Pl.'. b, X»îi &LACX[P Cloggini along A form of dance ulmilar te tep, cali.d «cffggtng' la b.lng'offored for the tiret tinie et MiNer, senior ciIen. centre. Se"feai pentel pente have alr.edy )oïned but mots are ,ed Ioemure 1w faIe- gAnt keepsebtggng afong. Classes are ottoed Thuredey main- kIge tront 10 loon. Plowmen to strut their stuf The Utaltun Plowmnns Awcaon~ i invitug the publicito attend the 1989 ilton N'owing Match on SaturdaV Oc 7 at. the farmland bead by Frcd anthony on Tratalgar Roâd, north of Demr Roaàd I'lowîrrg matchcu have heeii around %înce IMMf in Halton when the t0 abF i Equeuînne and %a%%aga -va toiwn%ip% batied each otitet at 11wjf latin Akiandent rown in Acîom Athe enid ni the centurv the %Fpori dwi duwn but in 192; the flowmfen's, Awcmthn aý Once again oper t buiýne%% It ieached ian highet ýpoint of îte n 1i974 the local anocaî,or honltcd thItintemratKonal Pblowing Mlatch cr0 Fartn Machinein Sho% E, 'rinh,'nmat,ný cail the. local Orri, ,fqr tAgnculture anrd Food of- hue ai X-SL2314 WH CRES?ý MARENOU H TO GVE YOU staomm UP TO md5Cq N" Go fumý ii A aiq.âe315t I7;m m mfàMd3250 mi un...AW --d I t1 w N J Mississauga 821-1252 Milton 876-1138 mPeople are asking me if w. are Ieaving. Why shouki w.? BETIGSMA 'S IS NOWBSIGGERj THAN EVER!! INTROIDUCNG OUR 3p» LUNE 0F PAINT: ParaPaints ~ ONE DAY ONLYI Saturday, October 7th 9 a.m. tà 5.:30 p.m. ONLY $4 2 4 Ltrs. Top Line Ultra Ceiling White flt 50 C tbmeu Regular $25.99 4 Ltrs. u rULVII - Cash & Cartry MAN MOE *PCIL THOGHU STR AL î fINIPKWLI E lVNàUIY 4OFF SULE RUNS TrILL NQV. ALL WALLPAPER BOQK ORDERS OVER 300 TO CHOOSE FROM c lU. VARSOL u 254 t- .One %.r customer U BE GMA'S PIT, &! LLPAPER 265 MAIN ST. E. 87 -4922 DOWNTOWN MILTON MILTON'S LAIR EST INDEPENDENT PAINT & WA PAP ER OUTLETI