Couple wed at town hall courtyard mmm.a utdwhaa tdu oetu ay àduo twmu balcnd Shannon Page Z&d" Simponi muid ai rlgrw id Th aae room w ,h*da Zblndand Oid Moryl lndr Th-d - citew ngu Zulai and iranMefy u Diraur and the fempton nue hdd at Gi M1wy CoU Cmii in The bride wu .u.tamned gt thm brida towoea and dw nid- dng 'hdd a am gdaeh hoaid a bU mis 60 hf dougwr adm. Out . ai an guantvid hum. kudLke, Siid", Soei" and Pu.arouk T) iuwyiid §Pm tua wuk liorwyuig.nhin lriode SIiUUOO Pffl aMW UPliaf Dupy InS ftWatd i and non tuod un MUtait omNy" e Wt ~ W ho Volunteer drivers urgently n waluiuan Id tuada *~ ~ ~ M Maypii toiommuity caft gi aundon thait own niumbe, a oa = "Yas a dtuidre hdults n iur ta lin- ptnt niadîal appuaii' wokand ad.'pacaMciagn c tmbuni awtacdwr addhaa uryo cosurage. Couli you allai tua or dirue hoeaia mcti week kt a mth ta help atouiho auhaut a" "Do you.hdaw dldiut' Woukd ),au etp, rmg mat abot i coct mi" m be loand ici Mdi- " WauW yau W bt bue hai umn a oirna, A umai ai local ageniua wokif =leou bir ff" -mcu or upgride olface ltIta ycurhep would bir g"Iuy ap- " O '?heve tue hour, a wSk ta eeded (MILTO VO VLUNTEER help totitane air ocd' Mary peipe vouuig and ola wfthWut training and ongimug suppiort art m=ad. vum e is t wor one àtphne =i WalC w th poie Ing for volimtoefla for imnt uvbm, dune, lum and vntinng b, hot. A vlun ane tautad b i gn uf and hours and doaeefleib6e. ton Volwtm canine for detaila abois *w aid aihie voluntoff op- Cali 876-4756 PÀ