.FRECIPEFILE ______ iLighten up flu with broccoli and cauliflower A, the, hait andi .feamy ,Urnr temmeaturt .kwlv %imnuer, dowtri tnt. titi, ftwtmhfy hark'tvd bIue~n btt'It andi crt'.m' , wru.u t af a' ¶1. rf thmtc1 cnsp' cninchy fwa',..a (cannfage familsî on- it tttr pe.tk L)uning thi' t1avîîrfut fait harvesi. hrcot4i -and rîli amao b"~ ctuin ra. '.fiiwc At a t.me At a m:ete 42 cattaie andi 2 tr-tt "ttevlv for a cup ot raw brticttlî andi ýauIi.fb.wr. t tu, uirntio pektýd dort h'.lu, the chlht t',tatht¶ oif lite autuIt'r wt, inI mo.y of tht, caf*yg.t ttrni!s a r, %ttttl' (tur î ne.d fr hairt'. di'.f îrle'îîr toi, man, mtra cakLrt' This gocl ury le il Loekrrne fer wàv% toe ifcm glem cop lgten, Ur tiahe nt caullfowOr l.ibCIOIS in fait enteruinîi' Ith %fraptrant caulitltw't andi Iamb chopt curr' , s14ttt pn.Tartdi andi ck'gntl'. ncnved a' an unhtutttbk, meal for Kuets CAULIFLOWER ANO) LAMB CHOP CURRY Caulttlower. lamb chops and a hint et tu!TV - àrn unutuat but wurîdtifullv fragt'ant antd colortut main couqrw, for enraning ÉLe ture to purchaw e Ian lamb chops andi trt ant' vtsible ft e Bisai btmb dlpt*20.i 13/4 te 87sg). 1 ttap (l 5m) ai uriiKtsStbflo 2 2bsp <2M mi) vegaittie f; l14 tip 120 -il our'Y Pa..dB i bso ' 5 mri) mrirvco.d r.¶0 '<1 *2 cidve-ari-c rr"ed * car (2802 fl&Ili toi'atoe. urraýrBd chtEçec .3 cugnr 1'50 '!) OfilarIc Caui*'O*r tbr'els s ath nwèt Qrwl a,4d r d pappe, c,ýted fýÇW - I~~~~pr,-"~ ri ~o Toitl with titit' m.dlu i r-. w.ùd or un': rrsttrr ch.Fr ti pot* -~ ~ ~ - tc"J !-cr,'l¶~ ' oul owv eru.m -W '-1 Cu Mt Çitlli, iZp an.' iraardn bl.nd of Ontarbo ,, .tirr.p irtant:4 nd Pegu.rV minute in iui fragrant Add tomt-' andi rturri chop ti'., :. timnmer. cn.t're, (,%Cr medium lot. it for 4; mirut(r' Adit càu:tikiccr andtLn re t ret c0 i». çtvcred hr 10 tuo1 minuit"% Or uRt:rit, :,i ten k anrd vegaablt t.eler-<n.p çSeà!otr t.th %ait antli p.pMi to uste Sprinkle pamrl.iy on top Serve ov'ef eg~l; ttk a ml, bout 310 calories andi 14 4 gram, of fat pet sdVtti EnoeIktt %ourwt of con and r>tâtnC.go,u %ourc of dteutyfibef PréaraionlIm 1,minute,5 CHFAST CHANCEFO BUTE BEST VLUE AN 1.49E SoCHEFASE Prinrt' BUTTER BEE MAID NATURAL HONEY '- RASPBERRY il STRAWBERRY JAM mONARCH ADDED TOUCH o4beçi, B aia8,9.d lA, Panca ik.*tt' Caocte Boc WONTON SOàP LIPTON'S CUP-A-SOUP CAMPBELL SOUPS'A.- SOLIO OLIVES COCKTAIL OLIVES ASSORTED PICKLES & BABY DILLS LESTO IL o % z B R S A GENTLE TOUCH .49 1.49 .99- .99- 1.17. 1.09 1.19- 2.09.. WOODBURV .99 q AL NGaAC RAD COwlOi% Ilcln anlt st i li In. I ,. CUT YOUR FUEL BILLS WITH ACLEAN ECONOMI1CAL NATURAL GAS FURNACE' RELY ON TEMPSTAR HEATING SYSTEM+S FOR TROUBLE FREE PERFORMANCÈ' GUS MOWBRAV LTO. eALES * INSTALLATIONS * SERVICE, .RESIDENTIAL -COMMERCIAL *Centrai Air Condtionîflg Fumaces *Eloctronic Air Cleaners *Gas Fireplaces *Humidifiers ..FREE ESTIMATIE 751 Min &M~t E»St mlfton, Ontario 878-2381 FABRICLANDIS I<entmamrnetre ISÀ&LE e* ON SELECTED MERCHANDISE BUY ON[ METRE GET ANOTRER METRE FOR -.à