Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 20 Sep 1989, p. 28

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ISCHOOLJ BUS DRIVERS reçu ted for daify Euriînq.-on routes TNhE MUT"i l RONNCAINU E av 0 ifiljiOC WI rlquis X à à W. am 19 omelwe baikU kmh 1-80)26*98 11(4 r ~PMiU * owUnB h.im opeuq soir: The Buard s lnvdmwfmnga~as or positon emMUfautTaia FUI fUEBOICEEER of Noon Hoi, Supesorsin-OurM'on Requlre mnmlty ctNç îmwei*i For busy Iaw office. Experience '1ece pcs;*IOns 3te part finie ti thue schol i 0. lm «M W i a MMey uQ~U preferred. WilI train right persan. ita plma . gMgé in - &IIIIIAW & Wn Computer exporience an assit. App- Oihes siti!puLee L vdiqo sw,9 ouMl M* tirm.8 & 4p lIo-of student s durinç the.noon 1041 Perrod 0519 1T1E CANADIAN CHAMPION T'le rate of Pa s $Met a?807 ifur Il BOX 170 E:eretarv wscfoJ reqiler one (1 hou! Pmf 191 AINST.day secondari wt*ioos redoire titr al'd YW ANEW F000 PRODUCIt 191 Mm ST. t~ao (2.iu hours per dav MsN MiLTON, ONTARiIO iîle sjed avolécanrls aie .îîiîtectO aD(145 P Cr ~ tirI 4m0 a:Iýng y' co rit Peum~nei Office a! 62 631X) r~ig exten,,on 18Pillai jg Wuku Get your MUSIC: CarW Off Uurlington, Ont, L711 3y2 Cau ino in gad aiu oan êteme on the rIghl Moe O. ShmkC.G. Illrnes REASM orCpksUl.La lISNE AF£ fl2 *M"àrSý4 Educaties15 ful e NIUkGti 82, WpctgTh éduy Sl nmui ersonhel Office 875-2481 vie, te feaurw'.g s@çi ots a"e. no ex the Naton perience necoesary RmncmlcShe or WE NE" O u. uw.aigoreffe rarn.e" Raa CtoI cut L Maiur luain "Ata"ENTIONA L Aisoswai Mat ager, jANITOR REOUIED ET WE OFFER. Fi Time, Monday WàIiaii Fnday 6 p m la? 2 ~E T Comrsrtdrxe base a lanes arrm Vadd &Ives bcefio. rehsrnîe à mulsi aDr,lOe piognaîvu 0, va.ag provx"o Cas 878 6M be 10 woutd you lka to virl wIthout th E.ýtngIiiii cntst 2 noCn w"o IM o n Mr E .lensrve trafîng MITOCN ,*AITOA «Ec O? fhvfgt tdabli 'Promotion Immrr witrai m a.w part and &fier aCtI11Ot babyOllSfte. if sol Ck.rstcngsuileI diSui ______ _______ corne and fae Us. we ofYq illéld ARE lu; Wlaei part lrne .mp .yrnentdbcong 53.. I N. part ot a w«a grousp ol pe',c Aý.) CAMPBELLVILLE RESTAURANT ochool hours. I butL stOOA ted 'e auisWr . Monday to Thurmdj11111Y Onlt cocas aOA Port.mWII Ts» when yoUr Chitetreh are)n lochoot S.nd résuretoi: Cook i ariho W. oforn11Mpeuutve wages. No 3640 McNIOO Avenue DesEX IND.y 0 IsnC Scarbrui'M, ontaio mi X 1GI 854-0337 Pf$Eas appy IN eso Agi. Gloia ---i.-- - - -521 MoGmahie Dr. _______-CARPE-- LAVER>S I4ELPER Na exPef.ircOc MillonOtarto ffl0cLO$,3T Stab,,g sabay sawî For moswtL9T 3L5 mana 5!9 853ý 19M0 ,W.flal L.Y.sMa WXJSEWIVES Earn extra miorey for ChrIstmnas etc CAFETERIA HELP% whaiMtenbmen glllh : a reaiOP MIOIWnr fe NEEDED loIowng putle Iadlg a- snsfts. Schebuled around ScI'OO' o oeigphlenta e uplu but wn WAREHWOSE MANAGER' hour$ 8nfldaa WO<t ..o i atan Candi!' ir hs ernd reutà- days a week On aur 9 a mn to 3 p rni Inqutre tonin re uali ufe ou produts- Scfhool Shift in a clean, sal -so R P.dlng Schoo Cafet«ur lin orquliy n urprdutS Sr- ersv.nrflm0nt. No éxpef'ifCe needed Milton véces and, especsalty. tite people Cal between 7:30 arn. and 40O0 P vo Belween 9 arnm. andt 11 Jin. wtto worl« for us5 Vou*re invifed toi 876-2506 - - orme and taiN wvil thse best in te business Leao ng 'ood service comra nyfltt ,Here S whaf wie have ta ofler you regures Aboya average oerws sg PLUS a coin prfi S srePuciaie llwacel =Food Service PHONE 878-2349 For ajob &WIIcîiaOlteMaage CASIIIERS. Mmbsay tu Fnîday ide mawa aiea CIDER MAICER, 6 ieras, nd. k .1 rieurs &saMmC «~Mm APPLE GRADERS,>ours "i deys Plhase ail In portion ta cHo-3 Hqhway 25, 2 miles Nortfh a0401 a...1 I k~..* Ianrnm' m.uuu.. CGC Ini,,05orcs i oc G c 'S Jead-r ff thre ffanuacua IUISd inos;lnd access ~ - Ua SI sOcu plus a peoduelion bous aher, deay pi abet.»Uy 0asir W v-e u@ wwira pirresa arooy te i Humafls Rhnmou Maaaw COC UTEHI"S fO uaeeLw.) - M rwd Urn GmuWIl.Ostaqi LSR 58 ~mise aa ru y y Milton area must be hard.workng ail rotund Knosaleageable tridvidual E xceenrt rate of pay and béneft package oflerèd to thre rgfl! candidate - To arrange an îrierve* Psi'aSe Cali Mr. Drn UlmeIt 252-6251 iurlmg busina 1111119 MACHINE OPERATOR Good su Trarom Tralle Drivrs &nd @ OiiiPU5 fopy bel Large grOwIflg fluet rqQUIrel traCtOr ag di'vers Must be 23 ysars of ;or O insurarsce pu(poses Apply i periat Io and have a mrirvsurn 3joeS tractor 3Sinclair AVe~u Geog@Mnf. Ofl<UO 7 4 s le w, me 90 "W Z -- in lici. Drv .i y IAope MR'-, Ontario i. ~ v

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