R emax plays spoiler with h luge upseef Halton î .Front RFFL on page 21 Snowcàr wrdor. .tKk4,n d<îll ndl r, the culd aird rat,, 10 crime thett ont favov S. deft.tr't the g . ddt cet wrrf;r' t.I'I rcreialle, (, W~ wr.'dt .th t-ad. punr a-. t'1 pli Pm - ýtimilrg 'r' lit the M4eart.hîlc Diccw.err ç 7'iv0$I the t.arrrl &~r%n ef È IN, Xiher har'd, tht e.arfj' J Tu help acco.rmodait thin m:l. cturmuau)n.hippan1 llegtarcle hid he. u.n thar,, W an !lrterftylto E .,Il FIe. v, k-v hor rtyrtli 4Iwn-t, 1< hne of fine unilur ot th«, pft.ýe. , .tî- -l (lmp .o-Th ."m- hnù. the li remnte- s ýweer Ha.tut' id tniddk- pa.'a' thar all,.cd 'mg'Ia ît rn 'tupn.r IIB.rw he'yy ii à vard cta, bv the treii furcrlv in the tnt o.ulà only keau, Werw Miluiim *....tan thdrre ft* i t,.l 'a.t en Ybn' arnd Fit-tnr t<htduLie %u cci p ad' SII cm.jttt un .Tdr-33 gru durn,; the hairti'r. ard 8-tan IVI III tor tuu.,hdown% ',..n',at .,.t.Cr 'oui *dct#r' e'. *our ,ndge tht,. Gnoh ,u tup.r n' theil ow 4;-%n <T* ne J Ap.,nlv %411 Hall Mt Fan- 1'u a rir - '.amrg tir" 14 the, 1 5 - 2t p rn-,,'tr . -vard Ilt't th.. lutI j.uamff rarring oui. Prmeiriza, Fi lI w,!l lir ng ,It, annrua C'ljit)iI (arrptn-hii' for trie' Jillt tn%v thet MWtI giut' %,Ott- 1'Il îr.rtdwhi the klaItàratrI' .urg. or Re Ma. 1 tr.t It 11 ""'i ' It,TN <,itV, ff <t. M(ria; It,-e ilv t"r fý wlirt tI te-~Vi týI'tt' t',ý t-<~, pa. t".~t .*e ieIatr ".~wt ~ î' II Mr t a -,j r N"'îI. .t..qtr Fat F'.de arnd ttatur III'"a ter'~lc th ni",', rru. .pa'U! Firait fteard - ,ninî,, e.: i.. à, '.a a P-1' 7N, "'". ul ft"- - "~r I" 'lt", ji-% 4i f .- vird ,nn'. i'. J. A"! r'r ' e '..'t tr a i'>j Thn'tc. ~'pr tatr ~. aae OwCernS 35 'i .r.tC Fat rreddlrs 6urne a " ureCrFa Pan. ttc re.'l.. rie h r,-, t ne,'. mu .a,-a L*ij-, arrrwd ri . tir t., a' Ma.o "tcI 29 ( o .td" W i h h l e T t .îr tý tt. tt.nhu e . ; 'ni -U a, iî' e't r '.e" t .iv" i s trt Ilng MrI the tIrr quittr lrI-... tm* ' r à r 'it .4 , tin e' Ilit ".p't' ri l' t FI. -- PuInt% -ryured 4?p* irtNtxr.>t alkgtut Iviar'" 1 t &ýRe, %ta lThe tir! liait tptieu. the .ealt arýInier mtero, ttre wtt'.' limer utn the umr.'rgti' (il ttst Fr the Fàtrrur a'. the .Jyuh'l.' F hid d..nnrg I'î, gante wlIthe 1rintalg, bivtnb te Ilotrd Incoine Fax C ourse Iwo glmlu chant. tu FI evu. à".t II~re thar' a-elttng A'i of Churrhr'ar and arr1 tt camne away .'nIçc rindenj FraI i.. ,ted l,-jt 'fet derpre thC Frané, Ierkuft. who *Benfitt tram tre seeni ngly ever-crianging tant Iawsl Twtce QB Dan %&Manu. dru','. the OCC'.a.ie L'att'urffl M0w tr 'e'.