Gog/on ca -Ta o oVO.Maik.Iê amad i t a mN çaindidelit . f Initîsid Candédala shbulaI $end thaîr11 rmillea i comsile ovUn Bill Cook GEORIXTOWN, OOww L7 304 I colIn serice eain I*oklng forap- Sml toadylfo W«o ai a ma Position. SALESPERSON Ihe successfui canidat. wIl2nl:S". * I<ctc k,ul Ngh er*Ingï L.3r an O a0141- for sa3rs Phev.ous :az pr! nSe an asset but not es$e'ti saitpr<d .roducl trair., -ig tî.../n Iiar calesh haJ'y .!cxhi- Te apply. plaise Cati Barbare Sa by ut 876-4510 FULL TIME.SALES.CLERKS 35 Hours 81-eK!y Benetits - DiscovrtO ApwIy ta Zelers Custarnh SvESè4 C /ilan Ma11il. >IUED EXTRA MONEY .. . CI! A" WORC 9-5 P fil? Cout tynda 842-3U19 £ c GAS FITER- Top *sam benilts Please &and maunie Io Knowles Plumnbefg il Heating Ltd. 4171 Moirrisi DriVe, 011 Buti%, 1Otari L71. 5L5 cw cWbrapo«MM333- 1288 STEAM FITER - PLUMBER I GAS FtTTER 878-1344 TOOL ROOM SUPER VISOR CanidaUl ne pomai à malawil of on V.am expeain fle MM8. d of un aieW0iV'Wf Msais hm sien d à appranicahip a àO bd àd malta 10 gCik Misti km. sapSrl id OW M Charifil of bd roor pensoiste and 0 manfrwfiai g(ioslodga O of m .xWhei and rubbef moIJIdill woubd bu aàai~I asai E icafont baiafin APPLY; -aim L70 48 1 I wdo DITRIC MOSITM Themis s a W . uipoitio livalle in the MAINTENANCE DEPAATUENt for, a GENERA MAINENANCE WORI<ER Applicants must ltap la gQodvA"l odg f nilral nd *Iectranec Illit, aIc- pwferebfy *lth afcrélic5liai ens lbaapl Utl lu' P W~ JOB. Tamiausk lkil DISM ElC oÇw 3O0 y Aoa MIrtar~fiL92 M__ M Mobile Computer System t h'-/- -r-n. -.ý l l» a' ?9rrrr l..r. ~i Office HeIn r DATA ENTRY CLER1< A laadfing manulascturw o ailler MW sagaa flow aquapifiatiti aaian Mifllon, Ontaio. îaqsaia* a Data Eiaiiy Clark. p<rtîe fa ir clue Mout labor fL»p7 rOjr;naion mienUrfil.i- and calano ciad1l We ailcI a comF*t.tî.e salIary arc: I-D% cenufit packiage fi Intwsladi apprs, 10: LbAum Cainad lnc. 9069 LawMf %Wao, P.O. Box 1601,- »nons, Ontafl L9,T 46 AMT: Puo"re DotL 87".541 *MISSISSAUGA' ACCOUINTANT 4t/' ai 5t1f9Wa Cf.t.A staclent «rti' good accaonting backround to handie Comrpany$a finances Office mafnagementV ClS reqi. rid and Irnawledge of Lotus, Wordperfect of Reliai would fia en acivantaga Sator to6351< ple b.ntefl package. Lyine Coteile On 41eProne op Eva: 875-2291 __ __ _ON LiNEl - SIRI 'OUA AREE -TRT O r...ER . PARI-TIME SECRETARY Ccrnipti flux fIc a CArsadt.#t, Coiîîpnn baseil nS aifl M: se.-.Iè a 1'ai firne of <15/r a iir'll tesf pairei eîin en tn anad clin testsl a0 fu5ll rri fsflîlril In the Srlrlnc MI lm9 dulic. vainea allis in Atccufgmg t9Iin Mf'. AIR). Ceruada enrv lWaidPtea titéts 1 2 3). Wrwqure sorneone *11k acci,,afe k.yboiding ala (nrmhmurrl 0 PalaiMvLUanI23,aid ai lwwho i ta anffMjumC and w« oepsuLd f-.Weme 91 be gWve 10 en -ndmvwbttd w/wr nu ain ibc<ruiiftl 4Wkgaound LCavmto fruit wocfzet In qicnlmatioi end CommunIIiaionWI tdfafOlii Ifs t ffmiu4""*l 1r nduqtry l,îleielld app.caiu.s twie kp a/In i rail Anuin 381111111: W 1111110. 844-505I a - 327 BrOnte Street .,878-5992 Regpsra1Of §Wi Dit pre-scMQtoZf 2'4'2 . tace 0 . Mmrr.ng or fa5'te1-z 7 availabie Juflor Kifndergafle :.ý r coffered Aes 2À Io 5 ,cvs OPEN HOUSE Every WUdflay in SepterDe' '1Oam toaPo'- BABySITTING availabie an mfrioe tax.e h10<9 arts and cralta anoiig allair cieatý-e aCtrtres Please cal lathy 110761251 ai878 t755 OAYCARE AVAILABLE - Motrer of 2. quael caori. fenouid saint ofat oi 13.0 Ocoot'A"/ 0878-0313 REQUIREO part lime babys.rtOl 3 O-r? i stwutng in Nonembel a arn Io 5p hoine Braite Rd ailla For 5 IirhcO :3 !i gwIs 87 4174 SAFE à SOU~ND C9,3ESER and Edurna nou ta/ring nterveai foi air - . foi, Saptemlbei and 1 W< deyc8a openIr;s. j feu pae m ialit Man Sîrsait _>Ja, 175 DombMic PART TfMENANNV.Sdflga thr of 3,14 gt roiuar an me flle hwruaOlr or h o, tende fha %s 0.l ci lest on baliniss Cail $78. 