Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 20 Sep 1989, p. 31

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I ~U V.hfrl.. fat ~ah Maket g .1 I t I ari ( v I uii xmruou *AR" YOU... * ambItions a attrected by a chaileng. " a "people persion a committed e dedicated a ready for hazd work e s»lf motirat.d e rieady for .uccses? 0secr.tary/r.oeptionist If you mcct tl*ae qualiflcations you moly be ready Ilrscopeis with Royal LePage. For over 75 years Royal L*Page hsÇbe7. building a reputation as à teading reet te brailer in Canada. Royal LePag Real Estâte SIfces Limited, at 38811dain Street East, Milton, is inf.erviewing nom for a position availl5ble as a futt tire Secretary/RecepUioniut. The successful eandidatq will rieceive company paid benefits and an attractive salary with regular Ao evaluatiohs and ncreases. nerested applmeants contact Lamant L.eone, Manager, or Mns Gayte Ford, Brandi Admînistrator. AI) interviews lire strictly confidentiel, Please bring a resumle. QUALIFICATIONS: Excellent typing skîtti and phone maniner Real Estate experience preferred. '878-8101 SH.A.RE fl4JCAREER SUCCESS WTH SUCCESSEzi REULABLE Mlter ail babysil on lie homne Mon day Fndaky L.aoeimV&m area Phione 875 REULABLE mottelr of 2 ooood babysit on My homne lots of tun cattle and play Nm*ious meooals & snadsk Fudhrne meoei gitaon Phone 876 2018 SAFE a SOUJND CHILDRENS CENTRE Tacy and Edma no rua .ing onleinous for riet for Septernber andi 1900 difiyor openungs On>, tew roPce alabi. i bothlocations 875 1955 MILTON COMMUNITY INFORmATIpN SERVICES Stimuiating and nurturing daycare available in agency screened homnes Competitive rates and peace of mind Cali Shelagli Oobson 876-4365 WANTED maieu. porion 10 babysi! Ar My home iri reloronboes Monday Io Frida starting on oCt~o Plare Cao 878-2615 WiiL SABYSIT in My home. woekdys Fenceci yard Il routrruous lincdhls 87-46011 175 Domistc udavy Phone 84942110 180 Toachinti INTERES!EO in fiusleefary Piano lessSsls CaO =%l Ine as 875-M 11 18 Eoomnt Wnt EXPERIENCEO cioanong lady hals ciaos avait"l Ca oisn h pi-$a 878-4042 Extra ncmi con"e fax fl8turns m'thi OU' au liew ta. CoMtat ocalms seantîn Ocloto4m tO E-ceflient Employ Ment Optrooulunities roi, doti rOit $oeilo Lwi. . 827-1456 ABUSEO Md ~,d W.hs i6866o 141»11437-4027. à 24-huas, cris Ine lmaw foomurit l~ lefri mmrs Polile aéi, ofmoigonci - sW fe obu»s d option aird lusw chtidren in Hellon Regei Ail cella a ~MI Uahlo~lam fa, ~aIa 1909 BONNEVILI,E SSE -Liue new fli> WOadd oInCtle g e id d eia 2 y"w bunper 10 bumper amarit> rmaeiei. mos! solif lis! cr $30 MO0 asig 23.800 Plione 876-2262 1 9U FORD CONVERSION VAN 302, Vit. T V *,th! antenne. C B tour -aPleis chars sgta.bed. oM leum Rear ak oi and Irans and Morre 25.000 k $2P5.500 878-3155 1960 MUSTANG 54. LX hek*ahum. iOddph1A 4 nom Pul ire« . olorl.foed 054-0647 1 M8 VW JE TTA GL muest wur Boaaume Company car Waranly, 5 speelia F lm cassette. soiver/geefy $11 ý500 or hall citer 854- 0513 1 987 MAZDA 626 Turbo 5speed S12 500 8-,S 1636 19à86 MERCURY SABLE G S Station Wagon 8 Passerigef luxury wagon. excellernt conition $9500 mili phione or $9.0S0 wîiiut phone Cali 875 0605 aller S p mi 1986 NEW YORI<ER. lui>, loïa<ld balance of manrant, CaSl 854 2750 1986 OLOS CUTLASS SUPREME Vit ai1r condtîoruig. ploofme Cal 87898424 19>85 0000E CHARGER. AMîFM sreo, auutomatic. 