Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 20 Sep 1989, p. 34

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Lifesty le W.dns.day 90% a, immo - Community Notebook Songs ln the Air: witon Chormiters. a 40-mntibef iarxd choir as entcnng *àn 21 Il 10e anid ha ai ted rc+elantg for tIL co îg -ànn e 41niiig ln &Il vocal ,; .~tW i tiit to auditiont b' callîn Shirey 2ii ai878 w,181 tu arrnge elb apivuit Tht group rchearu -dj intavenings urder lthe WJoio Braînerd Bivden Taylor Chortateri plan to preuve four perftirmanct dunnj; the luand %pnvig Antat' L»si Cal1: The dc.,d;ie ts thiq Saturday (Sepo 24> for ent t- the ixt anunual jurwid exhitemvi of ual> an ai the Rtation Hil bibrary anid Cultural Centre, C&OIgeDwn flic cttet7 o open in re'îdents, of Haitcu 'fe ehibi- nion wilU rnv hum Ortobwr 4-29 Fori 'n- formation cail 973-2h81 Turkey Shoot: Tht-y dirt shoot iiarkeys but ltowt h the e lai î could iake hum a irphmv0 as àpva Saiurday' * T. =eylx Guiph Red and Guvi Club ni hling the tS'itit et lis Eden Huis lcation begminung ai 12 Y pmtr Sept 24 The contprtitàovin m, oM to 12-aue h2tun, u*uug double AA Diabetes Asocltlon Moves: The Qakville anid Dntc brandi of the eariadiavi Duabele% Assciatm.n asj a new Icication ai 341 Kmr 5t. Suite 201, Oak- ville For nformiation on ibis organi- t'o rai 31w 0214 TIp, for Parents: The task ol pruirtig sý uotitg mont Fo trio wi lit Le or no experiruce With hin mîincri. Famiiv lav n again oiti-rirg STEP1 iS,',t nati, Trainintg finr Ftf.ttsc Parent rKyTh 1 rmga i, giare topaEit of 2 l(0 vnaàoJ Srssions mun WTursday rei.sfron Septtntter 28 t l«,vewn- ber 'k Cui ' fie> tir inuamily ment- bers îmaximum) To "tmer. contat: i!àr.î' Lt-c Fraerit t70,-011 Communion Breakfast: Bcsh.îp katn ut an Ja 11v st arnd (n muoi raÇs rS djý aiu 1 ai Il a mi B.hq4êlJ ti t-rittraie the- eu hania hnas toN .,icd bv a hot, tufftutvk, btakias Aitîerdanrc muni bX. corfirmed bv Muvioda« SpsF r, bv calling 144-0269 tickets cout $7, tari and Wns i vnao hi availabin ai the doir Christmas Cornes Earty:mu sluth annual Christmas Crafi Fair ai the- Onrtario Agncultural b.Iuýum in ir. hn'ld ehun Saturdar, anid Suviday. gstrg earlv btrd shopprs a lump on the- %Wauîn Moure tian 50 exhubibors Wiin ofvr gud rariging irot sUim%-c glass. M te",S folk art, quilts adm oreTh Mumu,it Woawid ont Trtaine Rond jusi souib of Hu1hway 41. ns open from 10 àari en polup Te fidoui mont caiR97- 8i1 Organ Recltai Tht necisý rnton pipe organ ai St Paul% Unitted Citurch ciii be played by Dr Painr" I'hiiips or- gavial et the Moetrupoistan Unvited Ct urcit Torontlo, durivg on orgavi maetai %bi wull b. a seonid dembonstalmon ori Sun- day, Oct. 1 ai 730 p m of the organ's capablietis The resturation can havided by chut-ch "~p activit over the plat teserai ivonths There is no admisstion charge howes.er donations Wini be tic- cepte TEAM helps teen or B MANEW MOTflE &M nIda g Tht Halion uaird of Education & ko omm and lnformation Serewme are trng tci nuite il a li" esoer by ofeng .c rogramr r lonage mins ltEAM? ruys a chmnce kWr yomg nmoins lncw u ex bihi i ool diponnaa ] hile iviciaita, Million Comnuvityan dvui Sf siro, supplies davcare for the ttudenta' p--4hol aged chidmr-n ai the CFIERISH Pairent- Cltu Cennre Ail curses avM services are t mnludmvg bug lare aind wff cole outred The proran ism or-ef-a-kovd mni Hitn e utý h'ont 10 the figinas nuiviber cd nagr