v1 t ~*4. Loers r0 ~.a ojSvt. Sp 10 ime &Wmert &" ,O&, . daoeôSd mme vto of wam. emkow a th, basarutQMI. çqom~e treoiofler fr W." oa~ réa. eëtfW hma saf r a&s sa a te %, Ca 1ve *«"? Pe.gd suc 'ffTutl garage nés *â TamS v w #0,o r0. yoo' r'eu d r b ici,' e.' * t.fl " il imf 87 277 P :D a %-eja0 -i sx stms tIra e b5'<'Rra0c "-ac...at en~re , -oe i<' zoo-dýrt< w1" 3 b0'"s otirroo-S s'ca# a xo'wuz ar a. cowa someort il"e UE z-'anat e' 1 "!-ru" Se. aCoi 0<o a «ge KAt ri . 'ý eawnll 11000 Who *ami criaracifand W1 riwm To ar* -ai Oeor <at 87 35F'-.8'q 26"- 'J Of CwQT M" u muri u P Wt1 a.m Io era fea u' go ctorium oc, CW B&,twa %%tmuoda $199BC V-"N Y tryrrc z ur < st'fl tV0<'he ed % O â ea M ca- , . ai T~~~~~~~~J iny~. ,n ~az-~'eo 'ai -~ Il' a Our au-et cs ls ocal Olblalf sw MO'r at fvspme Eat irtw 'Sirgés gatP d6s03 fOOM Naflma<lt uçaar tteri as "areto x Ua drsuE PXtLl5iG* 66 a 130 fi. bt tun k am vs enCd cmbe Ia eu » ce Cd todaY lOt C»tà k for But«a i87-2677. .sau11u Di.@s Lm@1io Beachrtri buww»ý àcea wëyNwun siras. tw*. oca 'oca. ce-cmr MOI am a go lutre rfo'-atr, &,a ét0< ta qýè.a-QC1OI ouyD or 878 Si1 1 69, RE.-ROOFING NOT FOR AMATEURS For a long lime,' the slogan of REALTORS h4s been. 'Urder ail is land.* Jus as impfln", is the phras for homne ownership referred 10 as *Roof over your head". You are more apt la have prablemsvitQ the latter. Re-roofing is no job for an amateur. Il may look simple la the uninitiatdc, but re-roofing involves judgmeril that cails for more than liffing Up shingles and nalllng themn down. If you're flot sure of whal you're doing, it can reêuft in «Wed mâle mnd effort. A hofneowner rnay disover that aq amateur Job coula more than a professional one because a bungle job may have ruined the matedsis ani have to b. re<$one by en, expeu uein new nw@Matss RemoIfg £150 Inolvee altir conuidlerallon - whe#theo test offt1he aid =111%g mm«els .r apply a mew roai over the aid or». Aia, OmIbes à Seey ~ W ofotvUsee s aishy. Foi the amatur roofr no job aoeun 1the. houas tMfl marsm Whnski off.A roai. r W-D REAL by hh.Mak Maflalieu _Nfis NATIONAL REAL ESTATE SERVICE