Councillor Best told to follow normal piîoçe4ires enai "m hp.,.3 loe. Iae bMea W mm hthi amwm hidwuman lmy m. ir M lm dhioe bu»;.i laM Mgt.w é~~ ,,a ~ l~ tab oI wr-h 15 or Ml yrmis i. M = a IiN aab i~~ueauamd Mr. Krnti tiltdiiod ait ma a oroemariqgIrlu ami se-. M 9iad "u aMo e mpRb't w =tI --héuwuldi wua abut- 'Zcaw "ÊmmUo bL Main éd :i tep ly ia io ail CWim i 'Il de "a hâd the malt a" àaa " apr uudylo 10 Mioir la. aald li. hWd a4 W&I dlikiit y oallhum mdw i al raWiCMW& I < t ~ p~ h I ~ u t m m p A if, d h w u t W mmt Mo ~ t rd fin.1 < P o lic e a u c tio n »Yubd Irea Ira cod a wud entlm uMtio ete ahe um-m tu-i -M' aIr ai Fqlui ai60 i. -Ib "AU du @"~t have bur akW" -tdu mayer =e z- -" = :««e 2..dcutnb..iuIt1umw-1w pu.- Ma&Il2. ui,111i and LAabohre Ktpl lmdl hapa lm = uK thpor on theie t(=.Okvilg Rmn od.i ea Mr on rural C0Mý mtue, Mr. Kmie htb dum mt a paper Th idifny paaa my.audtilaii"uan amCk N u on ti m 1. -t p âe th ww" wodanal u bà fii-Ihinn reot l an uè Abua Ile uun Mr. lm cafllsi the vlk iln idC =agaout tlibecl Homes flot in. plans * ounww km rimit1 noli a for teudemildveamt He hadW Itelndu inc 19rlb6 Ut Roemarg daiu aan ltai hmi plana wouqld 90 by .%Zafo thing htaifia lea not hail for Couannîkir kian Paimait h" litn «Wh rnia d ci th ama. usinai cote hmai the rtai muautun accua mod Mr. t. wnamih ltie did nut liant a r"pt ai -MrCahUf it mer iyndmmw." a vefam Ie wo -Moauuga Mayor HMa McCaiia m i& pWam archer- ttre in lir ry Mr Putan rnhaiaidu th ifle tire and medwval-aa&±ns parapts. of Mimmmauga "alis lbut ti quickly berni apparent auril ha% litte cantal offr the kié Ithe stractures. as aon ihey cernte height requireenti and C lot ur Atenbaiuugh d.wthe d-%W p-mn deaifd ,itid cnrldmeiato MaIror Gard Kaau wàrid te Much a mw onid b.e laha an a depi-ta Prm p polWy. and "id h n o OP"ra rataidrab forthm muammt i. aiv or nqiiathiirpoitv Hower. due mayor di Mndcm tat due pobry mugadung archiIx- tonal appouval shauld li ihd m an ta allai mare ronuidcl Input. The develo:lrnaiw onvef toaii an:lns rereitiri W cauril a approal. an a coeruy. auntate in due nue ftire. Tann admousattir ROY Main rurnudai ronancilloirai twny Wll i"l have inme cotraI hed pioac Walae iag thet pyumttauoit i tt thty mouid ranoevably hold 1< Up by refusing in main a building permit. Tht develapin.nt cam prîm ttra building% an 'L-.lnap.d twa-atorey structure anm thte nawthit pmatre and a niU r pderu tiare kt the loitni ran Ttto building amiea 2R0A0 sq. K Ammonia Ieak forces evacuation The w«i end of uban Milton itan evacuatd lan Fnday evenrng- An animonta g»i buk ai the Co.Op store an the coaila of Bronte and Main Streuins foeoed thetuf, epattl bo evacut a hall dozei bain. and bia neaica In the amu aboiatlr p No injunet or înma une rpoa fallowing the fnihap A valve wua rumed on inadeith building &ier baumn Accaading to Hérold Penuoat Ac. ting Fire Chiefomn u, unlmown whtthtr the ticdent itas acaidental. Police ame Ln - ouglting. Firf'ghtan ilut the v'alve quicklv andpapie rrrtdt h oe about an haur aftt, tht-v were hlun evacuata .ANNE COTE. 0 e-w - -J 1140 OC NEW SUNGLASUSW A&RT SHOW Sunday 8ptrber2t 12:00 Noon - 4:00 P.M. Original Paintingeand Limited Editori Pririta will be available feoc purchase. , at H ARROP RESTAURANT and GALLERY 345 Siedue Avme 4 3% Miton 878-161 Il- Kauo Scott loi 140 Ilà on the NUTRI/SYSTEW W0ght Lou Progvo aI, guinod à n.w poio ibl-him * Our comprehensive program works because-t includes **eono»d W,t Loes A vanetyo Qi dlciouSb S mmo r B'ôèaDougI Pm'ueto identty your pert- Nu Sy«MQWen <~ Program for long-ternm sonfal wetht loss proble«i meals and snacks succ'ss 0 Nutrition and Behaveo àmà Col Today.& 50% oOFF ILI e For NUTR/SYSTE Sevices* CALL TroDAY FOR A MUE NO-OBLIGATION CONSULTATIONi 878-4117- 465 Main Ste E,, Milton (Acros I romn Milton Wall)- Spaucu cw doa Mlo «hAm eit cmai MMUTSM bw ham i mcd ~ ~ ~ « catit <lU II, As -BW nl ao am i~~f aucif of~i àai Ona poeu . pn - - - --- - -- ---Perm_