niiothers mnH lA caite a Pilot prordc in Uurtington wtSwe has prvn M10 b. both opar and valitabkr says Kiby HuIs. the provavi=sts-e »it~ msnovi higit §Ch"o dtia adfers ifnt cane- add% i Mrs Ii, h h rmliy buti trereiadoualy Dïueloprd bv the boari's Contmnwing Edixatbon dn~t, iiTEAM ivicludes two cours tsàsetlparentivig course. wch dd,.s ses lopis %uich as chiid des'elopivient, nuintion. do- ,ipinc an.d communicaion. while the ,4her in ct'ou'n b, each sciaient tri- Wo* cd own poce( The pn-igram i, ici up 'o cotrmes vi- volne idepe¶iden Icarrung, aiisîw- kig students lu turit credits in the subpjrsts they teed nshul wurking ai th-ut own Pace A varamty of - higm situa, ciedut courses ame j adatle TEAM. hsihf aivi serves as a 'uppofl group eor thet ieris. gis-e t-tii carver and> educatioviai couvi- se!rng as Wei> as a chance te 'o- .ualie and> ihm with other voung irturn, thnir ciltdren ame able te -isai4ue arnd lcarvi nih naher n uung tois, says Sue M4cCornuiark ,i-ordiaiur o> programs for CIIERiSH Parern-Child Centre KMr %1&oCrtnak savs site hopes the pro- girain il enpavid 0ohraanoH tu Vie ame hopivig t"a TEAM Lt Milton wîl b. a prtcrani ihi uther &aa cavi mmxl " Clarsnes air hcld Hondava avidTliur'avN This grphic urna dêsignad by Corbainn Celaz > w1o ened Sur hihi achooi credg thcougll ihe TEAN prfgran in Burflgton lent yar Corinse is uaow aimod1n lte Ortacia C*Meg of Amt huom 1 tu4 p ni ai the CH&RISII Parent -Cici Centre staing cko.tb 2- Coniinuou% inta4e int the prugrat ailumns Youvig moirns tu bt-gn ai avis tinte An openi house toir anvone inttvettd lin TEAM mi planvied toe, hi>. Uo"vS-p 251 fittr. 12 y t.2 yt p , Mi thet Opitt ctri 11 ConrmriaiSi For ntiioratbffl about TIEAI. ý,,n1jCt 1 luÇeakor kathv MisI ai tLiUli> Parvn-4 ituU Centre The te'-.jh-,e r-s. S7b-14-25 Meting to review, outdoor recreation facilities lvi Ins plans for the inuix, theto'ohst lessuie Fe8 FinSm sevrsdepaviment cat tu antpmwv ais j I Ter'i n'o excusne ntu c ga fit %ii* fi> TF facmiert edi Ni,' Iudc reJELIIo l ser WVK" depeunin s%ý ng1 delu Haon, udeirniet'v Leisure Link "'-Iintlinnoin>li Waii tii in mind. the d"prtment meontiy avighTE mer$EU iugte in th e -oigan w senti oui cIDpiS of the <hadoor. Rerictio *thESTHERCALDWELL______the_____ Faciitie Surwey te more titan 60o ceivmuvty Adàt at--nouaaboli shapivig up t-an choest- ru.ltai uset heat faim. Hopetuiy aIut mtwit meruentain'a ht-um wu'ulita " n 12-14 woekU Cliase lat 47 Thnt niys. wch w ut ", weà sarhgup twill attnd> minutes tu omne heur each coek wiih one clans pis.s-îd i -mration on prbm en- At tai session, the aitdteor ns-ii bdentiy mriwtivg rWirt à ct Ba'tttting tais l rofflwm-rd b, ~ aie t coavuvon problutnn and natin. piaie Pas for a Snan fer dunng thç vvorvimn pormi il, oderte, duel cit ihe telasg he sur- sible siolutiotit. anid htlp the deveniment iet an Wvpf.anVugPaÉrreai> vyon a mre partouai ten. thut groupit goale for the ftlure 3 oaiiFtlw i iaiiimantlv sa have been lnmit Io a irtatiivg Tiîmdy ,p Ati wreumed es> onq iiay atviad die alse, happm in lov uiWiafng fil (and chi bet 261 front 7 to 10 pin. at the Huagi FOUer Hait uadnibtth3 shoId1>reregtm cith Bon- *e %lry titan tu utit fitim danta') Tht nieWard je 87&.7211. ubmm 181.. a» JAI pffl LuS We 'v. Got It Ail Monday - Friday - 10:00 arn - 9:30 pm Saturday -9:30 am -6:WOpm w5 Ontado0 stréla MIL

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