1575 affi 700 p n fa anga for aninler.nef WANTE éalIbl c/aailg Lady 876 4.65 ëi.r il bde lia unM m"i 9~s olist expufne w"Id ==tDoutlouf Milton E CE r4o*d fdhiU Wuaiiid 1part, u Bd~a Po~ Pbmaidmo-uia FaIns- PwSDéircll. es nsffrfs S Southi. Milaon. WuoLOT am 1S VOUR C141L0 .Uuood in laanq 00-n7 Nalaapropwdnats m cm bu .al»sad la 1810AA T ui vIO SmUle coyce rill,- , uf ai I T Coutis. Local ClaUss qiaUliis Odeobe 16& Excellent Emnploymudfi OppOflinla. For dalad cati SerVkceaUd. 827-1455 c,,,. Eam Sf30 wee F,. q -e E-ep..sDept A 24, t1 Pr. : 4 -.c, 263 PeterbderD Ont K;l 2.36 BOAT STOfIAQE moM ainlarlang miliçielO Servic asad"abla tâomap nole AI s "Mar«e M6 Maan Si N Actir &53-1682 28~ For mnî a mo r plus ut,.tuas iri and - reierv -ces Cail 878 61 Il A.à 3> v i ANOPP:iCEn id yihomea kfu .'r..tol 2 bodcocms plus af/ce uP'h a.paratnù c-r a-e ;r 3 berc¶>B5tfiConvai e.a, z- si: pe' mnifs utiael c udud $76 118, BASEMENT BEDSITTING Si-rarebaIr separale onttaînca krcmen. paria ng A!so 2- 1 bedorn Siiore ba&wsutdlilr 875,'59 ÎRANO nlew lugurs Ta.nsorw rentai, ci/r J// ,4r . reptace 5' apphances gara0e t bediof fiiIon $925 rromtth T/he Bra*sino' es (20 minutes ta Downlieun AtI, B56-094 ExECUTWVE illylla 4 bedrOatn Wiln for te'-! 8-1i33 FURNISI4IO ROOM su-table for wor« la; gamm $195 par monh 876-4236 LU'XURY 3 SEDRIOM lWuoi twnur*iu Aal igl Novwuiba 1 Sl.I00/iilOi plus uf*Woa Cal Roi' aflar3 0 1-MI-4566 -Z l BED oCU asian AuFo an R n t ficla npakancai, Pone 78-01111 1 BEOAOM AsEMENT a sorntla sngla as Bunda, uend Neohuaf 25 $550n IndiuIre AaaalwOOUSail 841122b 3 ERO APA3>TMENT, fildge. sta.e, 68mW,$75 pu mii1i pli uffles 878- 0172 or 87&-uS BASEMENt A>ARTIMENT Siatur iLIorinl hAida Avouable begMwff cdO Novembaf Neaw shwwA«OMmA«on = R IE s Sia h a v a 4 b d ii uo sa u a a àSW 61 io81 876-2015 SI4ARED ACCOMMODATION - 4t/r peio ilW thon ymTaý. PMo par mrn-M pi-s 1 4s ildd « ghu Avpiléif #mmeoratesi 878 7775 SiNGfl PARENT il I liekng for ---r. to rent Baaa~et. lin. bath and ,Ichei 6-8e0612 uuYi~i' SAYITR badd lai ose 4-112 mai1 -I i- Iguit qW 2-3 daisir Wa aaak or Saab b pour schedils£ Oki haine or Yom Cal ârim ai S&o Fù7s1nýtuwies Oodisctl W11g EXECUTIE AM9ITANT w1 y l~ So»t#dU support;1 w 0 M reqriaro Cobi oima poên Woiieria liiiO*ldge ai Word Pfeed 5 0 aiOsid tea arena tm $y Ocloffr si, 18 té 311 C40nertea Street ?won. rguro LUT 3Z9 DAVOARE AV1& ofe t13w la ASSDand afrd' For Mlets) -a' 878 855e I:r W)i 043874027 4i1a nitolrh 1.' maler wu0hen s atiu ai an Il, - y- CtI-cgen c' s4affit RiUg-on AIl £0', àr 47$ 8217 ¶958 FORD CUSogM VAN 302 .8 a',f etc Rasod mot 4 cAinaea di lar.t sz4. boid ak lrrr rea, »l ullI TV ar , ar-"a c e aend rrxc/ more 25Ci. i« 0 -~ a R 5295 78 3155 cOr: zir C.ton zed for «OrIl.laife, r-.I Sý, ahm irs 3114/d par thred *vie 4 térea near Mag - extra& 87%-4W-t r!4î ZIOGE .A-Z% ao 0015.r K t:sx Aloi FM cassate ,hVc. a 1 D - S CJ 7 A$ýS ~R 8 78 4GUt-' -i 198S HYUNDAI PON. US wm 4 !OC.. s- A.lit A1 YiZ r ~ ~ ;a, v- o 8 C u5 tlsnt ootite badysIt tadie Ou1 Grrt Co-.r Frre-'c 4 Dorset Parkrarea 876 21é26 DAYCARE AVAILABLE Parl orh rr - fun and actItres Large llirir4 il,- smobwr aimd romepis gIîer Ca, rt rA/ÏCIRE à~c ,d __reA *1 - . Pnne r0/rSd WcrdwOrO a-d W - F.. CI Paritm ,116-a3 - rAomtnIa-rd s'acfls anci - M1Lf4->IN Gurw)g Crub '--Cr, 4 Lt Curie; C,:ýb .-#e'd r Durs P. aea.r85-t -romi a r.-eï, 4p to $5 ar '~.