-waV pct.r".c %l.r., achin. t r e Dntler. 10-~ w11 rte ptnd' cournt.'-puttch di'. Cailuyn antd the Pi',ir. * Lart)OtOteP~COUlOWltaICUl'l*t~yard linrw.unvtte drt'pp passes piiatIl "m'rere that madie t'h' an with à ,oeiq1 . "Ie cniec'anil nuugh doe"rce quench th.'îr %cet- edt-te't-tmach r.' a Wmaw.ng i:'r., confidence' nir'ý Ard %.'.at tieter wav te peuricruat e t tt - as a;: 'uM nat 0 HeIrot.ers prepare-'their tait returnS It nut rIe,whaI wat tFlod tI% ont nn thinledenbrihe eent' shuliq Q iack t, arn h'allgAmne a, ail the Fatrmer 'ountî 'eI t:,thrwm.innut". pla Han Mareai 0 Enrol today' Classes start Oct l 189 ýetuabe tracte'r a'.a arc Z7-yard Witr re "'e uriS-r rIen, e 'rnd fr HaIro ) it .'For More Information '.Irpe' l'e'.kMr, A Rien bout- Fialiu'n 'looi kltur Lirre Ekarii p.- %,Fiea wili ýj, CA L L ý ý,an',tihei, r. lar tar :ndd Callurn offt.n.ýOr th,er,ur are *,e Iv'. CA %onI ndr Si )IIwho -id ý-cý ýta&litr teia;* %, et a 374 BR ANT ST. BURLINGTON Monda .Fricaytea« tri 6111 639-7625 Et" 9a.m.- 1P.mn. RD-MO O S TrackR cr MI CH A ELI Do OU G LAS LAST DAS LUITD(MI .--.,LCIPP __ HELDVER2ndWEEK' -'0 SEAOi. sOVE HELD OVER 2nd WEEC WY1uUi iosrv lm -A~ - 1UW anof .e SU lof 14 &s M f Lin,4 SuêwO tama1 Ml Md MIS9 7-M . MIW flUT AIIUM OPEN PRIDAY,IATURDAY, BIIUAY OUIY O STrAATS FMlAY . RLO OVI 0BLACK RAIN 9)_LIU0F LOVE lIED IANMil- si" P IuMRuOo -. FLI UCIU John [Jeere 200 Series Iaw-n and garden tracîîr are pnnen perli rmers. Thev tough it ouit o~n the most Important provng grtîund iof afl the> lawn and garden. Stop wn and sée themn îoda 4Z Starting at $4,750. 240 Latin là: ar'denTrm'.tor 6.-Duthel Twin Bamgr *Hande ai lt'ind ut ach bati Maie d east il Wrtéfa1i in top "fl teut' itpt r rnurr thie fin " Iuwr bp arni.nt twpçrt topre ter amt, bknmout " FI 201) nd 3(X) et-net Tracor. iirttr i Inchr Inar, 265 Lawn & Garden Traetor *I r-.int n ilrrtO! nier' am yIIIIt'n "i àa rnc pug whescn i c arsw î, Doubtea-nd bt- ax ire tws * QM ith, mttmwue.n leeI i rrew iel coulir' t tr scind fer- o Punil Fruit' nd wth rt., lit a, ttd lika a "f aV tard esa a. le an, are r'ald a ltiiln 'tt %la ir" .rut"k tuck aBt M ar. 'Lr' 'a it.. the.i wra.r aTl. reIa." t".ý e'd E-. o z z o m m m Nc*hn~RUIIaDsu ~-NOINTERESI NO PAYUENTS ____I nMARcHIo0 'LAWIýAND §ARDE MfENýTGE1XVRE John Owu Fm&«o DiI.II Panssomi Holdings Ltd. 400 STEELES AVE. MILTON 878-8121 1