The Canadian Chýampion lmr - Pt*IWWi uutiOVUbIâ N Ani MeW Karen Jan mier-m e Juf MPoquis.Matbepoo :â* Me omo - éOd f MIUIg DVIN Sles: DuNe POI Poe t K 071111111111 1 - OMMMPOUOG M OO, ia 11111111 v&no Cm .. nus Vfdtfi: Mm 011oi l an sbotiluoy. k.W coamoas -ia foil .I lOdih Hummat. Baue C. . ra.a o :.- CfU OWt C._ aui w. WW* ewme ~ indials % t Pm PM& u. liim n m m 1W hoM àe mm, V. IIII Un.II _-::oLls UdaUa i i -mm Wamm w4m ouàm IMM.. o W IN& lime ffm Th~ ie sem hmm. %i idbm "~ rie ms PmeU= . -OA ai ti -,OiI go. une" ir ma eni u n ipmm. U a à ai wifieI Um ui 0 fn gua ta. Wia 5u W~ 10te 0*O.e'wto la et onutegamb lim e awon & Or »M t MV"PMoi0 lKrantz and Best Loùkingl baclk lare off. Acriznony bubbied and umnered sofly toeugh Monday night's municipâbiounçil wmtng a Mayor Gordi Knlz aid councilor Colin Best feuded. dlis'he hmn Uine they have crossed swords and we doubtit wil tl be the LWs. Thejectd of lte contzoversy was supposedlly consution of a new interchange at Hîgitway 40l'and Town Uine in Milton Heights. But the real subject was who wiIl control counicil and am intatives, and itow*the body polltic in Milton teili V l operate. Mr Bt'st tendered a report demanding boadi aid sweeptng action on te interchange idea, tehici lias been a back bumner ~ o propect for several years anong council mnembers. It s usaaaly- ioutm.d as a way of divertîng Milton's itea quryrckra- ia: lic cinlo the provincial higitway almost as soon as lte trucks- - trudieouiol lit nt's open pil nunes. In ihal rnanner, counct ve oeasoned boh municipal anJreorti adrs-wv7iliceno, =E hepoundmng from sucit vehicl.'s thal is lte currertt norm. But iiis mo)retitan questionablewthether any Savangs would t1e rsealizasi. ai least ai titis point. If Tremaîine Road becarne a milor nt%rth-sOuth access, for examnplewould flot that pose a whole nn'w set of traffic problemat' Xnd wilue the interchange. ail politicians seern to agree. wiil bl., toýt-effective ai sone p~oint, many will argue that the tinrng io!5 is wrong for i. Milton s proposed resadentia subdivisions * wte,4 oif Bronie Sireiet sitould ait Icasi first corne onslream.n they - tk.llcve * Mr Best knows titis too. But in presentang hîs report tee Sme hum as tackling a personal objective. He ta beginning a con- certe.d attempt 10 becorne a mnaIor influence in counicil's direc-- lion, whter Mayor Gound Krantz like-s i or not. And Mr.Jpmii 00MatFi e ,kp uymU i.lgrttnuuletr i boi hIs Krantz dots noi lifre il. Judge cia du 1% M FaIt Faira me. E ean ueot. heale dm u"i erI ehpn closea. Oeil. mhat teas obvious in te cooly combatative posture Mr.wh leppaeh iI'nre s m Ec. Ud TI.lde iadn tru a Anfi Sateen Tii 1311 MUa Fal» gaie. Jýr>)i't adopted in the face of Mr Bes's inilîtaiive Again and uimal lFrieay wliu elIapertig corenaihes beghnhig aet 7as Tmi11 tive.dy avent wiN future lfve- .iain 1w look issue wathth 1wYoung counicillor, going as far as tc oainpetb iand mmiti ieora. to indicati, Mr. Best "migitt" lie "rnisleading"P~tit councal aid ,%Ir rant stuborny prtecWwhatlias sate as an ailackPa e of t e F s on lias own personal fitfdom. the complex and olten subtie pollilacs of interaction IIçit provincial el,,cted officiais and civil ~~< ua.i~mow wik, dciird on a 6-3 rerorded vote Rulmotn à