1 omner. 9ç.Od condition Askinq $3.000 075. 24S3 fnifrogs 1865 HYUNDA PON. S spoed. robe.! Maotr good nrlung concifion $2.500 certified Phone afer 6 Pm 875- 2784 FUS6 04.0 CUTLASS SUPREME aBRouGî-AM Vil. ioaded. 46K. $8996 878-0424 1983 HONDA GOLOIWING. mont cadauon C1 fifier 6Pms 876-4093 1"02 BUUJIR hardi top feni Wale. sisteps 4 to 6. bgtofighs 630 kg 3 burner aloirs 1m 3 may boidgô. balafre. lmne & Caiopy $2.800 878 6506 1962 STANZA 4 Dom. se ooeano. good crèithOný $3.000 or bell oOia 875-1947 1981 HONDA STATION WAGON. loedit wo on origine, Wual osis 84-180 1901 HONDA STATIOIN WAGON. ris foonuk onsi"rd Wait ohr 16401à9 1961 MONTE CARLO. 2 door. sambnac. mei conébontng. AMM & cylarider. fonnyl roeI. cebied 8532606 1979 VOLKSWAGON RABBIT. orblwàd. good mja" condion, Vut -façond bUs car 876 1745 1976 ONE TON. haooo uly G.!> 04 pecdip God ffmtuwac»l> $1.200 7307 CORVAîR Cololoain kgt Sai Package fonudia. 041 Raipuide 12 SpYdo Corir. 63 4 det See. 64 Canfiait M mm snu 'it aid tares qualit> of us" port&. catifioLuesand meors misq Msno eV10.n 4uma cri>, C4069610-4" oennags USED CARS AND TRUCKS. cet 0" Niukon 87g-678 d@Wor COiPANV CAR. 1007 Celsèrt> En-spot. b*ai> edmi u5,usd e@& li CsIU6sÔ 00,00 W beet 6PMa C&d 871k1079 (115.00 bai. nem -os ) INSTALLATION OF PARK LIGING AND UNDERGROUND .ELECTRICAL SERVICES. Seaied tenders cieariy mnarked, * I be wmcae uibi Sopterior 2 7t11 19W9 ai? 2CE p M for big rustiabor of pam ri>trig aend urKwegroueld eoctricai services in VSctoea Park. hutoil Tarder spocîhcaliona and Foem of Tenmdee are avahabli for poctu p ei "le Town iHo. Cierlss Depmlunt, VÉtorte Park. Squarle. Tenders wiii bol rscoived et tris above address and îriouid bel marked to trie attention of Bol Robets. Corle Tenders moil b. oiperioc et 2 15 p M . On SePternber 2711. 10M. AdditiorlI information, os avaîlabis fromi Wsntdy Sriearer. Landocape ArChiteCt lned. Carrbudge. J519) 740 1176 or the Office of the Townu Admnrstrator, Milton Tom Hal, 878 -7211 Lafiior afolandTier not nsawiy acoed RIL Main Town Aduidrulat Town Of""le TENDER AD Sioled Tenders lor the Cow-tyard Wall Rsstoraion -Milton Town Mali. Milton, ONnuo. W« bu. r.eMMd et li olhce of tu Tmi Clor>î kMN TM, al. Yns Pml Situsea Mêllon. Ouitario, utrilil 2,00 p1 ai locl bise>. Wednesdey, SepitouSe 27, a"s eteMlone Ti om Hi ofiTends omasdis of . n V«n AmMd aid a 46 Pi USeet Si , a. OMMsi (si842e- 0371>anT>ioa.sç fi, ào2ItoUS Lootresfl (héliostt or an>, étoedr aie> noS fisssml>, be eopmd Tho are b. no me lo ft W u 0o m RICHARDSON CHEV -OLDS' For Your NMx Cur or Trtuc Purcham 1976 STAIRCRAFT. aloapa S. $M6 Phon. &Z6 nu 4fleflr 5 pilo fille CORISAIR TFIAILER on t.emed Lot For S"fi Fdpl Ou alaud -Dm* - Shed saint Plgfra - nonfe Guelph. Ont $»0.900 Cao afie5m ci7nSI-4442 -Kelvin 25 utm Mmnie