Miltowne Realty C'brp. 22 Ontario St. South CLAYTON HACKENBROOI( OFFICE 878-2365 RE&. 875&0771 Urokar * 24 Hu'. Pager *~Cat Phone SIMPLY STIJÀN!NG Besf descrîbes this beautiful 3 br. end unit local ed fn edesrdiajeae Tfss home has been ".-11 NOIcompçletery, upgraded through out wîth plush broadloom, and bhardgo floos, oak i'ailing. Central air and a very unep decor Mords alonel cannot desate t!Ns ternfic Moely. ro cal fo' a viewing today. Cali Clayton Flackenbrook. $159.900 WANTED 1/ 3 BR bungalow or baccsput in Dorsetiý.r 2/ Executrve Country bungalow with acreage 3/1 2 acre bdilding lots. 1 hbave quallfîedpurchasefs for these peoeilies. If your interested in seluing please give mne a call ai my off"c or res. In this market you. need pro fessional advice ànd guidance to selt your property. GA~ me a ci today for ail your Real Estate needs. ALAI BROOKS 878-2365 Res. 875-0067 Tor. 826-1030 CAROL ESTATE à ACREAGE Tt.s I MO0 restored store home arx! coi'ty estata ruts en 10 acres wth a pond, mature trees. guest ?icuse anI excellent 001 barn Loceted just noflh oi Carpffville Pie cham and dwaacta< of frits pro2er¶y is uquel ta tti beauty and c oml ofa 8» prtjl txirgs, AWrl SM9.00 Cod Aian or Caold for more detals EXECMJIE 2 S1OREY - GOWLAND C -E. filrdshe relaMn room. 2 floor Io eelng uUla bI1b f ieplacas. Truly an lmmacuiate home, -close Io at a a M les, bides ono »Wee gr m 1e. Plue col Mon af CWOI Brooks tIck ktioe ,W ,ÉmIo 878-2W06 or 875-M07. POCOD Fml ACTION - 0314,10 Oualîy & value mm daeP i N mOVa-up executiva homne A vthoiu of a deai auîSflIIS te mUachi &W.V auj iumt 19 ycu cd LOMusi PRIM~ MR i ACIO $817,111111 As ft bell a 1111110 tg ifl wh Lone R&&MFor fleur - - biqcm M. ____________________________________________ I I 878-2365 j Rei 878-2365E y~ NiB â*US ya.î; M' pW-110111 vW04 alai MW"ea U" wt cill SI r* Wifl 3 "a*om a. k.Iche, hivin r001.. tumntats 2 ba4roeM$S'efl hnO ,ocom. .poUi"Each KUa 4 1>"c bain à flMm BftSWlC Fe, Mie <*fllSOf Co TO &225.000 TOI lm &28-1030 am- M - Paul Page Associate Broker Residential & Invesîment Properties .878-2365 SAUMN BUYERTAM A LOCK hrnu <OUM nu« in' la aca<n Mm.rm. 5v. ln. clin. rmi. Mèrs w'G'?ldy New rii n 89ý Foe acm y fwca- Fwe Pac n faNiyl rooe'i. Large pnrvately fencedl yard. Doubla garage wid much mors Mus! bu Men Cd P&J Paoe. WAM -AIIII - MC On@ of the top loatiOfis. VWfl pnn ètif. fuleroIj trils à s1vuî*. dm"l - Il ard *W 3 ffloci ~d* rouiy d.emaffd. vaff o«.a frwdd roc mm wîth w.t bar. lExtras include cStWIB air, -. ~ oee o=sa'c a la us. Hue's en OPPWtumltY to sapaelihe a *scittn Wollo of Vido "i tg 0a" tha 4W .., u ' ,c~ ., li M Mllia onknw (- cmésOmS OohaMIo $Iso.oa EzcIW" W,* CW ..eî 0* gS1 A x .89 7 8 2 3 6. 5