$(Grant gives more independence to handicapped.resiXents. ~~ EA 1U l~~.E~y ht a affl af.ýà Z. eds ~ rem ut f.m Nth M"" of Omtmét I~ ~~~n du ex-ami smhp ip.. du Mh l fC.muidu d' us WcM bpmct. Abixat IAN of thegaine wtfair. coimamdal NNADI4i day GpZt ganit in Mita.. upgrad&1 t - Arnnuai tndîg of $ZL104 wil in- awatdwutti expansion Cf u The upgrading wtll include te,vatiorn en mnait the oiXatLa- tii mmvgeh'wn uisidcNe con. rivtel whoekttjîf acfflibk,. "l- ridat,ne rwt ideAts witt, mutetrk uiablîtst. andl tube NHADh1 to, The ne-t rntsi art expaied t., ,,.O'v tTmt à rai ým honti tt) the caý ,.)icutowt tactilry smwutme tins tall 1 Wait Elihia. Haltur Northt Wr'. an- ra.unced the, h n List wek on Wie i'alf ýa6 Charin B.... no -,wm <(4 Cnminuntv and 5mw.. lt fretn- à Movin trd gricater - p * w - plue Walk for Life Miteai inogmejoiiedHâ»Pro.US. "Wak lm LM' ont SaIur*ywéh M wVfo Drur %0NofyPAU 0%« çMboct. Nrom"*d ltrm Ow nM se lato wad sdufhlauufi -Wotiu pionot thprodev4 g~url %~ pa Io fa OM um lam f~fl M e ap" de de u- John,.,, angy widi pw*ng woes A =rZa,-duSe, ~M)ri oa dm lw a )Me ki"w ilwm ci pui- usais M Maw dia.q Cmmol duie und wnmmu dmaito ampu wowk. ua du n «bdlh miraN La,,y ia... mçJ duh tobir Mi JolIfui .ny'i p i au*iMd %globed ày or~ aed mir potKc cnwdw onJW (WpIrlin -i, tx1nt'in Maiteni.,' 1.mN.' hem or, to e-t à t-,k.- t I n.J * È a ý . .a u er à -l. »ni'r- -q Tm WIIYBEEF Nnm M BE hMaopim HELD OVER M WEEK MICHAEL DO-UGLAS 0 HLD 4IofWmEil ocrIVEM - MIVLLIIUSISuSA, Mrb of M %M I.M. à f Lma. SajS M&@272 MiO:um6:3P.MSIEWSTUTA8TOMU O.Pau FRIDAVI SATtDAYI SUNDAY ONLV M<I.D OVIR .STAIITSPFiqoAy O BLACK RAIN O AN IINOENT MAN