1 SUPER.* SPECIAL CàNADA GRDE W&. ~C ne àR UNM A&P, Miracle Baste or Butterbail Turlceys uImý ai E.D. Smith Gàrden'Cocktail n79 or 7UP J. Uit. 55 M~~m Pronto Piper Towls ~ va .79 wm à 1» -V inuffl Ice Crum 2.99 Pep$I-Cola or iUP 1 kPepsi-CoIa or 7UP 1 ~~5.79 PAICE »UFCTIV4E OCT. 2ND Tffl OCT "m. lm, EXCEPT WIIEN INO«CTED ' V. tw~ a Cuti North Enid Niais oIahad Nea 2iwa Tbe.wul.rmm on daiaa atvh. nen 1»0 lIe.up of vaNla, Niisa C mark the ocaiulon. Alto i the photo j coulit, Morfil Counia MWd Fri Coulh wlth liii calration. Noted TV jo f 1'*,.. ing into thês9Os 1 N«6. nnlvi eaw s a disishp'wa jh@ liCouSt SlIi. idylcal cbam kltlihia ladfo coke and t. vSWbiW nidapedint Roy No.hhi 1can f rff lots) mnt oui Io bove arca (f rm lii); ary Coucit elyo God rah Donnal f. Cuatoim ricognution drawa w*58aala=M Iitl hiconlui&on urnalist to present high sehoot ýxce1qce awards A woman itho bas achieved excel- lence rn the Pidd of broadcatpr uialism wifll be ai Mto urc FHgh tchoul next Wednesday to enuent awards wo outstanding seu- HiayBrown prmuwnt teke- Six ili 1wetme peah" a h school', annua ti a xa=n program oe Il frcai 8 ta 9:30 p-n Duruig : vnn, paqe 11lie gian hose- wh,=diei 80 pe i rhgie.hhitadition- rIybi an excmbng night ai the ochooL Orponiaadiddpaie Mns. Nn's oenibution .111 mke thîs an inter- be gWme tiie ut award frachevib 90peomen advanoed-lieva art. Sie cua' the. cm for lWa Imars ex- celleiwe nuglu pnmai. 5h. ha, moli oneof liertons stoà fashion designe wbo mduoed il On the bock of à jacket . Tht jacket ha, been on fashéon show runways in Japonand is now in a Halifax "nval thal hae been builed 11%ie argeet Fashion Show Ever'. bt s ,omething she us tht al- umys wanted ta happen. Shern wits te purtue art a% a camer and wil spr in' the sublec ai University Mr. 1 can't me myseiU doing anythîng cli. W' barn so much a part of mny FITCH-IN ba~ ut or h t4 en ta blo suciaatmilai, an for loxait n ein a a% M Il me-.II. lde I %vu s1lL'ý bol and Mic Cave~eaa wouk, adir, People, iho havem hW Io y bie ltck E'fi mak= g a u with at thmue dit gond a&iW rt.adopc nfu ac th tî aim s m of0 aieu = 1!. oif ju te auibe ,s la artit ame the late Andy Vàr- bain# honoured at tins quasi mmiii