Y, MiItonif you mised our canvassers on Oct. 2, please remember you can stili donate - just cal 875-2550 &please remember if you work ô'utslcle of Milton & donate through your office, please ask that your donations be forwarded to the Milton'United Way. 878-5080 $78-2889 854-2635 878-372-7 Scott Knights Richard son Twis's Superi or Farîns .Menswear Çhev-Olds, Fuels Propane. 876-4000 878-4472 $78-2393 878*6380 878-2318 Leaver Rockwell Bis Bob's Auto 7399 inent onalea Auto Body Service Guelp Intrnatonal 75-1502 87-217-96 Guelph 130 Steeles87-21 7-96 Line Ave.