IIUSINESS OPPMRUNTVY -uI mweips ai home Ewvn $80 Mo'dy Fr5. suplls Rush &Ml addsemed slempsd envolope 10 Hughs Enlumiées, capot A 4 1. Box Mot. Polubata*,i Ont KOJ 7A5 M un unt EXISting location in Milton Mail Secondj higteSt mn sales and very profitable. We %outi provide training and marketing. For furtflor information cou 416-875-1630 265 Tendbr 3 BEDRO00M Townltouse lot single taind $950 dl monl Plus iftîts tot and lest mnont! roterences C 1 iî 61s18 AraIabi li ÀéOFor r@3 b.ooi hoe $50 tan -oI ay M4622. Lle allernifon and enen rîge 863427 »lme Ssphen BRAND nom lufur, Tomahome tntait onialk air. hropiace .S appliaincea, garage t 2 3 bodrooms bruis S92SiminUî The Broniones (20 mninuSe Io Domnisun Motion) 1949-004 CLEAN 3 boodrofont Scrfonucuse, 6 Appebances&t conditin urd. lamil>d, oisn anodel" Cocotur i $1.000 Par monli 875-000 FORIRENT -STORE -l,200 fq il locatio 164 Li SI E. MeI Avae" OcaWmo 1989M Apply V tAie 878-320 FOR RIENT - ArelM mnsaby Horse Bain S golfi 55t 5 6".&a 'We erdoo stab open WUs mii Vmai and MM lo Padock Haf, sexuel N'e flia d bis Fart, sas fencau paliure Suitab" yev round Jusi noth of Mloni Cas Poir Or Anna en. 4 1 "78 6616 eyfusuiie or sktd HOUSE FOR RENT 4 bedroous, no pets $1,100 monolh plus 875-1433 talos message NICELY ' -er-i« Tamnuious Avai" Oc "Wbo lit $77S Pur moonluwpus Umm 8-8 TOWNHOUSE ouae* Oclbor lit or Nourri bet tl 3 bedrooai. garage . monaculaie conditoni$.0 tlO pliimii 676-079 I SEDROOM Salement apsetanint, uleou artille fdor aIa 670-2769 aiL 2 BEDROCU battement apaiment p,.& conoanc. - Portail Coury ieing , noffi 0# 1111 g. Ki #Mt Young ouple ke,' M011111 Plis hal and hy*ro Fust and la $a-s-b Cd8 &»& et Ui13-2,9 kmo 6 & p BACHELOR APARTMENT October 1 DOunian &*& $316 aifi04y Saud detauov apphawi ulih re'om M 10 D 1711 TH; CANADIA C*A10»N. 191 M Si Mit OMio. LOT «N b, Iimb, Sopftnibe 251h NEW LARGE I bedreoom sparflont in th,~ counry, eloose ta bonr Sepetaraits entrance psring. apphamtos aid ublîlies. $750 pr, «ésasIhi Ashlsease-, roquflmi AveSable Oc' lm0CdS-00 TI mi r. foooo-1 r.IL-r imun" I. TENDER CAIL L 285 For Rent là&co taile 192-AMS L=_1127 =M- T *sW~ OU OUndud @Mdl SWOw No 3261 C*ltRn 90e b rnb. Olise TEnUS Cash No nlyo0 i dya hlAlms Gouern i udm i ede ibe Leids or lefsoemenu espooi b, a $li Foi us nf wui oifol, 0oesa i*cey or ofield si u sCourt Nuse. Tom W il In u uAdaiofold i Me- o,0@s 13,h dW> .t -@bfb. lm Thus sals il toutosac b cofinolfo up fa Site of sMarismlouff k~le nas ROsmERT M. 6tUOWL hadiel Olefut of Heaio 215 Sioraae YEAR ROUND STORAGE RV. -qOAT - CAMPER TRAILERS in sectunty fenced uaa We can Shorir* wrap, service and w«nenize l boats and miotors. CREDIT RIVER BOAT CO. NORVAL (416) 846-5000- 275 St0raCe BOAT STOIRAGE moll msiisun omnpleti saieS aVaidàooIe bock sproce rom AI s Manne M6 Mmr Si N A"or 853»1682 280 Wantd to Rit FUL.Y FURNISHED 4 hebý ome reffuolod rllilod4ei fo eoisuve local cnary Pieut cal 87048474 1 RESPONSIBLE emiais aaaWi for 2 bedoon aparlonent Plins0 osKimB752160 e5 Mon diry fo Fnodat

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