Feisse htongtng negotiations. unes in whtci wh hrfrpreOe-e r htatrd and emttan debatic CouncilkwGoArd Krantî ut' senled te lown's interests, have conuipittely covered the Frin îh.epi.b.r i.tom e immrývoil the proscrt by-lat gtrwng lthe oMteatm ut ground Mr. Besi pavbed. J Suiday'sTcérry Fox oun was thei biggeu anud tui go pool muoinsi ta apptuwd ini 1914 lit fine. ti w Tha te nyo %ýuI bepu insw a ostio t afar in Miltai About M7 takers. runien and cyduai Dur ît l k a, "tssni Maysjnl bru smd the bt- Thailitemayo woud li pu En ucita poitio ta ame to ata e monery Wa cancer rumrri. A %ouai nf lard rOOi- b Iat= dfnuoid rosic but lie a demorLramon of to witl degret M. Buti is wiling t0 play ~,ns e,,Outme a 71X nth 90 n oppoood tu the opern Siaaday rétiolutmn until ho cauki hi, hardbaU Implialt in Mr. Bel's actions w an undeitone-lt Mr. J A lialIlu-lilsu eàhe rwwd sîcr ranMUon asatrnd ai a PmOPedY suprivauad oMàtiia h Kranlz is failing to, provide leadership. Mr. &,sti la g t,1 R gUd .,ïtahu dhudfnmgtticipona, J Thei mystry letier tnter tho rently rwtdth lthai perceived void. tu Aulirali F= turied down h, S2.5wllattoii Coutttr taraly for acxping the gif of mon ien tu qu-ed l'y Rbal Kransts. $ucad frutnKior ai the Mutai tittiT bi the peupofl NaauaW-ý &fe thr et Whether he ia capable of doing so ws another thlng. But fill gchof i iu-itu whuch tas toundmd 15 ivars &go. Tl 'atd08ahe ar to tf wS w verbulty di.astisd l'y m cocky Young cosancillor is subtly piaying oui îte hand. wam won the wartdchampoosbip ini 19@4 and &aitn in ben oflNaaagawey~a cou<i i at memtus Revi Ancr 1906MacAthu andcourcilfuither agmed. ai Iind a lettet ut We tink M. Besi le interested in Mr. KSntz's job. At J Towin owicIilorn dcided to supply fund% tu coat lpoko atheC Cqlier amily kir the cummunts maude ti pregeni lie denits fi. But lin seUl tell. Te c9uncillor Weon Jar dvaiatan causil l'y Humcxan, tibor ini jamaca. the imer Fubln4 l'y two arts daily mnewsras irm aidawy tt eetvoes ~Councllplanndt tadosateSSo mna imclnl toà,a . MacAritur, tm tu %éy the Coultwf tamil idn' t- and awy theinoa ota inthe La eletim %i the aatt ut lie tuit bo reoew hum tj munt power. for tieti T niive ti he Mr Beei as certainy Pm lte nmsiuespected council meanher ahsong his pei. But 1we enjoys subetanlial respect in the colin- munsty. The evidesace hm. been an the ballot boxes. He weul. we susqpet try tu uake taï evidence tllD &gain whien 1w challen- ges for lte nayor's chalin o! office. 20 Years Ago - Fre an Ueptem"eo S& lmS 1m J Mdtancauncil et aitappmeoapeirt billard anstif ci nu tu the to appluscania u.km8 tt-onutig ini aider ta alome thmi tg bwtid têtes fur inhume ut, a trader aemps 50 Vears Ago Prm 1h. $.ptemàme 2i, If1139 u .à Nas.apwtra Prynwait Clwth oelr&trd ti 103<d annawvear3'f a ii adins.,,Die chuikh i.. îhmonew with propir tiha. Inrit hlpim ~rnthe kirk ~o a ainiuy =The rita ial pitachev ai bth wv- q Mc" wua Mit. John IId1O MutAiit The infittai af the rhumbi tiaes deniaird Wi the occasion and -pecil mic ai #uppl by the choir of Kniio Pmebywtnn Churcit J Savo ralalrumhihp nii te hnoed one dolla and emosi ime.dollars mch wthily a---m befo, Maguirai. ldàI mi woe& dtargad tintâ Semblial Lmp p csialODEl a imT Iata challe Tpitit aa et à o" iaith -i a «A