M95Sh&Md Accommodation 1 B EDROOM loir rent in- geanhous -Use of lownfioms S27 mmo Apoy et 235 Bro"f YUNG. wigls mrothr cf 1 lookaog 4cr sanie Io "haro apermnsint or tounhouts Lasa 875 1753 - 3W Roms vait& 2 ROO£IS FOR RENT. 1 mii lhshern facobly 875-0750 or 876-20V an.d lavo mine and 'CLEAN> GOet çlois T V pool. central a,,r nea, mail, $00 par wMeS, liii anid last 875 04126 01 FU;Z-"E ROGUI usao luic*hsr à laundly IaalssAveialober 1 Cali 67643 71 basve nmssag ROOM FOR RENT -full usa of houle cen washroom. $SM psy 'mo.tih tomaie prelirr-d XZ% NTRmEcÊas Usa Of- a<h-ie hoSm $475 pur mo/jO finit and last required Rsfsrnones nesuh.d Femnals psr~ed Caf 878 1280 aIsîp m Ask for Mme orJacq,. TWVO rooms avai" wilh fuis ml 0f hous e. 4nbxfflehed Femnaïes, preterrod Finit and iast -%~Au"d 878-6024 312 Lots & Acreae 1 114 ACRE BUILDING LOT on Ilis village of Mottat S175.000 878-2522 r 315 cIU&]wdisL Prfla. - A00 Loe>wesw Pd. ame NLba4ï=rEd '89 qrw0M81 335-7187 320 Office & Business SRIce INDUSTRIAL OFFICE SPACE available for ront in M/ton Hwy 25£à S»01"s 250 in 3.000 sq hl sued 10 suid Frei 14 net Enqoars at 878 6363 MILTON SHOPPING MALL Avalabie for un medafe Ocuer"Oumnco apacoe f 0< proiesa.orial Or -socUaid use 410 00 net Contact Steve,, J Porter Lamyn Illsgrasentme Royal City Reaity Lld 876-1156 SM4~L PRIVATE OFFICES. beau.futfy ap poe'.ed une »MWelWa services. Hwy 25 and 401 875-1200 or1-275-6834 32 e =alEstate APARTMENTS FOR.SALE Privati, Geoetown 4 PIs, greait iSvosineflt 877-0816 BRICK BUNGALOW 3 bedroomS - fus basaernaril 50 x 132 lot Good decoraive aIder re* broGd1uo0, ,or. flim bos frdge stase wasI,,, dr,, 875,1759 PRIVATE SALE MILTON. mlsng $199900 Brici, 2 stori 3 boedms. 1 V/2 baths garage f.rýg,;aoe fenced and ia.dscod ,W.a. 1-9244394 PRIVATE SALE - MILTON 753 COOJLSON AVE. Immacula:e. 10 year old 2 siore y home, 35* X 120' loncod lot. approx. 1 '700 su e fot. 2 bedrooms, 3 bath, là.n flor famîIly room with firo0lace, doubbq garage wîtfi opener, walk 10 schoOI<l minutes tg GO Tràn- Sft "n 401. $m'SM00 TOWNHOUSE MILTON Nel esa d W* mi 0-thau la à"s No àq.m W"t enO 877-M»5 End unlt.8143.$0. Il 3/4% mosamh fo~o S ffl 3 m- . 2 bals enm COUNHmm BE fEAA.TY SENVIC meC. 8219.9». il trou ma" agace, tdm Ibis 4 bedrooto home es foi you' Enjoy sttn k.ichanl sewing room' officeldon' piayroofil'ec mlgpveusi laundry room' Cul gronde or Disiid Clar PROPERTY AUCTION Saorday Saptenm 30h <on prwnis« Nt 2 p rn tiaet wil be omtd suobgpctg1 a resterve W. a choéowe a cre ounry proporly w.ll, 4 bedroom bungalow 0f atone and twcb coOlsIrUIti S.pabl coach houle Ovef. sized 2 car garag@e workshop and greonho.ute s.tuatied on, a *Ais lafldaped i ait h 200 1001 0f frontags on Trafalgr Road 4 idu north of Georgatoan I.rywu-115000 by cah or ceri.ed eti~~e payable saise day Io Ellèm Dais, à Sireman (m trust) aà a dpotait, balance payable on or be4cr. October 31st. 1M8. pre~u Septem ber 2411. 10 3 àm Io 430 pmi WARD DROWNAIDIGE, AUCTIONEER, 41"8-6730 TOWM'IOUSE MUATE SALE 10% MOATOAGE Excsllent condition. 3 bailoMs. 3 bathroomns. 'garage. nejly peintsd. new WON T LUT LONG 10470cor 1-5330 $149,900 GARAGE SALE. SIGNS Receive a FR-EE colortul, highly visable Garage Sale Sign when you PREPAY f your sale in thé ~iI«a~ia~ j Cal ~!iuupiou878-2341 Deadline for Wednesday publication is Monday at 5 ,,cLC[D HAVE "'J t" /1DVEÇ4 JID lm4 Till Ç PACEU 1 didn't think anyone read small ode! ... but they do PHONE US ATTHE« CHAMPION * 878-2341