindy Fergmason. tht a.s,î- tant parade. mnarhali. and the. otIter cmmutt0e Membe> dem'iwm the ordet of tiy llnrum Tradiionallys lthe Mitkn -fndD. tr Pp"d ked% the paradc. hK- mwe i he fire truck, tmI ar iuk.af4getaway mn ciii Of (ttc- ,niI bands Spook« horsc, lu -the omfutoe nmber have L) majur nie thtyýf ni ue tua close tu> one uiodw -'t0-vear-.ld VIuS - Alwas', look kurseard ta mnarrging mn front (If the lbffltngs Tm*u Tour Band uh.du iorrusiuitbe*ureSan-Z, Tiaem i Ortly ont.drasibacx.-kfo Mmr. Tovnsan. Stdomnnt gettvu, or bi reuis of ai] duue haum of work. 9wt roauinsm t the lairgounds untu mia ha finally depmu and thSt he bada lor the saae final st" As due date =o uparade ap- Z fachn, tt mommrtm tra mera, rs= .ny. but oce ra Ws r, the mmnng tri dcsé due hmgh and kusi ,Ili;of the bg dey Tlh yutrmrde w dl b, heïd 'unday ov 19 2pmý The corn- Mmla. wd no doubt ait Partir,. eho" inàrWarinsuruny Zr AcUIM1111e for Senior Tht nom t e Tuidy$ wilI b, tuy et due Senior Citirs, Ranma- onContre de21 ~uIa ont kt 10, Iram 4-f p... due Semior hittiew Orchetra wl b, b"Me te Tlmkaglhu Dono. 1 inme .-Lunch ia -rTie Éud Ue wic e door Pr"a and a mmi bar. me" artny Wittlbuwdcm tenmd mi dcdumg hi auaqS md oulie - wa asl top nd gamis Htaer anoposat. A10-uSe rm uaad wy de du nwa Ab g, chis am Thumnt dat. lit (mi 1" XII dmt Fmr du. pooim nho bau rdaue 'bmgU M duvm thi 1-ara orgii by des, Mm. Z'.lw dusmho i Sýu Mdh&iab fràtwoda y du Qàaha Sqwn liii. aMd Mt. ~mM plormu :donne et0 -u O Pe.